What does measles look like in children: initial symptoms


Recognizing the first signs of measles infection in babies is a difficult task for each parent. Often the disease begins completely non-specific. In infants, the course of infection can be very difficult and even life-threatening. To determine the symptoms at the initial stage - a very important condition for further monitoring of the child’s condition and tracking of the state’s dynamics.

What it is?

The appearance of red skin rashes causes measles virus. Get sick baby can airborne way. Measles is a very volatile disease. From a sick child, a healthy baby quickly becomes infected. The peak incidence of measles occurs at the age of 3-7 years. However, measles rash can also occur in infants.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the risk of measles increases many times in children who attend day care centers.

The fact is that viruses perfectly retain their viability in the environment for a long time. Outbreaks of measles, as a rule, are more often registered in kindergartens, where children stay for quite a long time during the day.

The virus, falling on the mucous membranes, and then into the blood, quickly multiplies and penetrates into all internal organs. Most often, harmful microorganisms damage the cells of the immune system, as a result of which there are pronounced symptoms of intoxication and the main skin manifestations of the disease.

How can you get infected?

Most often, babies are infected from each other. A sick child is very contagious. Measles is one of the most highly contagious diseases.

Usually the incubation period from the moment of the first contact of the pathogen into the children's body until the onset of symptoms of the disease lasts for 1-2 weeks.

During the incubation period, the baby’s condition remains almost unchanged. The baby looks normal, without signs of infection. In some cases, some kids become somewhat drowsy, play less with toys, more often act up over trifles. Some babies may have a slight decrease in appetite. At this time, the disease is not particularly manifested.

What are the symptoms at the onset of the disease?

The most characteristic manifestation of measles is the appearance of skin rashes.

Usually spots appear by the second week after contact with the pathogen. The disease proceeds with severe symptoms of intoxication and severely disrupts the child's well-being.

The most specific early manifestations of measles infection are:

  • High body temperature. In some cases, it is growing rapidly. For the first few days of illness, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. Conjunctiva of eyes reddens strongly. In case of severe disease, there may even be pus leakage from the damaged eye.

  • Symptoms of intoxication and catarrhal manifestations. Measles viruses primarily damage the mucous membranes, so babies often have a cough and runny nose. Discharge from the nose while usually mucous. Cough may be dry. Phlegm is excreted only when attaching a secondary bacterial infection.

  • Characteristic spots in the mouth. Typically, these elements are located on the background of a bright red, hyperemic mucous. The spots are white with a reddish rim around the periphery. They are called elements of Belsky-Koplik-Filatov. More often they occur on the inner surface of the cheeks. Another favorite location is near the tooth holes.Reddish or pink specks may also appear on the palatal surfaces.

  • Gradual course of the disease. As a rule, for 3-4 days gradually intoxication decreases slightly. However, in the event of a rash, intoxication signs may again increase. The appearance of skin rashes practically does not bring relief to the baby.

  • The appearance of a rash. Often it is represented by multiple similar elements. They reach 2.5-3 mm in diameter. Measles are characterized by a downward spread of skin rashes. More papules are marked on the face, as well as on the neck and upper shoulder girdle. Gradually, the rash begins to spread throughout the body. On the legs and back papules appear around the end of the first day. Gradually, the syphonized elements begin to change color. They become more pale.

  • In severe disease - the formation of small ecchymosis. These are small bruises that most often occur on the lower limbs. This is how various hemorrhages appear that are caused by the toxic effect of viral toxins on the capillaries of the skin. In some cases, these changes may occur on the oral mucosa or even on the conjunctiva of the eyes. As a rule, with such a severe course, a severe swelling of the face or neck appears.

  • The gradual extinction of the rash and the normalization of the condition. With a favorable course of the disease, the elements go by 4-5 days of illness. Hyperpigmentation or slight desquamation may remain on the sites of former papules. Often they are dark red with a crimson hue. After the disappearance of the rash, the body temperature normalizes and the child's condition improves. On average, the rash persists on the body for 5-6 days and gradually disappears.

  • The disappearance of hyperpigmentation and recovery of the baby. Usually goes through several stages. At first, the purple areas become less brightly colored. Usually this process takes 3-4 days. On the site of the former hyperpigmentation, large scales may appear. At first they poorly exfoliate from the surface of the skin. A week later, they quickly disappear without the use of additional funds.

  • At babies of chest age bacterial complications often join. They are manifested by suppuration of the eyes, as well as secondary infection of papular lesions on the skin. In such cases, consultation of the pediatrician and the prescription of antibacterial drugs are required.


All preventive measures for measles can be divided:


These include the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, which helps to prevent contact-household method of infection. Every kid must use their dishes. All baby cutlery should be rinsed in hot water using special detergents. Dry dishes better in a natural way. If towels are used, they must also be washed and ironed with a hot iron.

During measles outbreaks, babies are better off staying at home and not going to kindergarten. Quarantine is very important. It usually lasts 7-10 days. This will help prevent massive infections of babies.


Children's measles vaccination plays an important role in the prevention of a dangerous disease. In Russia, babies are required to be vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps. Such vaccination can effectively protect the child from the severe course of the disease and prevent massive outbreaks of the disease. Immunization must be carried out before the child enters the preschool educational institution. Transfer vaccination kids, as a rule, well. For children with immunodeficiencies, prior consultation with an immunologist is required.

Suspecting measles at a very early stage is quite difficult. However, only such early detection of the disease allows the child to quickly provide all the necessary help and even prevent massive infection.

For details, see the transfer of Dr. Kormarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


