Psychosomatics of female diseases


Reproductive health of a woman is a guarantee of her happiness in the family. It gives her the opportunity to be a wife, mother. Violations in the work of the organs of the female reproductive system not only worsen her state of health, but also make their own “amendments” to the plans for life. Infertility, problems with sexual life, in a relationship. As a result, women's loneliness very often has one foundation - women's health problems.

In this article we will talk about the psychosomatic causes of such problems and ailments, as well as how to help yourself become healthy and raise a healthy daughter of your own.

Medical point of view

The study of women's diseases is engaged in gynecology. Doctors-gynecologists say that the prevalence of diseases of the reproductive system in women in recent years is rapidly increasing, and, most sadly, the disease "younger". The number of young women suffering from infertility, various diseases of the reproductive system is growing.

Gynecological diseases are diseases of the organs of the reproductive system of a woman - the uterus, appendages, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and vagina.

All diseases are conditionally divided into several groups.

  • Inflammatory. This includes all diseases associated with inflammation in different parts of the reproductive system - vulvitis (inflammation of the external genital organs), vaginitis, colpitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital tract), adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes), erosion (inflammation of the vagina and cervix endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining).
  • Hormonal. This group includes functional disorders such as amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea (absence or failure of the menstrual cycle), bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbacteriosis), uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary.
  • Hyperplastic. These include diseases associated with changes in the structure of organs at the cellular level - cyst (fluid accumulation), uterine fibroids, fibroids, endometrial polyp, endometrial hyperplasia (endometrial proliferation), cervical or uterine cancer, and obstruction of the tubes.

And also there are infectious diseases that are caused by bacteria and fungi, for example, candidiasis.

In general, despite the large variety of diseases of the female organs, the symptomatic picture of the diseases is similar: the woman has abnormal discharge from the genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen, and menstrual disorder.

Officially, the most common causes of women's ailments are: hormonal failure, unfavorable heredity in the female line, infection.

It is believed that women's diseases become the most likely if there are predisposing factors: abortion, complications of childbirth, pregnancy, violation of intimate hygiene rules, lack of understanding of the importance of contraception, early onset of sexual activity.

Not the last place, as you can see, is given to reasons that are difficult to explain from a medical point of view - stress, heredity, psychogenic factors. It is these factors that the reproductive psychosomatics, a branch of medical science, allows to determine the role of the psychological and psychological influence of women on their own women's health.

Psychosomatic explanations

Every time when a woman asks why she has certain gynecological diseases, she has to start a conversation with a warning that the conversation will be serious and not the most pleasant, because the first thing that a sick person must understand is that she created problems for herself. Unconsciously, with the help of others, but still herself. Therefore, to realize them is already half the way to a cure. But it is to realize them in practice - the most difficult and most unpleasant.

Reproductive organs are known to perform the function of reproducing their own kind, they are important for the continuation of the gens, and also for the woman to remain a woman - it is the ovaries that are actively involved in the development of female sex hormones, due to which the ladies do not grow mustaches and beards, their breasts grow , the proportions of the body according to the female type are preserved.

In psychosomatic medicine, the organs of the reproductive system are closely associated with self-identification by gender.

    If the fair sex appeared to have disturbances in the reproductive system (any!), Then with a high degree of probability, the reasons should be sought not in hormones, not in bacteria (all this is, but it is secondary), namely, that the woman is not feels like a woman or categorically does not perceive, denies his own nature.

    How it looks in practice:

    • a woman does not love her femininity;
    • seeks to be equal or to excel men in work, in deeds, in achievements;
    • seeks to perform male work;
    • take on men's responsibilities.

    A woman has some negative attitudes regarding sexuality and sex (“sex is forbidden,” “sexual means licentious, immoral,” “sex is not the most important,” and so on), some women painfully shy away from their own nudity, the type of their own genitals, smell in the intimate area, even if it is completely natural.

