Folk remedies for rhinitis and nasal congestion in children


A runny nose is a nuisance that happens quite often even with perfectly healthy children. Usually it “signals” about a certain disease, since it is not an independent ailment. This is just a symptom. But each mother wants to help the baby to start breathing fully as soon as possible, because a strong cold prevents the crumbs from playing, walking, feeling the taste of their favorite dishes.

Modern medicine is ready to offer dozens of drugs to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion in children. But today we will not talk about them, but about the "grandmothers," for centuries proven methods of dealing with the common cold.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of rhinitis confuse with something else is quite difficult. To the naked eye, noticeable external manifestations of rhinitis already in the first hours of its development:

  • The baby has nasal breathing difficulty. This is usually due to the nasal passages being filled with mucus, but sometimes caused by edema. If there is no liquid discharge from the nose, and the nasal passages are visually clear, but breathing is given with great difficulty, it is edema. Usually such a runny nose is allergic in nature.
  • Burning and itching nose. This is also an indirect sign of allergic rhinitis.
  • From the nose "flows." Liquid clear discharge indicates a viral infection.
  • The mucus in the nose is thick and has a green, dark gray or purulent hue. This is a bacterial cold.
With a cold, as a rule, the child has difficulty breathing
If the nose is flowing with liquid and clear discharge, then a viral infection has entered the child’s body

When folk methods can not do?

In folk medicine, there are hundreds of different ways to defeat a runny nose and alleviate the child’s condition, but there are some limitations in using alternative medicine. First of all, they relate to newborns and infants. To treat nasal congestion in such crumbs should only a doctor. The danger of self-treatment is too great and real, it is better not to risk it.

A common myth about the benefits of breast milk, dripped into the nose of a baby with rhinitis, has long been refuted by doctors. Mother's milk is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria of all kinds and varieties, and therefore it is not worth dripping it into the nose of a small child. This increases the risk of developing a severe bacterial infection, and then prolonged antibiotic therapy is indispensable.

Folk methods should not be used without consulting a doctor, especially if your child is allergic.

Not in all cases, popular methods will help to get rid of the cold.

Treatment of folk remedies

Often parents ask how to quickly rid the child of rhinitis. I will say right away that to do this quickly is impossible in principle. Until the true cause of rhinitis is eliminated, the symptom can only be alleviated.

As for the unconventional means tested by time, any treatment should be started with washing the nasal passages. Affordable table salt will help in this.

At 1 liter of boiled and cooled to 50 degrees of water, take a tablespoon of product. The resulting solution can be washed spout with a small rubber bulb or a disposable syringe without a needle. You can repeat the procedure up to 6 times a day.

Children with rhinitis are well helped by washing the nose with salt

If the baby as a whole has good health and does not have a propensity for allergies, table salt can be replaced by sea salt. Mandatory requirement - it should not be aromatic additives.For baby solution, do not use iodized salt.

Washing will relieve the nasal passages from excess mucus and help partially relieve congestion, as well as prepare the baby’s nose for instillation of the main drug. In our case, this is also a drop from the arsenal of folk healers.

Beet Juice

Take medium-sized beets, rub on a fine grater, squeeze beet juice through several layers of gauze. Dilute it does not need anything. Bury juice 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

Do not be afraid of saturated red color, in which after the first instillation the baby’s nose will be painted. Natural beetroot dye quickly washed. Act such drops pretty quickly.

Beet juice should be instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day.

Aloe juice

Planting houses on the sill aloe is already in order to resort to its healing properties, when required.

Cut off the leaf scarlet, squeeze out of no juice. To bury it you need 4 drops in each nostril 4 times a day.

Aloe juice must be instilled 4 times a day.

Propolis tincture

Turunds help to restore nasal breathing with propolis tincture. Drug tincture dissolve boiled lukewarm water in a ratio of 1:20. Drip 2 drops three times a day.

Use this recipe with care to treat nasal congestion in the toads of three years. Propolis is great improves local immunity, relieve swelling and disinfect the nasal cavity.

Propolis tincture is instilled 3 times a day.

Onion juice

The juice of good old onions works faster than many expensive pharmaceutical drops in the nose. Grate the onion, squeeze juice through gauze.

See how much it turned out and dilute the juice with the same amount of boiled water or saline. Onion drops can be dripped 3-4 times a day for a couple of droplets in each nostril.

Onion juice is instilled 3-4 times a day.

Chamomile Broth

Tablespoon dry pharmaceutical herbal brew a glass of boiling water. You can make a decoction in the same proportions in a water bath.

Cool the resulting liquid, strain and drip as needed. This tool is very good for bacterial rhinitis.

Broth chamomile well treats bacterial rhinitis


In case of a cold, inhalations are good. But to do them over boiled potatoes under a blanket is not worth it. This method is hopelessly outdated. It is quite traumatic - a child can get burned, get thermal injuries to the mucous membranes of the nose, larynx, eyes, lungs.

It is better to use a special device - inhaler. For procedures, eucalyptus oil, chamomile decoction, string, calendula are great. You can make inhalations with medicinal table mineral water with a high alkaline content - "Essentuki", "Borjomi".

The main contraindication for any warming up of the nose is a bacterial infection. If the snot is green or purulent, inhalation should not be done. This is fraught with serious complications.

If the child is separated from the nose has a transparent structure, you can warm the nose with a boiled egg. Wrap a hot egg with a handkerchief and for 15 minutes roll it over the nose and nose, grab the forehead area.

Highly effective for rhinitis inhalation.


  • Not all folk methods are good for children. You have to be careful with laundry soap 72%, many representatives of the older generation advise to rub their nose on the inside. It is dangerous for the child.
  • Dry mustard powder, which is put on warm socks and worn during the day is a great way to relieve nasal congestion, but it is more suitable for adults. Mustard is also quite a strong allergen.
  • During the treatment, it is desirable to use the broth as a tonic, half a cup a day, let the child drink it. You can give a drink and decoction series, but this tool can only be children from three years.

In the following video you can learn another method of dealing with a cold for children.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


