Treatment of giardiasis in children folk remedies


The child began to get sick more often? He is weak and feels tired and unwell even in the absence of visible reasons for this? Perhaps the cause is the small parasites that have settled in the small intestine and duodenum - Giardia.

These protozoa rarely attack adults, because in a person with normal strong immunity, they simply do not survive.

Children's immune protection is weaker than in adults. And this factor is very attractive for Giardia. They do not encounter much resistance when attempting to infiltrate the mucous membranes of the small intestine of a baby. Infection with Giardia is quite common in children's groups, every third child can be a carrier of parasites.

ABOUT Giardia and Giardiasis says Dr. Komarovsky:

Symptoms and signs

Giardiasis, namely the so-called painful process, which takes place in the body of a child when Giardia enters it, can be almost imperceptible, and quite noticeable.

As a rule, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain, especially pain is often localized in the navel and right hypochondrium.

  • Eating Disorders, loss of appetite, refusal to eat.

  • Headaches, intoxication symptoms.

  • Sleep disturbance, “creaking” with teeth in a dream (bruxism).

  • The appearance of rash-type "urticaria", allergic runny nosecoughing

  • Neurological abnormalities - hyper-irritability, lethargy, increased moodiness, tearfulness, irritability, the appearance of nervous tics.

  • Swollen lymph nodes.

  • Increase adenoids and tonsils, which is often accompanied, at first glance, by an unreasonable rise in temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.0 -37.5).

  • On ultrasound, you can see that the liver and spleen infected with slightly increased in size.

What is the danger

Giardiasis perfectly masks some serious diseases of the intestines, stomach and duodenum. Often, it causes the appearance of allergic reactions of different localization - runny nose, dermatosis, dermatitis and even bronchial asthma.

If time does not save the baby from unpleasant and harmful parasites, it will be a constant self-infection Giardia. These microorganisms do not live long, only about 40-45 days, but the child himself will “renew” the colonies of parasites through his own dirty hands, with toys taken in the mouth, with dishes, etc.

Lyabmili are quite insidious, because, being in the intestine, they regularly stick to and detach from the mucous membrane, thereby injuring it. On such affected areas, various pathogenic microbes are fine. A sick baby gradually develops dysbacteriosis.

The products of lamblia metabolism are quite toxic, they literally poison the child, although they do it slowly. These harmful substances, among other things, interfere with the metabolism: the sick person has worse carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, proteins and fats.

Effective folk remedies

  • Coconut pulp. It should be taken before meals at least an hour. Grated coconut can be the basis of salad, if you fill it with lemon juice or lime. After all, the acidic environment is detrimental to lamblia. Coconut meals should be continued for a week, after two weeks the treatment should be repeated.
  • Cucumber water. Over-grown cucumbers (half a kilogram) insist in a liter of boiling water. The resulting fluid should be drunk during the day instead of plain water.
  • Honey Plantain. Prepare a mixture of honey and plantain leaves.To do this, you will need leaves collected exclusively during the flowering of the plantain. They need to be minced, mixed in equal parts with honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and give the child a teaspoon three times a day before eating for 30-40 minutes. This tool is well suited to children from 7 years of age, provided that the child does not have an allergy to bee products.
  • Garlic milk. In a glass of boiled and slightly cooled milk, you need to squeeze a pair of garlic cloves (an excellent anti-parasitic agent). Children should be given a drink from 6 years and older 4 times a day to the fourth part of a glass before eating for an hour. The course of treatment with such milk is until complete recovery, which doctors can ascertain by analyzing feces for Giardia cysts. Milk with garlic does not differ excellent taste, and therefore it is not surprising if the baby refuses to drink it. If you can not persuade, you can find another effective tool for the treatment of Giardia.
  • Infusion of bearberry. A tablespoon of dry raw materials (the collection can be bought at any pharmacy or from herbalists), make a glass of boiling water, let it stand for about 6 hours, and then let the child drink the resulting infusion in three doses. Repeat the treatment every two days until recovery.
  • Tubage with unpeeled oats. Brew 100 grams of oats in a thermos in the evening before bedtime, and let your child drink in the morning immediately after waking up, without getting up from bed. Then attach a heating pad on the right side of the child, turn it on its left side. Procedure spend at least 15 minutes for two weeks. If the tubage is carried out successfully and correctly, then in two or three hours the child will have loose stools. No antidiarrheal drugs are needed for it.
  • Flax seeds. Mix flax seeds with cloves (ten shares of flax and one share of cloves). Boil in boiling water for at least half an hour. To properly dose the resulting broth, you will need to divide the weight of the baby by 3. The result will be the number of grams of decoction of flax seeds. Take the tool should be 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days.
  • Sour berries and fruits. During the treatment, give the child every day sour berries and fruits, not sprinkling them with sugar (currants, viburnum, cherry, cranberries, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, blackberries, green apple). Such "snacks" can be arranged between main meals. As mentioned above, Giardia is very bad for acids, so the treatment of giardiasis will accelerate significantly.
  • Pumpkin seeds This is a powerful antiparasitic agent, presented to us by nature itself. Peel 100 grams of seeds and mix with honey. Mixture give the child on an empty stomach.
  • Tincture of wormwood. Freshly cut or dried grass should be poured over with boiling water and left for two days. A glass of water will require a tablespoon of raw materials. Let the child drink the resulting infusion several times a day, 15 minutes before meals.
  • Bergamot oil. You can buy oil in a pharmacy and drip 1-2 drops per cube of refined sugar. To give such a sweet "medicine" to a child needs in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Horseradish. The rhizomes of this plant very well help to cope with any intestinal parasites. To make a drink, you need three horseradish roots and a liter of boiled and cooled water. Crush horseradish and dip it in water. It is necessary to insist on the drug for at least two days, after which the drink can be given to the child in a tablespoon before each meal on an empty stomach.

