Is it possible to give black cumin oil to children and what does it treat?


Black cumin, which is also called Roman coriander, sedan, Kalindzhi, or chernushka, is a herb of the buttercup family. This plant is very common in Asia and in the Mediterranean countries. The seeds obtained from it contain valuable oil which is used in recipes of traditional medicine and in cosmetology. In some cases, it is recommended to take it to children, so moms are interested in the properties of such a product and the dosages allowed for children.


The oil, which is extracted from the seeds of black cumin, is very rich in fatty acids, vitamins E, A and group B, phospholipids, enzymes, flavonoids, minerals and other beneficial substances. Thanks to their presence, the tool is capable of:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • have an anticarcinogenic effect;
  • stimulate sputum separation, so that it cures a productive cough;
  • help destroy harmful bacteria;
  • improve the work of the digestive system, normalizing the acidity of the contents of the stomach and activating the peristalsis (this helps to get rid of the increased gas formation and colic);
  • help get rid of pinworms and other parasites;
  • prevent skin allergies;
  • soothe the nervous system;
  • reduce pain;
  • improve the appearance of the skin - increase its tone, eliminate irritation, help fight acne and acne, accelerate healing of injuries;
  • reduce the temperature;
  • strengthen the vascular walls and prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • accelerate hair growth;
  • eliminate inflammation of liver cells, protect them from harmful effects and eliminate toxins;
  • activate bile excretion and bile duct clearance;
  • promote cell regeneration and act as an antioxidant.

Are children shown?

The use of black cumin oil in childhood is recommended not earlier than 6 years. Such age limits are provided for ingestion and instillation of the nose, and external use is possible at any age, but only if it is not allergic.

However, if you plan to process the skin of a child under one year old, you should first consult with your doctor and make sure that the baby carries the product normally.

When apply?

The oil obtained from the seeds of black cumin, does not apply to medicines, and is considered one of the dietary supplements, but it is highly valued in traditional medicine. It is produced by different manufacturers and can be sold in bottles of 20, 50, 60, 100 or 125 ml. Occasionally, larger packings are also found, in which 300 or 500 ml of oil are contained.

Usually it is a cold pressed product. This method of production allows you to save all the valuable properties of raw seeds. The oil obtained from caraway seeds has a greenish-brown hue, a bitter aftertaste and a peculiar spicy smell.

It is recommended to use oil from grains of black cumin both at different diseases, and with the preventive purpose. Means is applied:

  • with colds;
  • with hyperacid gastritis;
  • with enlarged adenoids;
  • at angina;
  • with pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma;
  • for treating pyelonephritis, cystitis, or another urinary tract infection;
  • with psoriasis and allergic dermatosis;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • with worm infestation;
  • for cosmetic procedures for the face and hair;
  • for the general strengthening of the body.

Possible harm

Before giving such a remedy to a child, it is imperative to consult with the pediatrician and remember that any popular recipes should be only ancillary therapy. In addition, so that cumin oil does not harm health, it is important to check its shelf life when buying and know about contraindications.

Black cumin oil is prohibited to use in case of hypersensitivity to this product. To make sure that you are not allergic to cumin oil, you can smear the skin of your hand with it (the elbow bend is best for this) and leave it for 15 minutes. Further, the treated skin is examined and made sure that there is no redness, rash and other changes on it. Only after that it is authorized to carry out processing in the dose appointed by the doctor.

If the product is ingested, the first portion should be small. After giving the oil to the little patient in the morning, in the evening you can already appreciate how the child suffered this remedy.

If edema, itching or other allergic manifestations appear, you should stop using the product and consult a doctor.

There are several other restrictions for using the tool:

  • cumin oil is contraindicated in patients who have previously transplanted internal organs;
  • since such a product affects blood glucose levels, it should not be used in children with diabetes without the supervision of a physician;
  • if the patient is undergoing chemotherapy, the use of cumin oil is also not recommended, as this may reduce the effect of the treatment;
  • It is not advised to give this oil when coughing, if antibiotics are prescribed to the child
  • Do not use cumin oil to strengthen the immune system, if the patient is already taking other vitamin or immunostimulating complexes.


Inside, cumin oil is taken 20-60 minutes before a meal, but if a patient has digestive problems, it is recommended to use after meals. This method of administration is indicated for the stimulation of immunity, with cough, headaches, digestive disorders and many other problems.

As a rule, means accept long courses. Duration of oil intake - up to 3-4 months. After that, it is recommended to take a break for at least 2 months. Only after this is possible the repetition of the course.

A single dose of oil for a child older than six years is half a teaspoon, and adults are prescribed such a remedy for a full teaspoon. In some diseases, it is recommended to mix cumin oil with a decoction of flaxseed, lemon juice, natural yogurt and other components before taking it.

At a cold, oil from grains of black cumin can be dripped into the nose, mixing it with olive oil in the ratio of 1 to 1. This procedure is performed three times a day. With a cold and coughing with black cumin oil, steam inhalations can be given. For them, a tablespoon of the product pours out into 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture can be placed in a steam inhaler or simply let the child breathe steam over a saucepan.

To cure a sore throat and get rid of cough, you can give the child herbal tea, which is added a little cumin oil. In addition, when coughing, you can rub the oil in the chest. Before this procedure, performed twice a day, the product is diluted with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 5.

For topical use, oil lubricates scaly or damaged skin. At the same time, cumin oil can be used independently, but more often it is mixed with other oils.

It is recommended to apply means on an integument twice a day.


        The use of oil, which is obtained from the seeds of cumin, speak mostly positively. This tool is called effective for strengthening the body's defenses, combating cough, headaches and many other ailments. The main advantages of caraway seed oil are naturalness, a lot of useful properties and a wide range of applications, as well as a short list of contraindications.

        Negative reviews of black cumin oil leave little. Many mothers say that children do not like the taste of butter, because it is bitter. In such cases, the product is washed down with water or mixed with honey. Only in some patients this useful product provokes side effects, for example, an allergic reaction or irritation of the skin during local processing. In addition, the price of some manufacturers of oil is called quite high.

        See the following video for the benefits of black cumin oil.

        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


