Diet for giardiasis in children: the right menu


Giardia are dangerous simple microorganisms that can cause infectious lesions of many organs in children and harm the entire body. You can become infected in different ways: often through poorly washed hands or eating food that is poorly cleaned or washed.

What symptoms cause Giardia in babies?

Often the disease can occur in a latent form. Usually the child in such cases does not bother. Sometimes he may complain of rumbling in the tummy or gurgling. Pain in the abdomen during the course of the disease in a mild form is almost never observed.

Parasites are dangerous because during reproduction in the child’s body, they begin to actively damage the intestinal wall. This leads to the occurrence of chronic bowel diseases, and also contributes to the accumulation of harmful toxins in the children's body. With the accumulation of a large number of bacterial toxins can already cause bright symptoms of intoxication. In children, the temperature rises, sometimes its values ​​can even reach 38 degrees. The child may complain of headache and weakness, decreased appetite, nausea. Small children refuse to breastfeed, often want to sleep.

For more information about baby giardiasis, we offer Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

A rare manifestation of giardiasis is the emergence of a mild rash on the skin. This happens quite rarely. This situation is connected with the peculiarity of the child's immune response to the parasite. The cells of the immune system "recognize" the parasite and begin to activate a whole range of different systemic defense reactions, designed to eliminate microbes from the body. At this time all the symptoms of intoxication appear.

Classically, with Giardiasis, there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. With prolonged infection, it can also lead to the development of chronic enteritis or colitis. Treatment in such cases is prescribed only by a doctor. There are special algorithms and tables that can successfully cure giardiasis and restore immunity in the baby.


The appointment of a diet with giardiasis is important and necessary for the treatment of nature. Clinical nutrition will help to eliminate the functional disorders that occur as a result of damages to the Giardia organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

All products are divided into those that are absolutely safe, and those that can aggravate the condition and cause harm to the child’s body.

What does diet mean when infected with Giardia?

If the baby is still young, you should temporarily abandon breastfeeding. In this case, it is better to switch to adapted nutrient mixtures. They will help to restore the bowels and strengthen the immune system of the child. Doctors prescribe treatment in this case immediately - both to mother and baby.

If a baby with giardiasis has a mild rash on the skin, you should think about a hypoallergenic diet. Such a reaction on the part of the body indicates the maximum voltage immunity. If you give your baby food with high allergenic properties, you can greatly aggravate the course of the disease and even convert it to a chronic form. Limit all the berries and fruits of bright colors, preferring white or green plants. They have a much lower allergenic potential and practically do not cause allergic reactions.

Nutrition should be balanced in terms of daily calories and the distribution of essential nutrients. 40-45% is allocated to proteins, 50% - to carbohydrates, the rest - to healthy fats. Among carbohydrates, 10% is the proportion of fast carbohydrates. These include useful "snacks" and dried fruits. Slow carbohydrates are found in all cereals and pasta.

Adequate use of water and healthy drinks. These include all kinds of fruit drinks and fruit drinks made from berries and dried fruits. You can make decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. Perfect chamomile and lingonberry.

All cooked food should be well ground and thermally processed. If the baby has a tendency to constipationGive preference to cereals and vegetables with a high content of plant fiber. With diarrhea for breakfast, a child can make a well-boiled rice porridge in water with blueberry juice. This will be a great start to the day and help stop frequent stools.

Exclude all foods that are fried or grilled. Do not allow your child to eat whole pieces of meat or poultry. This is too heavy food for the child's stomach.

Recommended Products

To help create the right menu for a child with giardiasis should a pediatrician. He will offer mom special recommendations that will help diversify the menu for the baby and speed up recovery.

Healthy foods:

  • All kinds of cereals from different cereals, multigrain cereal. Cereals contain in their composition a lot of useful fiber, vegetable protein, as well as vitamins of group B and numerous trace elements. It promotes healing and restoration of damaged intestinal wall. In the acute period, porridge is better to boil well. For babies in the first year of life, food additionally grind through a sieve.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Contain a large amount of fiber and vitamins. Vitamins help restore the defenses of the immune system, and fiber pulls out harmful bacterial toxins and waste ballast materials from the intestines.
  • Freshly made dairy products. Prefer kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Meat, poultry or lean fish. They are the basis of nutrition in the appointment of a diet. Prepare better dishes from scrolled minced meat (especially after the onset of the disease).

What products to exclude from the menu for successful treatment

  • For a speedy recovery from giardiasis should be fully exclude canned and pickled foods. Acute and acidic foods contribute to the additional trauma of the inflamed bowel wall.
  • Products cooked industrially, fast food and fried foods also banned. Such food not only contributes to the progression of the disease, but also has a damaging effect on the liver. The function of the liver is reduced by neutralizing bacterial toxins. This leads to an increase in symptoms of intoxication.
  • Should be excluded all spicy seasonings and spices. Onions, garlic, radishes - all this is contraindicated during lambliasis infection. In dishes you can add only a little salt. In sweet - sugar, a little vanilla and cinnamon. In soups are allowed to add 1 bay leaf or fresh greens. Black pepper in any form is prohibited.

The appointment of a diet in the treatment of giardiasis is a very important factor. If all the rules of medical nutrition are observed and only approved products are used, the damaged intestines are quickly restored and the symptoms of infection are eliminated.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


