Prickly heat on baby face


With the advent of various rashes on the face of a toddler in the first year of life, almost every mother faces. Quite often, the emergence of such changes on the skin leads to heat-lice. To eliminate all adverse events, special hygienic care is required.

What it is?

The appearance of prickly heat on the skin should not cause panic among parents. This condition is quite often diagnosed in infants.

Localization of prickly heat can be different. Quite often it occurs on the face, on the head, on the neck. In some babies, skin rashes appear on the cheeks and forehead.

A marked disturbance of thermoregulation leads to the development of pussy in babies.

Such situations often occur when excessively wrapping babies or using clothing that leads to overheating of the child.

Caring parents often put on the baby quite a lot of different things that contribute to an increase in body temperature and severe sweating. This contributes to the violation of thermoregulation and the appearance of the characteristic symptoms of chickpea.

The impaired work of the sweat glands due to pronounced overheating leads to the fact that the baby appears to be sweating. Most often this contributes to the appearance of prickly heat in babies of the first months of life. These babies are in the crib for quite a long time, which causes them to develop adverse symptoms mainly on the face and on the upper half of the body.

According to statistics, the little girl potty develops more often in the summer hot season. This is due to exposure to high ambient temperatures.

The prevalence of this pathology in the pediatric population is quite high. Every third baby has the characteristic symptoms of this pathological condition.

The sweat glands of a newborn child have a slightly different structure than in adults. In childhood, these anatomical elements have an elongated shape and small size.

With age, the sweat glands become branched. This feature leads to the fact that when exposed to any overheating or other provocative factors, the child appears to be sweating. The abundance of sweat has an irritating effect on the skin, which contributes to the development of severe inflammation.

Premature babies, as well as babies with various abnormal structures of the skin and dermis, fall into the high-risk group. In such babies, thermoregulation is not working properly. This feature contributes to the development of various skin diseases, including prickly heat. Violations that occur when the work of the sweat glands is impaired, contribute to the appearance of rashes on the baby’s face.

On the skin, even in a newborn baby, there are always various microorganisms.

They are regular inhabitants of the skin and are necessary for local immunity. Heavy sweating leads to disruption of the normal biocenosis of the bacterial flora of the skin. This contributes to the fact that pathogenic microbes get on the skin, which can lead to the development of secondary infection.

What does newborn look like?

The first adverse symptoms may appear within a few hours after excessive wrapping of the baby. The severity of clinical signs may be different.

In premature babies, the symptoms are usually quite pronounced and appear bright. Identify them can each mother when examining her child.

Doctors distinguish several clinical variants of the disease. In the smallest patients, the most common is the red form of a tick. This clinical variant of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of multiple rashes on the skin. Red bright rash most often occurs on the face and cheeks of the baby.

The dimensions of the bulk elements can be different, but usually reach 1-3 mm. Some babies have a tendency to merge the rash. In this case, it acquires a different shape and bizarre form. Red spots can also spread to the neck and shoulders of the baby. This is especially pronounced in the smallest children, who still have poor head retention.

Also, a rash may appear in the area of ​​the skin folds. In babies of the first months, sypnye elements appear under the lower jaw or around the ears.

The most common type of this pathology, which usually moms notice when examining their child, is prickly heat that occurs on the cheeks. Red spots on the skin can appear on other parts of the body.

Premature babies with persistent disorders of thermoregulation have a tendency to spread skin rashes throughout the body.

When joining the process of secondary bacterial flora, multiple pustular formations appear on the skin. Inside these skin rashes contain purulent contents of yellow or greenish color.

Quite often, pathogenic staphylococci or streptococcal flora become the cause of secondary infection. For the treatment of complicated forms of skin infections, various types of antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Quite often, when the child has prickly heat, only characteristic skin rashes appear. The overall condition of the baby while practically does not suffer. The child remains quite active, playing with toys. Kids have an appetite.

Only skin itch, which often accompanies characteristic syphonic elements, can worsen the child's well-being.

What can remind?

The appearance of a rash on the skin of the face in babies can occur in a variety of diseases. In many cases, prickly heat resembles an allergy in a child.

It is easy to confuse these pathologies during the introduction of new foods into the baby's diet, which are introduced as complementary foods. Allergic reaction causes the baby not only the appearance of a rash, but also unbearable itching.

Skin allergies are quite dry. Excessive sweating is characteristic for prickly frost, which makes the skin more moist to the touch. When you press on skin allergic rashes with your finger, they disappear.

Prickly heat

Collecting anamnesis in the conduct of differential diagnosis plays a very important role. If, on the eve of the appearance of lesions on the cheeks, a new food product was introduced into the child’s diet, then it is very likely that an infant has an allergic reaction. Several years ago, doctors used the term "diathesis" for this.

If a baby has a tendency to develop exudative rashes, then differential diagnostics should also be carried out with various types of exudative dermatitis, which occurs in many diseases of internal organs. Chicken rash does not usually get wet and does not have a tendency to develop watery blisters.

To conduct a differential diagnosis of various diseases should pediatrician.

It is possible to independently identify the disease, but only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.

In some cases, additional diagnostic tests are required. Usually, the kids are carried out clinical tests to determine the degree of functional impairment.


