Prevention of rotavirus infection

Virtually every child under five falls ill rotavirus infectionhowever, the smallest children have the hardest disease. Is it possible to prevent infection and how to protect against such a viral damage to the digestive system?

First of all, to understand how to prevent infection, you should learn about such nuances:

  1. The virus is transmitted both through contaminated food, water or objects, and through direct contact with a sick person (in particular, with his secretions).
  2. The virus is quite resistant to the usual disinfectants, tolerates cold. He is killed by boiling and 95% ethyl alcohol.
  3. For infection enough from 10 viral particles, so the disease is easily transmitted from sick people to healthy, often causing epidemics.

What rules should be followed in order not to get infected?

You can protect yourself from the disease with the help of such measures:

  • Wash hands as often as possible using soap, especially after using the toilet, walking, and also before eating. You should also always wash your hands while caring for a sick child, when there was contact with his belongings or body.
  • Drink only clean water.
  • Scald fruits with boiling water before consumption.
  • Treat with boiling water nipples, toys, bottles.
  • Select a sick child separate dishes.
  • To disinfect the things of a sick child with ordinary washing with powder or soap.
  • A sick child should be isolated from healthy children, especially if there are unvaccinated babies in the first years of life in the family.
Infection prevention
There are preventive methods that will significantly reduce the risk of infection with rotavirus.


The most effective preventive measures are rotavirus vaccination. The drug, which is given to children in the form of drops, contains live viruses, but significantly weakened. Depending on the manufacturer, the child is vaccinated two or three times, starting from six weeks of age. Vaccination is considered safe because it is tolerated by most babies without side effects or complications.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


