Why can not get pregnant and what to do?


Unfortunately, quite a few couples who dream of the birth of a long-awaited child are faced with the problem of conceiving a baby. This article will tell you why you can’t get pregnant and what to do in this situation.

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Possible reasons

Many couples who are faced with the problem of infertility fall into a real panic. Repeated unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby lead to the fact that future parents begin to experience despair and even fear. This problem often contributes to the deterioration of relations between partners, and in some cases even leads to separation.

The statistics also show a rather sad picture. Thus, according to American scientists, about 20% of couples who unsuccessfully try to conceive a child in a natural way are faced with the problem of infertility in the United States. In Russia, statistics are somewhat better. According to statistics, only 10-14% of couples in Russia face the problem of infertility.

The reasons that can contribute to the development of difficulties with the natural conception of a baby, are currently known a great many. In practice, it often happens that several simultaneously acting causal factors can lead to the development of infertility. Each pair of reasons contributing to problems with natural conception is different.

It often happens that problems with the natural conception of a baby are “written off” only to a woman. Many men, even if they have some pathologies, categorically do not want to accept this, saying that the problem is not at all in them. Such a “shifting” of responsibility, unfortunately, occurs quite often. However, it is worth noting that the cause of infertility is not always the cause of a woman.

Doctors say that problems of infertility in women and men occur equally often. Thus, many experts believe that male infertility, exactly like female infertility, occurs in 40% of cases. In this case, combined infertility (when the problem is with both partners) is recorded in approximately 20% of cases.

Thus, it becomes clear that both women and men should be examined. In this case, the probability of a natural conception of a couple increases significantly.

Gynecological diseases

Problems with the onset of the long-awaited pregnancy in women can be for various reasons. Doctors distinguish a huge number of a wide variety of pathologies that can cause female infertility. Usually they are associated with various reproductive organs.

So, one of the common problems that can contribute to the non-occurrence of a long-awaited pregnancy is ovarian disease.

These pathologies are dangerous in the development of dyshormonal disorders, since the ovaries are the main female sex glands that produce hormones.The pathologies of these organs often contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle. In such a situation, the natural process of maturation of the follicles is disrupted, which leads to the fact that fertility (the ability to continue the race) in a woman decreases.

Doctors distinguish a great many of the most varied pathologies of the ovaries that develop with such functional disorders. For example, such diseases include follicular cysts or polycystic. With these pathologies, the process of natural maturation of the eggs in the ovaries is disrupted, which contributes to the fact that the onset of the long-awaited pregnancy is postponed indefinitely. Without the right therapy in such a situation, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to achieve a natural conception.

The next group of pathologies, which can also contribute to the development of problems with natural conception, is associated with diseases of the uterus appendages - the fallopian tubes. The inflammatory process due to various diseases contributes to the fact that the epithelium lining the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube from the inside is damaged. Because of this, a healthy and even mature egg that has gone out into ovulation from the ovary cannot meet with sperm. In such a situation, natural fertilization is also impossible.

Adhesions and cicatricial changes, which are localized in the fallopian tubes, can also become a serious cause of the formation of female infertility. These pathologies can develop as independently, but are most often formed after performing any operations on the reproductive organs. Spike is a mechanical obstacle between the sperm and the egg. The presence of such a "barrier" is also a predisposing cause of infertility.

Various inflammatory pathologies of the uterus - another reason contributing to the emergence of serious problems associated with difficulties in conceiving a baby. Chronic endometritis, occurring with the development of a strong inflammatory process, leads to a change in the thickness of the endometrium (inner wall of the uterus). In such a situation, the fertilized egg can not normally attach to the uterine wall. If implantation does not occur, then the course of pregnancy is impossible. In this case, the pregnancy is terminated almost immediately after its inception.

Problems with infertility may also occur in women, who nevertheless could initially become pregnant. For example, difficulties with natural conception may occur in women after miscarriage or even missed abortion. In this situation, the hormonal background changes significantly in the female body. Such "failures", as a rule, contribute to the fact that the menstrual cycle is broken. This leads to untimely maturation of the eggs in the ovaries, and therefore, the displacement of the date of ovulation, which contributes to difficulties with natural conception.

