The use of oak bark in the treatment of children


Oak bark has long been known as a unique healing tool. In immemorial times, people noticed that the oak tree lives for several centuries, and believed that its leaves, acorns and “skin” (bark) can give a healthy and full-fledged longevity to man.

Adults often resort to the magical properties of oak bark. It can be found in toothpastes, in cosmetics, as part of some medications, it is used in cooking. And, of course, many parents have a question whether it is possible to give oak bark to children and how to do it correctly.

This natural natural storehouse of useful substances is highly appreciated by traditional medicine, and recently official medicine has recognized it. An oak bark has also been found in pediatrics, and increasingly, pediatric doctors recommend moms and dads brew it to a child in a given situation. Let's look at these situations and find out exactly how to apply this tool in the treatment of children.

Medicinal properties

Oak bark has a huge spectrum of action. This anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Everyone knows the knitting property of this natural raw material. They are provided by tannins, ellagic and gallic acids.

Quartcetin, a plant glucoside, which has a decongestant and vasto-stabilizing effect, gives it a specific bitterness. Acids contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body. Tanning, astringents and flavonoids strengthen the immune system, have a strong immunomodulatory effect.

The oak bark relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, helps the restoration of mucous membranes, has a bactericidal and anti-fungal effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, moderately anesthetizes.

Dosage Form

Most of the organic substances that give such an incredible healing value of oak bark, rather easily dissolve in warm water, so the most popular form of application is a decoction or water tincture. In addition, the tincture can be alcohol and oil.

Buy a decoction or tincture of bark oaks can be at any pharmacy, its cost is available to a wide range of patients - about 100 rubles. Instructions for use are attached to the tincture, which can answer most questions about the use of the drug.

How to prepare yourself

Many parents want to make their own medicine. Make it not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

It is necessary to harvest raw materials in the spring, choosing young oaks growing far from highways and industrial enterprises. The bark thickness of such trees is no more than 0.5-0.7 cm.

Having made two circular incisions on the trunk at a distance of about 15-20 cm from each other, you will need to draw two vertical lines between them with a knife. The resulting piece of bark should be whole, not touched by any pests or fungal tree diseases.

Freshly cut bark can not be washed, just enough to clean it from dust. To dry the raw materials should be in a well-ventilated area, hanging on a rope or laid out on paper, while avoiding direct sunlight falling on the workpiece. If the bark crumbles easily, it is dried properly. If it bends, it should be dried.

Store dried and finely crumbled oak bark in a dry and dark place, in a linen bag or in a cardboard box.

From what age to apply?

Bark decoction can be used in the treatment of children from birth, but this must be done wisely, carefully, further diluting the recommended proportions of ready-made decoctions with saline. After a year, babies are allowed to dosage and concentration on a common basis. Children under 3 years of age should give the oak bark only with the permission of the pediatrician. Children from 7 years old and teenagers are allowed to use alcohol infusion outside.


Like any organic matter-rich product, oak bark has its own contraindications. For example, it cannot be used to treat children with vascular, heart, liver, and kidney disease.

Apply the infusion is not worth extensive eczema and skin lesions with a large area. It is also unsafe to use oak bark for children with diseases that are accompanied by a strong fever.

Side effects

Oak bark has not only a lot of healing properties, but also side effects. First of all, its reception can cause an allergic reaction in a child - redness of the skin, itching, burning in the mucous membranes, increased pain, nausea. In case of allergies, you should immediately stop taking decoctions and infusions and consult an allergist for advice.

If the pediatrician has already prescribed any medications, be sure to inform him of your intention to start giving the child the bark of the oak.

The fact is that this, quite powerful in its effect, natural remedy is capable of enhancing the action of some drugs and reducing the action of others. Only a specialist is able to objectively assess the feasibility of using traditional medicine, especially of such a strong drug as oak bark.

Features of practical application

Apply the tool in the treatment of children only externally and nasal. Drink decoctions and tinctures can not.

In terms of their effectiveness, the drops and rinses that can be made from the bark of oak are not inferior to traditional pharmaceutical drugs. Advantageous difference of natural raw materials - in the absence of any toxicity.

Alcoholic infusion of oak bark (1 tablespoon of raw materials per 400 ml of vodka) can be used exclusively by children, and the child must be over 7 years old. Such an infusion in its pure form can not be applied to open wounds, bleeding abrasions, severe burns: it can cause irritation. Therefore, as a rule, alcoholic infusion is diluted with water or saline in half.

Oak natural raw materials show the same effectiveness in the treatment of viral and in the treatment of bacterial ailments.