If a child has prickly heat, but it does not receive proper hygienic care, the course of this pathology can have a very unfavorable course:

  • The most common complication is secondary infection.Staphylococcal and streptococcal flora lead to the development of purulent formations on the skin.
  • In some cases, babies have multiple bubbles filled inside with a yellowish or turbid liquid.
  • When the infection spreads deep into the skin layers, local purulent abscesses may occur. They are characterized by the formation of sufficiently large purulent formations.

The baby’s well-being is greatly disturbed, his body temperature rises rapidly to 38-39 degrees, the symptoms of intoxication increase. Treatment of purulent abscesses - only surgical.

Usually, the adverse symptoms of pussy babies disappear completely within 7–10 days.

If the disease persists on the skin of the face for more than two weeks, then parents should re-show the baby to the doctor. Quite often, the development of complications or improper hygienic care of a newborn baby leads to a protracted course of the disease.


It is possible to cure the adverse symptoms of prickly heat, which has arisen on the face of a baby, only by carrying out the correct skin care during the daily care of the baby.

It is very important for parents to remember that overly wrap up babies are not worth it. Clothes for a small child should be selected according to the weather, taking into account his age. Products must be sewn from natural "breathable" materials.

Conducting proper skin care for a newborn baby is an important component of successful treatment. This helps the child to get rid of skin rashes that have appeared on the baby's face. Every mother should know about carrying out the correct skin care.

A very important component for the health of children's skin is maintaining the required temperature conditions in the room where the baby is.

Fine The air temperature in the nursery should be in the range of 20-22 degrees. This mode allows you to provide the physiological functions of the skin and does not lead to overheating of the baby.

Optimum humidity in the children's room should be in the range of 45-60%. This indicator of the microclimate allows you to maintain proper moisture of the skin. Too dry air in the children's room causes pronounced dryness of the skin and contributes to the disruption of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

In order that the child does not freeze when he is at home, he only needs shirts and a warm blouse. Excessive wrapping, especially in too warm and woolen things, contributes to a strong overheating of the baby and the appearance of bright red rashes on his skin.

To maintain the health of the skin in infants it is very important to conduct regular airing of the premises. During their conduct of the baby should be carried away from the nursery.

For airing the room in which the child is, usually 10-15 minutes is enough. In the colder season, the duration should decrease. To ventilate the children's room, it is enough to open the window only.

To remove excess sweat on the face of the baby, you should definitely carry out washing. To do this, use ordinary boiled warm water at a comfortable temperature. It is impossible to use too hot water for washing babies and newborns, as this will only contribute to drying out the skin.

Conducting general hygiene trays is also very important. This reduces the likelihood of spread of skin lesions from the face to the entire body.

Doctors do not recommend limiting baths during the presence of rash with prickly heat. Bathing water temperature should be between 36-38 degrees. After holding the bath, the baby's skin should always be wetted with a soft towel. Special attention should be paid to the places of natural folds and folds.

Some doctors recommend that after holding the bath dry your skin naturally. This method is best used in the warm season.In winter and autumn, this method can only lead to overcooling of the child.

Do not rub the skin much with a towel after a hygienic bath. This can lead to the application of various microdamages, which often become the “entrance gate” for the penetration of a secondary infection.

Swaddling a baby immediately after a hygienic bath should not be. This should be done only after drying the skin.

For walking on the street should also choose comfortable and warm clothing.

Particular attention should be paid to wearing a scarf and cap. They must be made of quality materials and do not cause the child to develop excessive sweating. If, after the walk, mommy noticed that the child’s head is too wet from heavy sweat, then it is better to replace the cap and pick up another one for the next walk.

Drug treatment is also prescribed for chilli. Medicines in this case, the prescribing physician. All drugs are prescribed topically, since no systemic disorders in a child with chickpea do not occur.

For the treatment of rash in the smallest patients, various ointments are actively used. These drugs nourish dry skin well and help eliminate all skin rashes that have appeared in the baby.

For the treatment of symptoms, sores on the face in newborn babies and infants are used sparing means with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. These drugs should have a minimum of side effects and not cause a dangerous effect even after prolonged use on the delicate skin of the babies of the first months of life.

Quite often, to eliminate adverse symptoms on the face, doctors prescribe babies. creamBepanten». This medicine contains active panthenol, as well as antiseptic additives. These components have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They also help protect the delicate skin of the baby from the possible penetration of secondary bacterial flora. Smear "Bepanten" should be on pre-cleansed skin.

Frequency and duration of use of this drug are determined by the attending physician who carries out treatment and observation of the baby. Pediatricians are usually involved in treating acne.

«Sudokrem» - Another drug that can be used in children to eliminate various skin rashes. When using this drug, it should be remembered that it can cause a pronounced drying effect, as it contains zinc. To use this tool in babies with too dry skin should not be.

In children who have a tendency to the formation of exudative elements, apply zinc ointment. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Active metabolites help prevent the development of dangerous secondary infections that occur on the skin during the penetration of bacterial flora. Typically, this tool is assigned once a day.

Quite often, doctors recommend a general strengthening therapy for babies. For newborn babies and infants, it is the appointment of multivitamin complexes. Vitamins A, C and E contained in such products have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the skin and improve the child's well-being.

Babies who are bottle-fed, must necessarily receive a sufficient amount of all essential vitamins and minerals.

See the next video for how the prickly heat manifests itself in babies.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