Perhaps, it is worth mentioning separately about the medical abortion. This situation is also quite common in gynecological practice. Medical abortion is one of the possible reasons that can contribute to the development of problems with the natural conception of a baby. In this case, abortion is carried out with the help of special medications that significantly affect the ovaries and the menstrual cycle as a whole. After an abortion in the female body, dangerous pathologies may develop that affect the possibility of a second pregnancy in the future.

Another very insidious disease, endometriosis, can also lead to female infertility. Unfortunately, the statistics of the incidence of this pathology is rather sad. Doctors also note that endometriosis is now “younger”, that is, it has become common in women of an increasingly younger age.This pathology causes disturbances in the reproductive organs in a woman, which can also lead to the development of her infertility.

It often happens that a woman who has problems with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy has several gynecological diseases at once. Each pathology can aggravate the course of another. In this situation it is very important that an experienced and qualified doctor conduct the treatment of such combined diseases.

The correctness of the chosen therapy plays a very important role so that a woman, despite the presence of dangerous diseases of the reproductive organs, could still become a mother.

Consequences of female genital mutilation

In the development of female infertility is the so-called peritoneal factor. It contributes to the fact that in the female body due to various circumstances adhesions and various growths of connective tissue are formed. They can be localized in different zones. So, scars and adhesions can be in the abdominal cavity, as well as in the small pelvis. They arise most often due to previously transferred operations.

Doctors have not come to a common opinion that is still the root cause of the development of adhesive disease. Currently, there is a huge variety of theories and hypotheses, but all of them are only indicative. The presence of adhesions in the area of ​​the ovaries, uterus or fallopian tubes is a serious problem for the implementation of natural conception. In some cases, this pathology is the first "step" on the way to female infertility.

Various invasive interventions performed inside the uterus can also be an obstacle to the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Often this situation is facilitated by curettage, which is carried out for various medical reasons. Disruption of the integrity of the endometrium contributes to difficulties with the onset of natural implantation. A fertilized egg can not attach to the uterine wall, and therefore, pregnancy does not occur.

Men's diseases

As already noted, doctors celebrate not only female but also male infertility. Pathologies that may contribute to the difficulty of conception in a man can be very diverse. Diseases of the intimate organs, accompanied by a violation of spermatogenesis (the process of formation of male germ cells - sperm), are one of the most frequent causes that lead to the development of infertility in men.

Many of the pathologies that occur in the representatives of the stronger sex are associated with infections. One of the possible reasons for this is sexually transmitted infections. It is believed that men are more sexually active than women. This causes the fact that the risk of developing genital infections in them is higher than among women.

The danger of sexually transmitted infections lies largely in the fact that for a long time they can be “asleep”, that is, they do not manifest clinically. For quite a long time, the man practically does not bother. He has no problems with erection or natural arousal. Such an imaginary "well-being" contributes to the fact that an infected man late in his visit to a doctor. It also happens that the first appeal is already a reproductologist consultation due to difficulties in conceiving.

Infections are a very strong risk factor for the development of pathologies of the testes, penis and prostate gland. Pathogenic microbes are also quite easily "settled" in the vas deferens. Chronic inflammation is dangerous because the full functioning of the reproductive organs in a man is disturbed. In this case, as a rule, spermatogenesis is also violated. Sperm cells become less active and mobile, which means that the possibility of natural fertilization decreases significantly.

It is worth noting that the development of pathologies leading to infertility can contribute not only to sexually transmitted infections. Even some “normal” childhood infections can lead to problems associated with the difficulties of natural conception. Such diseases include, for example, parotitis (mumps). If the boy has suffered this disease with the development of certain complications, then as an adult he may develop problems related to the difficulties of natural conception.


It should be noted that not only the pathologies of the reproductive organs are the cause leading to infertility. Diseases of internal organs can also lead to problems with natural conception.

