Treatment of dry cough in a child folk remedies


Dry cough - for children, the condition is quite painful. Attacks torture the baby constantly, but relief does not come. You can help him and quite traditional medicines from the pharmacy, but many parents prefer folk remedies that quickly and effectively save the child from suffocating attacks. We will talk about such recipes from the arsenal of alternative medicine in this article.

Special features

Cough is not an independent disease, it is just a symptom, indicating that something went wrong in the child’s body. And, before you solve the issue of treating this symptom, you need to understand that a reasonable approach is when the cause is treated, not the effect. To find her, consult a doctor.

Cough in children is most often associated with acute respiratory infections, influenza. However, it is not excluded and the ingress of airborne foreign objects. In addition, children often suffer from allergic cough. There is even a nervous cough reflex, mainly in hyper-excitable and restless children, subject to severe stress.

For the duration of cough is acute, prolonged, subacute and chronic. The illness that torments the baby for no longer than 2 weeks is called acute. If the child has been coughing for about a month, doctors talk about a protracted nature, and if about 2 months - about a subacute. If you have not been able to cope with the problem for 8 weeks, then the child has a chronic illness, which will require long and serious treatment.

By timbre cough is divided into dry and wet. Dry is quite easy to recognize, because it is unproductive or unproductive, in other words, it is not accompanied by sputum separation. Sometimes he has the character of a barking, because the sound is very reminiscent of a dog barking.

A dry cough reflex occurs in response to irritation of the respiratory mucosa caused by viruses. That is why dry cough is considered one of the brightest signs of the onset of flu or ARVI. Allergic reflex, too, as a rule, dry. But in this case, irritation of receptors is caused by allergens that the child inhales along with the air (pollen, household chemicals, polluted air, tobacco smoke, toxic fumes).

In case of a nervous cough, the cause of receptor arousal should be sought in neuropsychic disorders, in psychosomatics. Neither medications nor folk remedies will be effective with it, because the nervous system, and not the respiratory system, needs to be treated.

Dry cough is characterized by an increased frequency of attacks.he is especially hard on the child at night. Many children complain of pain in the sternum.

Parents should be aware that different types of cough are treated completely differently. Wet requires the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs, and when dry it is important to reduce the intensity of the cough reflex. Regarding the choice of folk remedies for treatment, the same rule applies. If the mother finds it difficult to determine the nature of the cough in her child, you should not be treated at random, it is better to consult a doctor.

On the types, characteristics and dangers of dry cough in children, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

Causes of dry cough

As already mentioned, the most "innocuous" and easily disposable cause of dry cough is the initial stage of the flu or an acute respiratory viral infection. This happens most often, but one should not forget that other diseases are also accompanied by dry coughs, and it is better not to even think about the treatment of many of which at home:

  • Bronchial asthma. Dry exhausting reflex in this disease has paroxysmal character. Often the attacks are accompanied by suffocation, they need immediate use of the drug.
  • Pneumonia (pneumonia). An unproductive cough in this disease is deaf, monotonous with frequent attacks, which increase if the child actively moves, runs, breathes more often.
  • Various inflammations of the trachea, bronchi and larynx. Cough can be barking, rude, accompanied by hoarseness.
  • Pleurisy with dry leakage. When it is dry, the cough is very painful, the child is restricted in movement, as any change in the position of the body causes severe pain in the chest.
  • Malignant neoplasms (tumors) in the tissues of the respiratory system. The reflex with such a problem can manifest itself in different ways, therefore this condition is the most difficult to diagnose.
  • Whooping cough. An unproductive cough with this disease often ends in vomiting. Such a reflex is practically not amenable to treatment with medicines, but it passes with time itself.
  • Allergy. The cough reflex is permanent, coughing does not change the tone and depth of sound. The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx have a grayish pale tint.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. Unproductive cough with this disease is long, protracted. Sometimes parents confuse it with chronic. Such a condition requires prompt treatment to the hospital, as tuberculosis is dangerous and contagious.

When you can not do only folk remedies

Any fact of dry cough should alert sensible parents and force them to book the child for an appointment with a doctor. If the doctor confirms that the symptom is caused by a viral infection, you can treat it with a clear conscience at home, including folk remedies.

However, statistics is a stubborn thing, and she says that every fifth child whose mother brought a doctor to the doctor complaining about a dry cough actually breathed in a foreign body, for example, a small part from a toy. In this situation, folk remedies will not help, it is required to remove the object as soon as possible, until severe inflammation has begun.