When folk methods can not do

  • In acute giardiasis with severe pain. Doctors recommend treating such ailment with pharmaceutical medicines, preferably in a hospital. The younger the child, the more he needs it in the traditional treatment under the constant supervision of specialists. Doctors do not recommend traditional medicine for giardiasis in children under 7 years of age.
  • Only by folk remedies it is impossible to cope with the lamblia, if you do not introduce quite strict rules of hygiene. It is necessary to wean the child to take hands in his mouth, every day he should change his underwear, bathe him and train him to wash his hands more often with soap.
  • Great if the treatment will be accompanied by a special diet. From the diet it is necessary to exclude products that create a beneficial environment for the development of Giardia. These are carbohydrates - confectionery, bread, pasta, sweets and cakes, fresh milk, soda, semolina, sausage, fried, fatty foods, as well as smoked meat, canned food and pickles. Be sure to give the child fermented milk unsweetened products.

Self-treatment danger

Folk remedies for the treatment of giardiasis in children are quite good and effective, easy to prepare and accessible to everyone.

However, it should not be forgotten that severe forms of the disease require the obligatory observation of a doctor and treatment with drugs. When running forms of giardiasis, the parasites can begin to damage the mucous membranes of various organs. To prevent this, do not get carried away with self-medication, take tests, go through a comprehensive examination and follow the recommendations of the doctor.

What not to do

  • Allow the child to attend kindergarten, school or sports section, if he has laboratory confirmed giardiasis. It can be a source of infection for other children. About one billion cysts of Giardia come out with stool per day, just a dozen or even a little less is enough to infect another person.
  • Allow the baby long contact with pets who go for a walk on the street. After talking with them, the child must wash his hands with soap and water. It has not been scientifically proven that Giardia parasitic in the intestines of cats, dogs and rodents pose a real threat to humans. But doctors do not advise to risk.
  • Allow the child to drink non-preboiled water. This does not apply to bottled water from the store. The danger is the spring water.
  • Do not use folk remedies for the treatment of giardiasis in a child, without consulting a doctor. This is especially true of the prowl procedures.


Giardiasis is not a serious disease, but it is much easier to prevent than to treat it. For this, nothing special needs to be done.

The main thing is that the child strictly observe the simple requirements of personal hygiene - he washed his hands before eating and after returning from the street, changed his underwear more often, bathed and washed regularly.

  • If giardiasis is found in one family member, it is desirable for everyone to undergo treatment. Household way - through dirty hands, toys, common utensils, is the main way of transmitting giardiasis. Therefore, at the time of detection of parasites in someone, most likely, the rest of the household (mostly children), this infection also exists. Treat special veterinary drugs and pets should be.
  • The use of traditional medicine experts advise as auxiliary. That is, only in addition to the medical treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • After completing the course of treatment, it is advisable to be under the supervision of a doctor for another 2-3 months, giving blood and feces once every four weeks for the determination of cyan Giardia, because children often have relapses.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