    If 40 years ago inflammatory diseases caused by a negative attitude towards sex, ossified childish attitudes, that "sex is dirty, unacceptable, should not be discussed, are shameful," prevailed in gynecological practice, Today, there is a steady increase in hyperplastic changes (cancer, hypoplasia, polyps), which are more associated with the lack of female identity.

    Please note that today no one can be surprised by a female bodybuilder, a lady tractor driver, a KAMAZ driver or a woman — the director of a large defense plant. Women at the helm of aircraft and sea liners, women in military service, in politics and in the police - the representatives of the weaker sex are not as weak today as they used to be. The desire to be both men and better men leads the woman not only to the male profession and the sphere of hobbies, but also to the gynecologist's office, since the way of thinking and the way of life replace the feminine with the male or the indefinitethat causes the largest range of different gynecological diseases.

    But one should not assume that such diseases do not threaten representatives of “feminine” professions. Rejection of the feminine is not always demonstrative. And the teacher, and the choreographer, and the artist, and the teacher in the garden may suffer gynecological ailments due to the latent rejection of their own femininity. Important the reason is the changed attitude towards the opposite sex - to men. If a lady often thinks about men in general or about a particular man is bad, if she starts to deny her sexual beginnings, she also has diseases of the reproductive system.

    The genitals react sensitively to the thoughts of the ladies about their place and their role in this world.

    If a girl begins her sexual life early and, quite naturally, is afraid of pregnancy, then this fear is put off in the subconscious by a strong block. As a result, on the psychosomatic level, all conditions are created for diseases that prevent pregnancy from occurring.

    When a girl wants children, she can face the so-called psychogenic infertility, when all tests are normal, gynecologists will not reveal pathologies, and conception will not occur.

    Negative personal or sexual experience (cast favorite, rape) also forms a woman’s subconscious hostility towards men and can also affect her reproductive health.. This also applies to women who live with unloved men, with men whose relationships have long since lost their warmth.

    Against the background of constant scandals and insults, not only human self-esteem suffers, but also sexual self-identification of women., which is immediately expressed at the physical level by the development of gynecological diseases.

    To create problems in the future mothers and fathers can their daughters long before they mature.

    If a girl sees how her father humiliates her mother, if she observes, how her mother suffers to feed her children without the help of a man, if her mother also admits saying that “children are hard work”, “it is very difficult to be a woman” “We, the women, are always hard,” then, practically from childhood, the child forms a destructive subconscious installation about denying the female in oneself, about the unwillingness to give birth to one’s children.

    Such an attitude will necessarily manifest itself when the girl enters the reproductive age - by infertility, inflammatory or hyperplastic ailments.

    In this way, First you need to honestly answer important questions. Who am I? How much do I want and love to be a woman? How pleasant is the role of continuer of the family, mother, spouse, daughter of my father, sister of my brother? How much do I like to be gentle, feminine, wear dresses, not pants, how much do I like to perform women's duties, not men?

    Let's say right away that women who see the root of the problem will have to decide what's next: leave everything as it is and be ill or resolutely change their lives, the man, the attitude towards the man, towards his past, towards his father and brother, towards male friends, towards profession, the main thing - to itself and to the issues of sex, childbirth. The second way is more laborious, but it will be the only way out of the disease.

    Causes of some diseases

    The nuances of psychological experiences and experiences are well marked in the description of certain diseases. Let's look at some of them.

    Premenstrual syndrome

    Expressed and painful premenstrual syndrome most often affects women and girls who, from childhood, endured negative personal experiences that allowed them to put down animosity towards women.

    Very often PMS develops in girls who, in childhood, observed how a mother abuses alcohol, yells at her father, at other children, behaves inadequately.

    The negative image that the mother has created is imprinted tightly in the girl’s subconscious. She does not want to be like a mother, the only female representative who is normal and should be the first example to follow. This the connection is broken, and the "break" does not allow the girl to form her own perception of herself as the same sex, like mom.

