Quest for a child's birthday - search for a gift by scrapbook


Modern humanity is so spoiled with gifts that sincerely expected things are getting smaller. What is really lacking is the emotions, the sensations of the game, and even the fascinating chase. Children are particularly concerned. In the case of happy birthday, you can somewhat decorate the program, without handing the gift from hand to hand, but by inventing a not very difficult task that will force the hero of the occasion to literally get his gift. Quest in the form of searching for a gift according to the notes is gaining more and more popularity, allowing you to search for the main attribute of the holiday not only alone, but also with the help of true friends.

What it is?

Among young people, this word has long been popular. Quest is a whole genre of computer games, mostly with a detective storyline. Their meaning is to search for certain items (as well as criminals), step by step, from hint to hint. A birthday quest is similar fun, but in the end the child will discover what he has long dreamed of.

Children love different puzzles, so imagine how exciting the situation looks when you are looking for your own gift, and you don’t know which one!

Quest should not really load the brains of a fan of such entertainment. He should just amuse the birthday boy and guests, so you should avoid too complex ideas.

Usually in such cases it is suggested to look for a gift according to notes, tasks in which, if any, are at the most primitive level. Adult organizers must be sure that the child will easily cope with the challenge, will not give up in the process and simply will not cry from frustration and frustration, not being able to solve another riddle that is too difficult for him.

As a result, a properly prepared quest (not very difficult and optimally selected in terms of duration) only provoke the child and makes him feel his closeness to the final goal, additional emotions appear.

The main thing is that at the end there was something that he really wanted, because in the process of searching, he probably more than once thought about what it could be, and clearly presented there exactly what he had most dreamed of.

Try not to disappoint the birthday man. It is for this reason that quests are usually not organized for too young children - they quickly become upset and give up, and also too boldly dream of a gift and clearly express their bewilderment if the reality does not coincide with the expectation.


It is obvious that such a venture requires a certain (specially prepared) place. Correctly prepare the quest can be both in the apartment and in nature, since the main requirement for the location is a relatively large space, otherwise the gift simply can not be hidden so that it will not be found immediately.

Organizing a quest in an apartment or house has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the presence of many places where you can hide both the gift itself and the tips that indicate the way to it. The clues themselves should also be hidden, at least relatively, so that the birthday man could not jump a few steps forward and solve the puzzle ahead of time. The abundance of furniture and accessories allows you to stretch the search for a hidden object to ten or more steps.

As for the main drawback of the organization of the quest in the apartment, it lies in the layout of most modern homes.The fact is that the organizers will surely want to stretch the route as much as possible, and for this, at the very beginning they will deliberately lead the seeker away from the goal.

In an apartment setting, this usually means that the gift is hidden somewhere near the starting point of the game - and now try to safely hide it right in the corridor (the child can hardly make a full circle around the living space without having once again passed through the corridor).

Here the main thing is not to play, otherwise the birthday of the birthday man will be held in a rush, trying to get to the place where the guests hid the gift.

The added complexity of playing in nature lies in the fact that both the gift and the notes are not so easy to hide - you will not force the child to dig the ground for a clue.

Separately, it is worth noting that in nature there is a risk of outside interference in the quest - clues can be carried away by the wind, and it is also quite possible that someone else will find the gift, who is completely unrelated to this holiday.

How to make yourself?

Initially, the organization of quests at children's parties was entrusted exclusively to children's animators, but you can do without a specialist by inventing and setting up a task on your own. There is nothing difficult in this: the main thing is to find a place, and it will be quick and easy to come up with a children's script or find an idea on the Internet.

If it seems to you that you know where to conduct the quest, do not think that everything is ready - it is recommended to make a map of the area or apartment on which you should mark the intended route of the gift seeker with arrows.

Already at the stage of drawing up a map, you should clearly understand where the main intermediate points will be. They should not be obvious, immediately be evident - it is quite possible that a child, having learned that a gift is hidden somewhere here, will rush to look for it at random, without performing any invented tasks.

Naturally, this will also produce a result over time, so you should not hide the gift in a too obvious place, and the hints also do not need to be visible.

Then consider the tasks themselves. You can get rid of simple notes: on a hanger in your coat pocket - “in the washing machine”, in the washing machine - “in the microwave”, but this is too boring, worsens the game, and the search process is reduced to a maximum of a couple of minutes.

The optimal time to search is 10-15 minutes, so make it a bit more complicated and embellish the task by organizing a search for a gift in verse, by riddle, in the form of rebuses.

It is very good if you can combine all these methods in one quest, but remember that tasks should be simple and clear. In the conditions of a small apartment, a child who has gone astray may accidentally jump over several points at once and reach the goal prematurely.

When all tasks are ready mentally, implement them in a material form. Add a little creativity - the kid does not solve the school problem, he has a holiday, so do not feel sorry for the bright colors for a beautiful design. Before the start, it’s unnoticeable for the main character to hide the gift and notes in the planned places - and you can proceed.

Example of finished assignments

For many inexperienced organizers, the most difficult task is to invent ingenious clues that would clearly indicate the location of the next note - and at the same time they were creative and slightly more complex than a direct indication.

Here are some ideas on how to encrypt a hint:

  • Riddle. For example, “the coldest place in the apartment” is the freezer, which will be the next note. It can have a rhymed form or even be encrypted as a rebus.
  • Composite response of the elements. This includes both a puzzle from a cut photo or a drawing of an object in which or next to which the next hint is hidden, and drawing up the name of a place from a set of letters hidden together with the previous hint.
  • Referring to a foreign resource. The following hint can be recorded on the answering machine, which will have to call the birthday man. As an option - you can hide the next hint in the book, and the child will find out her number on the shelf after seeing the number of comments on a page on the Internet (at the address indicated in the previous note).

So, the options can be very different. The main thing is to approach the preparation of the holiday with fantasy, and then the child will be absolutely delighted. He will never forget this wonderful day.

How to make a quest for a child's birthday, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