Overdose can be expressed in clearly felt bitterness in the mouth, excessive dryness of the mucous membranes, nausea and headache. In order not to cause an overdose and to eliminate the unpleasant bitter aftertaste to the maximum, when a child buries its nose, adults should first try the decoction themselves, it should not be too rich and bitter. If necessary, it can be further diluted with water in excess of the recipe.


With diarrhea

Diarrhea is a frequent companion of childhood. The disease of "dirty hands" is especially common in large children's groups - in kindergartens, in school recreation camps, in schools. When diarrhea children do enemas with a decoction of oak bark. It is easy to prepare such an antidiarrheal decoction - mix a teaspoon of oak bark and two spoons of dried pharmacy chamomile, pour boiling water and leave in a thermos for 40 minutes. Then cool and add a few drops of valerian tincture. The resulting tool can do enemas - 2-3 times a day.

With a cold

Nose drops can be prepared from pharmacy raw materials or procured independently.

The bark, collected independently, must be taken and crushed, boil for 40 minutes over low heat in a volume of water equal to one glass.Then you need to cover the container with a lid and infuse the bark for 4 hours. The resulting broth is diluted with water, pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature or saline in a ratio of 1: 3. The drops are ready.

Ready-made pharmaceutical bark will need 4 teaspoons for a cold remedy. They should be poured over 250 ml of boiled water, pre-cooled, and kept on the steam bath for at least 45 minutes. The resulting liquid should be cooled, filtered and diluted with boiled water to a volume of 1 faceted glass.

It is necessary to drip such drops in the nose with a cold or sinusitis for about a week, 3 drops in each nostril four times a day.

After the oak drops, it is advisable to bury a drop of sea buckthorn or peach oil in each nostril, in order to avoid drying out the sinuses.

With stomatitis, bleeding gums, sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis

In these cases, use a special decoction of oak raw materials. Six teaspoons of finely chopped bark to keep in a glass of boiling water in a water bath for at least half an hour. Then the broth should be thoroughly drained, drained into a glass container. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator for no more than two days, after 48 hours, the broth must be brewed again.

Rinse the broth mouth and larynx can be up to 8 times a day with the disease, each time after eating - with stomatitis or paradontosis, and at least twice a day for prevention during the period of seasonal diseases and with an intense dry cough.

With atopic dermatitis, boils, wounds, abrasions and burns - oak decoction is made according to a different recipe. For 6 teaspoons of raw materials take 250 grams. water, brewed on a steam bath for at least half an hour.

With this broth, cooled and filtered, you can make compresses, handle the wound by wiping. In contact with the affected skin, he behaves like a strong antiseptic, disinfecting the sore spot. In addition, it creates a protective film that prevents harmful bacteria from entering the wound. A mild analgesic effect helps to relieve discomfort.

With adenoids

The decoction can be taken in the form of drip rinsing of the nasal cavity. To prepare such a drug is also quite simple - 4 teaspoons of crushed raw materials must be mixed with peppermint and St. John's wort. Dried herbs are taken in half the amount of oak bark.

1 tablespoon of the resulting fitosym pour one and a half cups of cold water, wait until all boils. Boil on low heat for no more than 10 minutes, then cool and get rid of the sediment, filtering through gauze. Rinse the nose with a pipette, 2 times a day for 10 days.

With increased sweating of hands and feet

Such a delicate problem in young children is quite rare, in adolescents - almost everywhere. With a decoction of this pathology, you can make baths for arms or legs. Add to the water for bathing a decoction of oak bark can be children aged after 5 months.


Feedback from parents about national treatment is often positive. Especially mothers and fathers note the effectiveness of this remedy in adenoids in children, if we are talking about the first stage of adenitis. On the second and third oak bark shows less impressive results.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Recognized authority among mothers, Dr. Eugene Komarovsky highly appreciates the beneficial properties of oak bark, especially if it is used for decoctions for wounds, burns and dermatitis. A well-known pediatrician sees benefit from this folk remedy even with adenoids, but he is sure that it is impossible to cure the advanced and difficult stages of the disease with this remedy.

A complex treatment is required, in which, possibly, there will be a place and oak bark, but already at a stage close to recovery.

Oak bark Komarovsky recommends for bathing children suffering from diathesis. In some cases, if the child is not prone to allergies, Evgeny O. recommends taking a bath with a decoction to children of the first year of life and a little older with strong diaper rash.

The video where Doctor Komarovsky tells about the benefits of oak bark, you can see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