    Candidiasis (thrush)

    It is no secret that thrush is a chronic disease, it develops once and remains forever, sometimes worsening, giving the woman discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina, discharge. Exacerbations usually coincide with periods when a woman feels spiritually "dirty" - begins to regret the intimate relationship with a man who disappointed her. And thrush literally plagued women who, in the depths of their hearts, consider sex and sexual intercourse to be indecent and “dirty” phenomenashy of him, do not speak on this topic.

    Quite often, the primary factor that triggers the very first infection with candidiasis, which then becomes chronic, is violence against a woman (sexual), severe conflict with a man (father, husband).

    Ovaries and their dysfunction

    The sex glands are the creative female center. If there are problems with their functioning, then the woman has big problems with the adoption of the feminine, as well as with respect to men and childbirth. Almost all of the above variants of non-acceptance of oneself may well be the cause of a cyst, polycystic disorder, hormonal imbalance, amenorrhea, or psychogenic infertility.

    The fallopian tubes

    Obstruction of the fallopian tubes or spikes in them is a sign that a woman has difficulty in communicating with men, it is difficult for her to establish trust with them. Often such ladies can not build their personal and intimate relationships as they want, and obey the views of parents, spouse.

    Inflammatory processes

    All women's diseases associated with the inflammatory process, say not only that the lady violated women's identity, and there are problems in relationships with men, but also that something in all this situation causes her strong anger, irritation .

    The more aggressive a woman is about herself and the opposite sex, the stronger the inflammation.


    Polyps in the vagina, in the fallopian tubes, in the uterus, in ovarian polyps in psychosomatics are considered unexplained "tears." Usually such pathologies develop in women who are accustomed to feeling sorry for themselves, and do so with gustowithout taking into account that self-pity is a dislike for oneself. Grievances against men in such women are multiple, but for the most part, small, almost household.

    An important feature of predisposition to polyps is the unwillingness to forgive these “trifles”, their accumulation and constant “chewing” and recalling.


    A benign tumor often develops in those who really want to have children, but for a long time can not decide on it, for reasons of their own attitudes ("not at the right time", "there is no possibility", "it will be difficult"). Such women are different, according to psychologists, heightened sensitivity, can save a lot of resentment for men, but they do not feel aggression towards them.and therefore the nature of the tumor is benign.


    Cancers of the reproductive system are malignant tumors. This means that a woman has not only accumulated for many years offenses against men and hatred for her female “origin”, but also experiences anger, aggression and strong irritation about this.

    Uterus prolapse

    State of extreme self-abasement. The woman refuses, in general, to perceive herself as such, the behavior is more like male. The woman has low self-esteem and a negative attitude towards childbirth, towards men.

    Cervical erosion

    At the heart of erosion is usually wounded female ego, lack of understanding how to use your feminine principle. Often pathology occurs in women who are dissatisfied with their sexual partner.and this dissatisfaction internally "avenues" the cervix.

    Often, to the erosion, as well as to the development of a cyst in the ovaries, a feeling of inferiority and inferiority in the chest results.

    Treatment and Prevention

    If a woman is hurt by something “like a woman,” she is hurt by her feminine principle and her personal life. The answer to the question of how to recover, you must also find in yourself, as well as the cause. If it is an insult - you need to learn how to forgive., it is quite real, nothing is impossible here. If the matter is in the negative attitude towards the feminine in oneself, then it is this feminine that needs to be actively supported - nature will gradually prevail.

    Traditional medical treatment must be supplemented by psychotherapeuticThis will cure the disease faster and more efficiently. You can work on yourself independently, and can turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Special attention to women with gynecological problems should be paid to how they raise their daughters. Many negative attitudes of the mother of the daughter absorb and take it as a basis - this can later be the cause of female diseases in the girl.

    The best prevention will be the formation of an adequate and respectful attitude towards men, positive examples of men worthy of love. She also needs to be told that the early onset of sexual activity can not only damage her reputation, but also cripple her soul, cause fear of pregnancy and subsequent sterility.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


