Dry cough mixture for children


Such a symptom as cough often appears in childhood, often with ARVI and other diseases of the respiratory system. Children from a large assortment of medications to help relieve cough are often prescribed a dry mixture.

What is it?

This drug is a multi-ingredient, which has an expectorant effect. In its composition there are extracts of Althea and licorice, as well as anise oil, ammonium chloride, benzoate and sodium bicarbonate. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the intensity of cough, make the sputum less viscous and contribute to its better coughing.

As the name suggests, this mixture is produced in a dry form. It can be purchased in paper bags of 1.47 g, as well as in 200-ml glass bottles, inside of which there are 19.55 g of raw materials. Medicine bags are packed in cardboard packs of 5 and 10 pieces each.

Dry cough mixture for kids
The basis of dry medicine is extracts of expectorant herbs.

Indications for use

Dry medicine is prescribed for those diseases of the respiratory system, a symptom of which is a cough with a viscous sputum, separating with difficulty.

These diseases include:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchopneumonia.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Flu.
Dry cough mixture for children - indications
Dry medicine is prescribed when coughing with viscous sputum.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Dry medicine for children is not appointed in the case of:

  • Acute piello- or glomerulonephritis.
  • Intolerance components of the mixture.
  • Problems with carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Fructose intolerance.

Among the side effects of taking dry medicine are allergic reactions. Since the drug can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, some babies may also experience vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea.

Instructions for use and dosage

Portion package of medicine is dissolved in a tablespoon of water. In this case, the water should be boiled and cooled. If the drug is in the bottle, it is filled with water to the mark and stirred, and shaken before each subsequent use.

The medicine is taken orally after meals 3 to 4 times a day:

Child's age Single dose
Up to a year 15-20 drops
1-2 years 40 drops
3-4 years 2.5 ml (half a teaspoon)
5-6 years 3.75 ml (two thirds of teaspoon)
7-8 years 5 ml (full teaspoon)
9-12 years old 10 ml (two teaspoons)
From 12 years old 15 ml (tablespoon)
Dosage of dry cough syrup for children
Observe the dosage, giving the drug to children.


There is no evidence that the use of dry medicine in excess dosage adversely affects the health of the child. However, in situations where the child drank a lot of the mixture at once, a gastric lavage is recommended. The baby is given a large amount of water and causes vomiting, and if the child’s condition has worsened, it is worth calling a doctor.

Rules of application

  • Such a drug is not advised to take simultaneously with proticar agents suppressing the cough reflex.
  • Dry medicine is not prescribed the only drug, and is used in the complex treatment of diseases that manifest cough.
  • Before dissolving the potion in water, carefully read the instructions and do not pour water in excess.
  • Dry medicine treatment is prescribed for a period of two to three weeks.

Storage conditions

In dry form, the drug is stored in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children, the temperature of which will not exceed + 25ºС. The shelf life of the mixture is 18 months. Once the medicine has been diluted with water, it should be stored at a temperature below + 12ºС for up to 48 hours.


  • Before you give your baby a dry potion that helps with coughing, you should show the child to the doctor to make sure that the cough does not have an allergic nature. In addition to a dry mixture, the pediatrician will also prescribe another treatment to speed recovery.
  • Simultaneously with the use of this drug, it is important not to forget about such additional measures as adequate drinking for the child, airing and moistening the air in the room. You can also hold inhalation with saline using a nebulizer.
Dry cough mixture for children
Before you give your child a potion, consult your doctor.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


