Logopedic massage for children at home


Today, unfortunately, many children suffer from speech deficiencies, some even have different diagnoses for violations. Speech therapy massage for children is accompanied not only by the correct formulation of sounds, but also is a powerful stimulant to the beginning of speaking toddlers. After all, the muscle tone of the newborn affects future speech. Therefore, with the help of massage, the facial muscles and tissues relax, which forms the correct speech.


The combination of visits to a speech therapist and massage will be productive and will bring its benefits.

The adjustment includes the following tasks:

  • there is a correction of sounds that are difficult for the child, and therefore they do not correspond to the norm, it can be the replacement of sizzling or letters L and R, D and D;
  • reduction of speech breathing indicators to normal is necessary if the child incorrectly forms the pronunciation due to improper breathing;
  • decrease in an emotional overstrain;
  • stutter adjustment dysarthriarhinolalia, voice disorders;
  • increase the tone of the muscles of the face, if the child uses little effort in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • decrease increased salivation;
  • work on the articulatory apparatus;
  • consolidation of the pharyngeal reflex when speaking and improving the state of the voice - for medical reasons.

All this with the right approach and systematization leads to a qualitative result.

Indications for the procedure

  1. The first and most important indicationIf you are driving a child to a speech therapist - fixing the result. Speech therapy massage will speed up the process of pronunciation, it is important for children whose speech is lagging behind their peers.
  2. Weak or vice versa increased facial muscle tone.
  3. Stutter - child repeats syllables in a word, or cannot utter a word at all, fixating on one part. Often children suffer from this frightened, experienced a strong shock or just indecisive kids.
  4. Voice impairment - the child gets tired speaksb, does it quietly and complains of pain and sore throat, a feeling of "coma" and heaviness when speaking.
  5. Dysarthria. Violation rather, psychological than articulatory. Against the background of various mental disorders, the child cannot speak correctly.
  6. Enhanced salivation tIt is also an indication for massage, it indicates the weak muscles not only of the face, but also of the tongue.
  7. Children with cerebral palsy.

However, it is not always possible to do a speech therapy massage.

It is contraindicated for skin diseases of the face, lips, and mouth (rash, herpes, stomatitis, viral infections, gingivitis, sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and conjunctivitis and boils).

All of them will bring pain and discomfort, because of which the child, even in a healthy state, can refuse to take classes.


It is no secret that for the development of speech you need to work not only with the speech apparatus, because in the human body everything is interconnected.

  • Massage for the tongue. You must first relax the jaw muscles, neck and shoulder to relax the root of the tongue. If touching the tongue causes a spasm and gag reflex, then massage is limited only to the tip of the tongue in the baby’s mouth, gradually increasing the distance and forcing the tongue out longer.
  • Lip massage. All movements are repeated at least 50 times and very gently.
  • Neck massage. It is performed before eating or after passing 2 hours from a meal.
  • Ear massage. Stimulates articulation apparatus.
  • Hand massage. Each finger is responsible for a particular organ, so this massaging is effective not only for speech. The big finger is the brain, the index finger is the stomach, the middle one is the spine, the intestinal section, the ring finger is the liver, the little finger is the heart. It is better to start with finger massage, gradually increasing the area of ​​manipulation.
  • Massage with spoons. Requires accuracy in carrying.

Conditions for

Ideally, speech therapy massage is prescribed by a specialist doctor. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit him, so you can do light exercises at home on your own. First you need to create favorable conditions - peace and quiet, so that the child is not distracted. The room should be bright and ventilated. Hands massaging warm and clean.

The first lesson is not more than five minutes, the child must get used to the unusual procedure for him. The first time massage should be no more than 10 minutes, after a week, the time can be increased to 25-30 minutes. The time varies depending on age: the youngest children can only endure 10 minutes, the preschool age is up to 15-20, but the schoolchildren can fully tolerate 25 minutes.

Classes should be systematized, approximately 2-3 times a week, the smaller the gap between classes, the higher the efficiency. However, everyday repetition can also lead to rejection.

The child must complete a course of at least 15 lessons.

For massage, you should purchase massage oil or plant oils, after checking them for an allergic reaction. To avoid infections, use gloves and a mask, this is especially important for infants. It may also be necessary and ammonia, in case of loss of consciousness, which happens very rarely.