Doctors note that one of the possible causes leading to infertility are diseases of the thyroid gland. This endocrine organ plays a huge role, producing specific hormones that affect the work of the whole organism. If the thyroid gland is disturbed for some reason, the probability of developing problems with conception increases. In this case, in order to cope with the arisen violations, it is necessary to first treat the underlying disease.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve an improvement in fertility rates without resorting to an endocrinologist and carrying out specific treatment.


In reproductive medical practice, there are cases when both partners, dreaming of a baby being born soon, do not have any diseases of internal organs, but the problem of infertility exists. For a long time, doctors could not find the reasons for this. They told couples that they are completely healthy, and the onset of conception will occur some time later. However, with the development of science and genetics, scientists have established a number of circumstances related to genetic pathologies, which can also contribute to the development of problems with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

These pathologies include genetic and chromosomal breakdowns.. During the fusion of the sperm and the egg, a new organism is formed, which already has a new unique set of chromosomes. During the confluence of germ cells, genetic damage may occur. Some of them are unfortunately incompatible with the rest of their lives. In this case, the fertilization of the egg occurs, but then it does not develop further, but simply dies.

Genetic pathologies are a very complex and difficult to diagnose problem, leading to infertility. That is why all couples who go to reproductive medical clinics are assigned a genetic consultation.

It is especially important to consult people who have a history of the development of chromosomal and genetic diseases. Also visit a genetics doctor should be couples, whose close relatives had cases of stillbirth or spontaneous miscarriage.

Immunological incompatibility of partners

Many couples who are faced with the problem of infertility, unfortunately, have heard the word "incompatibility". Usually this term is used in cases when it is impossible to determine the exact reason for the impossibility of the natural conception of a child due to some circumstances. Such a “diagnosis” of a couple is often made by familiar people or even close relatives who learn about their problem. Doctors use the term "incompatibility" only in certain cases. The concept of incompatibility of partners may be associated with certain immunological disorders. The presence of this feature became known relatively recently with the development of modern instrumental diagnostic methods.

For a long time, doctors did not know about the existence of antibodies - special protein molecules that are in the blood. Thus, in the male, as in the female body, specific antibodies can be produced that interfere with the natural conception.In men, antisperm antibodies can appear, and in women, antibodies can appear in the mucus of the cervical canal. The presence of such protein particles contributes to the development of an immunological conflict.

In this situation, the probability of natural conception decreases significantly. It is only possible to determine the immunological conflict when conducting advanced diagnostics, which, as a rule, is prescribed by a reproductologist.

Wrong way of life

The health of future parents is a very important criterion for the implementation of a normal conception. Proper lifestyle plays a huge role in this. Doctors give great importance to this seemingly primitive factor.

Various nutritional problems can lead to infertility. For the normal functioning of the internal organs, including those responsible for reproduction, a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is required. And they should come daily. Also, for the full work of the body requires vitamins and minerals. Without them, the internal organs of the human body also can not fully function.

Modern rhythm of life often contributes to the fact that a balanced diet is broken. Increasingly, in order to satisfy hunger, people use fast food. Such food does not bring health to the human body. Violation of the intake of complete protein, as well as all the necessary nutrients contributes to the fact that the internal organs begin to work "wrong." The longer such disorders occur, the higher the risk of developing various pathologies.

Many couples, turning to doctors, think of some dangerous pathologies that cause the development of infertility, and the reason may be quite banal - an unhealthy lifestyle. Doctors note that the correction of the regime and the menu often contributes to the long-awaited pregnancy finally occurring.

Reduced fertility can also lead irregular sleep. For full body work, doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day. In this case, internal organs can recover, and therefore work better. People who have trouble sleeping should always consult with their doctor.

Another reason that may contribute to problems with natural conception is stresses. Sometimes the exhausting rhythm of modern life contributes to excessive fatigue. The stronger the stress, the higher the risk of developing problems with the implementation of the natural conception.

A body weakened under the influence of stress factors is, as it were, “not ready” to continue the race. In this case, doctors recommend reducing stress load, revising the work schedule, and also include relaxing procedures in your daily routine. Perfect breathing practices, yoga, relaxing massage, and aromatherapy.

