Herpes on the body of a child


Herpes can be located not only on lips baby, but on other parts of the body. And at the same time it will cause different types of pathogens, the doctor will make different diagnoses, different treatment will be required. About why herpes appears on the body of a baby, you will learn by reading this article.

About herpes viruses

The people believe that herpes is an itchy rash on the lip that appears as a result of a cold. This opinion is erroneous. A herpetic infection is caused not by a cold, but by a whole group of viruses that, for their tendency to spread on the skin, are called herpes viruses.

Medicine knows 8 types of such pathogens. Five of them are well studied, certain drugs are effective against them. Three are still a mystery, but in general they are described by scientists, their symptoms are known, difficulties arise only with establishing the causes and possible complications, as well as with the appointment of treatment.

All herpes viruses are lifelong. Once in the child’s body, they remain forever.

After the acute stage of infection, the virus does not disappear anywhere, it is impossible to destroy it. He simply begins to "cooperate" with immunity, living in the body quietly, peacefully, in the latent stage. So it will be, until the factors provoking herpes to activity appear - weakening of the immunity by the disease, hypothermia or overheating of the body, severe stress, nervous shock.

The majority of herpetic viruses in this situation “wake up” and begin to act, giving symptoms characteristic of their impact.

Herpes viruses in 100% of cases manifest themselves by the appearance of a rash. In acute course, during primary infection, a child may have fever, as well as fever, intoxication, vomiting, and even diarrhea. Almost everyone has pain in the muscles and joints, as well as headaches, a feeling of weakness and constant fatigue.

Herpes viruses are extremely common - antibodies, indicating that these agents are in the body, are in 95-97% of the population of the planet.

Prevention against them does not exist, vaccinations have not been created. Usually, children become infected at a very early age - from mom and dad, through mucous membranes, saliva, and integuments.

Symptoms and diseases

Symptoms of all diseases caused by herpes viruses are quite similar, but each still has its own distinctive features.

If a child has a watery rash on the lip or in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, then it is a simple type of herpes - the first one. Sometimes it is called oral or facial herpes. This is the most common type of infection; almost all people on the planet carry it.

How does such a herpes look, all parents know, they accurately identify it by external signs. It does not affect anything except the lips, chin, and surrounding areas. Very rarely - the mucous membrane of the eyes, but this is an exception.

After the acute stage, the virus enters a latent state, the infection is aggravated only under the influence of adverse factors.

If a child has a watery rash that is accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations in the genital area or in the anus, then almost certainly there will be traces of the presence of the second type herpes virus in the blood.

Genital herpes in girls develops more often than boys. It is transmitted mainly from mother to fetus (during pregnancy), sometimes infection occurs at the time of delivery. Domestic way the virus is transmitted not very often.In adolescents, it can occur due to sexually transmitted infections.

You can recognize the virus by the characteristic (same as on the lips) rash on the genitals, buttocks, in the anus. This type of herpesvirus gives private relapses - not 1-3 times a year, like a virus of the first type, but more often. In some children with weak immunity, a rash on the genitals is almost always present.

If the child has a fever, there are all signs of intoxication, and a red rash, watery vesicles (a form of rash) appeared all over the body, including the scalp (except for the palms and soles), then it is a third type of virus. He calls everyone from childhood familiar chickenpox. Chickenpox is more easily tolerated by children, in adults it is very difficult and sometimes requires hospitalization.

Herpes on the lip
Genital herpes

That is why children who are not ill with chickenpox before 2 years old are vaccinated against this disease. The vaccine “Varilrix” makes the probability of infection minimal, and the course of the disease, if the infection still gets into the body, is milder.

It is believed that chickenpox is sick once in a lifetime, then by the third herpes a strong immunity is produced, however, relapses are possible. And they will be called “herpes zoster”. Each relapse will be accompanied by the appearance of "belts" rash, fever.

Herpes virus of the fourth type - with the complex name "Epstein-Barr virus". Usually causes a disease such as infectious mononucleosis. This virus infects the oropharynx, lymph nodes, a characteristic herpes rash appears in the larynx, as well as a grayish patina. The rash occurs on the skin, but disappears within 3-4 days.

It is dangerous complication of this disease, which can, under certain circumstances, not fully studied by medical science, cause a malignant lymphoma of Burkitt.