Dry cough can be a symptom of coronary heart diseaseand also to testify about problems with blood formation. These conditions require highly specialized treatment, of course, not antitussive drugs and non-native cough prescriptions.

That is why it is important to visit the doctor, to undergo the necessary additional diagnostics.

Effective folk remedies and methods

When treating dry cough at home, parents should be very careful and respond to the slightest changes in the child’s condition. Dry cough is a very insidious symptom. So, laryngitis, which is accompanied by this type of symptom, can turn into a complication in the form of false croup. Without quick parental response and timely medical care, the child may suffocate. It is better if the mother nevertheless consults with the doctor before choosing a prescription for alternative medicine.

There are a great many recipes for dry cough. Let's look at the most famous, popular and proven generations of children.

Pine buds

You can buy them at any pharmacy or prepare yourself. In boiling milk (half a liter) you need to add a tablespoon of fragrant pine buds. To insist such a coniferous drink should be at least 3 hours, then strain and give the child a quarter cup of glass several times a day.

Onions with milk

A pair of medium sized onion bulbs must be cut into rings or half rings and cook in milk until tender (the rings should be soft). The beverage is cooled, filtered and a teaspoon of linden honey is added. A single dosage is a tablespoon; you should often give the child water every two hours for three days. Usually this is enough to cough, soften, and its intensity decreased. If the child is not 3 years old, you should not put honey in the drink, it can cause allergies. Replace the bee product with sugar or fructose.


A useful product that helps to quickly cure a dry cough. A tablespoon of mustard seeds should be mixed with a spoon of vegetable oil, a spoon of honey and two spoons of 9% vinegar. All this is heated, but not boiled. Knead into the resulting mass two tablespoons of flour and form cakes. Put damp gauze and a layer of cling film on the child’s chest and back, put warm mustard cakes and cover with cotton wool. This compress can be left for 4 hours.

In no case should the procedure be carried out for infants, since all the ingredients are strong allergens, and warming up can disrupt the heat exchange of the baby.


100 grams of barley kernels are ground into powder, 250 ml of water are poured and brewed in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then insist the resulting liquid, filter and give the child in the form of heat several times a day. There is practically no age limit for such a recipe; it can be given to children under one year old and children over.

Pine nuts

In milk (1 liter) should be boiled 50 grams of unpeeled pine nuts or a whole pine cone. Strain, cool. Give the child 1-2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.

Garlic ointment

Several large cloves of garlic must be chopped or rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with badger oil or liquid paraffin, insisted in the refrigerator and rubbed into the heels of a child with a dry cough overnight.


Ginger root should be washed, peeled, grated or finely chopped. Such a mass of one serving of the drink will be required at the tip of a teaspoon. Fill ginger with boiled, but not boiling water, let it stand. If necessary, add currant juice, raspberries, honey or sugar and let the child drink at night.

Inhalation with essential oils

For carrying out such procedures with an unproductive cough, it is best to use eucalyptus and fir oils. They should not be dripping too much, just 1 drop is enough. Together with oils, use for inhalation medicinal plants and fees that have antitussive properties - sage, coltsfoot.


Compresses with an unproductive cough can be made from cottage cheese, from calcined salt. The main rule - no compresses and inhalations, if the child has a fever. First you need to reduce the heat, and only then go to the warming up procedures.


  • In a house where a child suffering from an unproductive cough lives, it is necessary create optimal environmental conditions. They will help to recover faster, and in the future will be an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases. The air in the apartment should not be too dry. To do this, use special humidifiers, bringing the level of humidity to 50-70%. If there is no such device, you can hang wet towels over the batteries and make sure that they do not dry out.
  • The air temperature, which contributes to recovery, is not higher than 19 degrees. The room should be ventilated several times a day and at least once a day to do wet cleaning.
  • For inhalation, which is very effective in dry cough, use a special device - inhaler. If, like half a century ago, to cover the baby with a head with a blanket and make breathing over boiled potatoes, it is possible to complicate his already significant health problems with burns about the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi.
  • The best procedure that should accompany the treatment of unproductive cough is a rich warm drink. It will promote the formation of sputum, which will turn the cough into productive and the child will recover much faster.
  • If folk remedies, despite all your efforts, could not cope with a dry cough, you need to consult a doctor. “Critical” period is 2 weeks from the moment of initiation of therapy. If there is no relief, no sputum is formed, the intensity of the cough does not decrease, additional symptoms (temperature) appear, this is a reason to stop home treatment and go to the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Some interesting tips on treating dry cough in children can be viewed in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