Appliances conducting at home

Many believe that at home mom will not be able to cope with speech disorders. However, this is a big mistake. All speech therapists talk about the need for classes at home, otherwise it is difficult to consolidate the result of each lesson.

Massaging is better to start all over the face, which will relieve hypertonicity and the overall stress of the baby. Starting from the forehead, gradually strokes down to the chin. The movements are soft, from the center of the face to the edge, horizontally. Forehead - whiskey, eyebrows - hairline, eyelids, cheeks - from nose to ear, from lips to ear. You can repeat them 2-3 times.

If the child is unpleasant or simply does not want to, then it is worth confining to light strokes, gradually moving to the complex.


Runs from the tip of the tongue to its root.

  1. Grabbing the end of the tongue, you need to move up and down, left-right, back and forth.
  2. Stroking the tongue with your thumb, and you need to support it from below, movements are made from the center, in a circle or longitudinally.
  3. Stroking the top and bottom of the tongue with your thumb and middle finger.
  4. Creating a vibration. Shake the tongue gently, tap it lightly.
  5. Massage the frenulum of the tongue up and down.
  6. Fabric different textures produce strokes of the tongue.
  7. Use a soft toothbrush, swiping along the tongue, draw the letters.

Without training, these exercises are not so easy to do. A lot of training videos for language massage will help beginners.

Another important condition is that the child should control salivation, if it turns out bad, you can put a napkin under the tongue and change it as it gets wet.


This includes the chin and nasolabial fold.

  1. Rubbing the lips with your fingers.
  2. Circular movements of the fingers go from one corner to another.
  3. Both lips are massaged in opposite directions, the upper - to the left, the lower - to the right and change direction.
  4. Tingling of lips and the area around.
  5. Pressing on the lips with circular motions.
  6. Light slaps with your fingers.

This complex is repeated several times in one session.


Fingers and the entire surface of the palm are worked out separately. Fingers are massaged from tip to bottom. It is best to start with the little finger.

  1. Massaging fingers, pressing on pads, increasing pressure.
  2. Familiar from childhood poem “Forty-white-sided” will help to work out the whole palm. Offer the child a self-massage in verse.
  3. We draw a spiral on the palm of the hand, from the center to the edge.
  4. Stock up on a rubber ball with spikes (su-jok) and drive them along the palm of the baby, invite him to roll it between the palms. You can also use a special Hedgehog brush to work out nerve endings.
  5. Pour in a plate of cereal of various sizes and immerse the fingers in it.


  1. Turns and tilts the neck left-right, back and forth.
  2. Torsion of the head.
  3. Massaging of the Adam's Square with neat strokes.
  4. Massage of the cervical spine with light finger pats.


  1. From above to the lobe and back to rub down (5 times).
  2. Pulling the lobe down.
  3. Massage the ear trestle with light pressure and circular motions.
  4. Massage the back of the ear with rubbing movements (30 seconds).

You can massage one ear at a time, and then both ears at the same time.

Massage with spoons

This massage requires two spoons. The size depends on the age of the child. Kids better use baby silicone and plastic spoons.

  1. The convex part of the spoons ironed upper and lower lip.
  2. Circular movements on the lips.
  3. The tip of the spoon gently press on the nasolabial fold.
  4. On both lips scrape with a spoon.
  5. Massage the chin and cheeks in a circular motion convex part.
  6. The same massage of the temples and eyes - on the eyelid and back under the eyes.
  7. Rubbing inter brow space, cheekbones.

It is important to finish the massage complex gently and gently, so that the child receives only positive emotions from the procedure and does not refuse in the future.

This can be done by soft stroking the face, cheeks, hair of a child, while praising the kid for his patience and perseverance.

Massage at home gives positive results. This can be seen, not only after reading the reviews of satisfied moms, but also after listening to the competent opinion of speech therapists. Many say that the first results become noticeable after 4-5 sessions. In children with severe disorders, the dynamics are noticeable after 7-8 sessions.

Speech therapy massage at home copes with many speech disorders. The main thing is to be persistent in this matter and not to interrupt the sessions.

To learn how to properly perform a speech therapy massage at home, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