If a child has all the symptoms fully consistent with a cold or respiratory infection, he has a fever, sore throat, but no rash and rash, then with some probability he may have type 5 herpes, cytomegalovirus. In the overwhelming majority of cases, he doesn’t show himself at all, except in blood tests.

Cytomegalovirus infection, which goes on clinical manifestation is rare, it is almost impossible to recognize it, because a doctor who comes to a child with a sore throat and high temperature will almost certainly diagnose ARVI or pharyngitis, and the true causative agent will remain unknown.

I am glad that this happens very, very rarely, and complications such as damage to the nervous system, liver and kidneys occur even less often.

If a child has a high (up to 39-40 degrees) temperature, a headache and aching of the whole body, and after 3-5 days it becomes covered with pink specks-rash (most of them on the face, back and abdomen) - this is a herpesvirus the sixth type, which causes the most mysterious children's disease. This is roseola pink, which is also called pseudorassca.

Roseola pink
Herpes Zoster
Infectious mononucleosis

If the child has been under subfebrile temperature (37 degrees) for several months, he gets tired very quickly, gets tired, has disturbed sleep (there are marked problems with falling asleep), lymph nodes almost constantly enlarged, it makes sense to donate blood to detect the seventh type of herpes virus.

Modern medicine has not developed a vaccine from it, there are no preventive measures. Violent disputes go around the possible consequences for the body. Some scientists argue that this virus causes cancer, especially lymphoid tissue suffers, others disagree.

Herpes of the eighth type in many people is in the body, generally not showing itself. Because of his lack of knowledge of the questions, there are more questions than answers.Doctors say that the virus is activated as a result of radiation therapy and causes independent tumors - Kaposi's sarcoma.


Very often, the symptoms of herpetic diseases (especially at the initial acute stage) are confused with ARVI, and even very good, experienced doctors are not immune from the error. Recognizing roseola is an impossible task until a characteristic rash appears. The easiest to do with genital, simple (oral) herpes and chickenpox. Their symptoms are known not only to doctors, but to the majority of moms and dads themselves.

Set the type of virus and answer the question, what kind of disease struck the baby, can only advanced blood test, PCR test.

At the same time, the laboratory technician will accurately determine whether the child has an acute or chronic stage, if he has acquired immunity to a particular herpetic pathogen.


In most cases (with the exception of the seventh and eighth types of herpes), you can do without specific treatment. First, herpes viruses are incurable, and all existing antiherpetic drugs are created only to relieve some of the symptoms in the severe course of the acute stage. Secondly, the use of medicines for children is required in rare cases. In no case can herpes be treated with antibiotics - they are not particularly effective against a viral infection.

With simple herpes (on the lips), medications are needed only if the acute stage is protracted (more than a week). Apply the ointment "Acyclovir"And tablets with the same name (if the child is already 1 year old) - in the dosage set by the doctor.

Genital herpes will also be less of a burden if appliedAcyclovir". Systemic treatment with pills is prescribed for frequent exacerbations.

For chickenpox, the doctor called home prescribes a bunch of antiviral drugs, including Riferon in the candles, rectally, Anaferon in pills. No anti-virus tools are needed. It is enough just to drink plenty of water and symptomatic therapy (high fever - Paracetamol, itching - treatment with green paint).

In case of infectious mononucleosis in the severe stage, therapy with such drugs as “Isoprinosine», «Tamiflu". Sometimes a child is hospitalized and injected intravenously in a hospital. ”Acyclovir"- in the form of a solution. With mild and moderate stages, specific treatment is not necessary.

In case of pediatric roseola, “Acyclovir” is again effective, and antipyretic agents are also useful if the temperature is too high. Viruses of the seventh and eighth types of treatment themselves do not require, but their malignant complications (lymphomas and sarcomas) require complex chemotherapy. Sometimes surgery is required - removal of the tumor.

Useful tips

The causes of a herpetic rash are always viral infections. Many diseases that are accompanied by such a rash are infectious throughout the acute period, so a child with fever and suspicion of any herpes should be isolated from other children until the truth is revealed.

After the disease, special attention should be paid to strengthening the child’s immunity; only a strong immune defense will be able to contain the herpesvirus and prevent relapses. An active lifestyle, good nutrition and prophylactic vaccinations will help strengthen the immune system.

See also the video of Dr. Komarovsky about herpes infection and what to do with it.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