We should also mention about bad habits. Scientists have proven that alcoholor rather, the ethyl alcohol contained in it has a very negative effect on the genitals. And it is equally harmful for both men and women. It is believed that even 30 ml of ethyl alcohol can reduce spermatogenesis. Alcohol also affects the maturation of female follicles, which can lead to problems with timely and complete ovulation.

Smoking - Another risk factor for the development of problems with natural conception. Nicotine and other equally harmful chemicals in cigarettes have not only harmful effects on the reproductive system, but also on the heart and blood vessels. Violation of the internal organs contributes to the fact that the probability of conception is significantly reduced.

Psychological barriers

The state of the nervous system can also affect the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Psychologists say that the psychological incompatibility of partners can be a reason that impedes conception.They note that if a woman finally does not trust her partner and does not “see” in him the father of her future children, this can lead to the fact that pregnancy does not come.

In order to eliminate this factor, couples who come for a consultation at a medical clinic must be assigned a psychologist's consultation. During the conversation, the specialist must determine how the partners relate to each other and whether they are really ready to become parents.

If the psychologist reveals any problems, then in the future may require psychological counseling. During these techniques, the specialist will work through the problems that have arisen, contributing to their solution. As a rule, even if one of the partners has any convictions, both of them should visit a psychologist.

It is believed that such paired consultations bring partners together and even contribute to improving relations in a couple.

Idiopathic infertility

Unfortunately, despite the rather intensive development of medicine and science, at present, doctors still do not know all the reasons that can lead to the development of problems with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Still, there are cases when both partners are healthy, and the diagnosis of "infertility" is set. This situation is also not a reason for despair. The impossibility of fertilization in a natural way does not mean that the couple can not become parents.

Currently, fortunately, there are assisted reproductive technologies. The most famous method to date, with which almost everyone is a little familiar, is IVF (in vitro fertilization).

This technique is increasingly used by Western and domestic "stars", politicians and ordinary people who dream of kids. IVF has helped many people find out what it means to have a baby.

When should you start to worry?

The process of natural conception is a real natural sacrament. For a successful pregnancy, a variety of factors should work. It does not always happen that fertilization of an egg occurs from the very first attempt. If you did not succeed in conceiving a baby from the first time, then you should not worry about it at all. This situation is quite normal and does not indicate that the partners have any problems.

Pay attention to the difficulties worth with repeated unsuccessful attempts. So, a couple who purposefully "engaged" in conceiving a baby should visit the doctors already 5-6 months after unsuccessful attempts. Some partners go to the clinic faster, because they are very worried that the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. Cases of contacting medical institutions of couples who dream of a baby are already found 2-3 months after the decision to conceive a child.

Who to contact?

Couples who have difficulties with the natural conception of a baby should first consult a doctor. It happens that for some reason the partners do not dare to visit the doctor, thereby delaying the diagnosis and prescription of treatment. At this time, they, as a rule, use the advice of their loved ones and friends, or the recommendations posted on Internet forums on how to speed up the conception of a baby using traditional medicine methods. For example, on the web you can find a wide variety of recommendations on how to affect ovulation and male reproductive abilities.

It is worth noting that many of these “recommendations” are far from modern ideas of science. Not only do they not contribute to conception, but in some cases they can aggravate the situation. Opinion of doctors in this issue is one - Couples who cannot conceive a baby after repeated attempts should first seek medical advice. Currently, there are modern reproductive clinics that specialize in the pathology of infertility.Experienced staff who have undergone special training and have sufficient work experience, are trying to help every couple who seek help.

Reviews of a huge number of couples who turned to such clinics indicate that they were helped there. Proper therapy contributes greatly to improving the health outcomes of expectant parents.

Features of treatment

It is worth noting that the selection of the necessary medical tactics is carried out individually. When compiling it, the health characteristics of each of the partners are necessarily taken into account. The treatment regimen that is required for each of them is individual. To achieve the result may take a lot of time. A couple who dreams of a baby should be prepared for this. Moral spirit is an important component of success in achieving the goal.

It is important to remember that the main thing is the irresistible desire to have a baby. In this case, all the obstacles to achieving the goal will be surmountable.

How to get pregnant quickly, if not, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


