The use of propolis tincture to treat and strengthen the immunity of children


Not all modern parents decide to use propolis to treat their children and strengthen their immunity. The fact is that for a long time it was believed that the high risk of developing the strongest allergy to this beekeeping product outweighs the therapeutic effect of its administration.

Pediatricians were also wary of propolis. In fact, concerns are somewhat exaggerated. Propolis with proper and proper application is able to work wonders.

Propolis is a product of beekeeping, with which insects disinfect hives and close up gaps in their tray. It is sticky, resinous, from green to dark brown - the color depends on the type of plants from which the bees collected the sticky substance.

The composition of propolis more than 200 organic compounds - amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals. It was used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt. In the Middle Ages, with the help of bee glue (this is the second name for propolis), severe bronchial illnesses were healed, used for pain relief. Our great-grandmothers in Russia generally knew at least several dozen ways of using propolis for healing.

Of course, not immediately, but propolis was still recognized by official medicine, and now in pharmacies you can buy propolis tincture, ointments and sprays containing bee glue, propolis tablets, capsules. There is propolis in the form of rectal suppositories. Increasingly, manufacturers of soap, toothpastes, and some foodstuffs are talking about the presence of propolis in their products.

The most popular form of propolis use is tincture. We will talk about its use for treating children today.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Propolis tincture has a wide range of healing properties. Of the more than 200 compounds in its composition, scientists have so far managed to “decipher” only a little more than 110. These are vitamins, mineral complexes, esters, fatty acids, enzymes, flavonoids, and much more.

Propolis tincture has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, analgesic effect. In addition, it normalizes metabolism and helps to eliminate toxins.

  • Terpenic acids, which are abundantly present in the composition of propolis tincture, have antifungal effects.
  • Romnazin and Akatsetin contribute to the speedy healing of wounds, abrasions.
  • Kempferol is a natural antibiotic, as is cinnamic and caffeic acid.
  • Tannins - actively resist a variety of viruses.
  • For the anti-inflammatory effect of the substances are flavonoids.

Contraindications are quite a strong allergic effect, which can cause the drug. This effect is due to the abundance of various active substances. Therefore, propolis tincture is forbidden to take to a newborn, one-year-old child, and if the baby has a tendency to allergies, then the tincture cannot be used by children under 3 years of age.

Propolis tincture child

Propolis is poorly soluble in water, but perfectly does it with alcohol. However, an aqueous solution of propolis takes place, and is actively used to treat children.

Modern pharmacists offer two types of propolis alcohol tincture, differing in the concentration of raw materials. Tincture 20% is used mainly for the treatment of adults. But the 10% option is quite suitable for children.

You can cook it at home. For this 10 gr. solid raw materials (propolis) will need 100 grams. medical alcohol. It is necessary to insist the mixture obtained for about 10 days in a tightly closed container in the dark. From time to time you need to shake the jar. Then the infusion to filter through two or three layers of cheesecloth and pour into a glass container. Store the resulting drug should be in the refrigerator, closed. The shelf life of propolis tincture is large - about 5 years.

Water propolis tincture is prepared in the same proportions - 10 grams of propolis per 100 ml of boiled water. Before use, the water should be cooled to 50 degrees. Insist at least a day. An aqueous solution of bee glue can be 10%, 20% and 30%. Accordingly, the dose of raw materials will increase: for a 20% solution - 20 g, for 30% - 30 g.

To prepare the tincture yourself, you need to be confident in the quality of raw materials. Such confidence can be only for those who are engaged in breeding bees or are familiar with beekeepers. Other parents should be very careful about offers for the sale of propolis, especially on the Internet. According to moms and dads, it is much easier to buy ready-made tincture at the pharmacy, especially since it costs a little - no more than 50 rubles.

Children's dosage

Children propolis tincture for any disease is given in a certain dosage, which depends on the child's age. It is quite simple to calculate it - 1 drop of tincture - for one year of a baby’s life. If a child is 4 years old, then no more than 4 drops can be given as a single dose by adding them to a spoonful of water or milk. If the baby is 6 years old - a single dose will be 6 drops.

If you decide to give child propolis, you need to start with honey. This bee product acts more gently, and if it does not manifest allergies, you can proceed to propolis.

Before the first use, you should test for allergies - a little bit of bee glue tincture should be applied to the baby's elbow with a cotton swab. If a day at this place does not appear redness and itching, propolis is not contraindicated to the baby.

The first dose should not be full medical. If the baby is 5 years old, then he was put in 5 drops of tincture. Try giving it 2 drops. The next day - 3. If there is no allergy, you can proceed to the recommended therapeutic dose.

Instructions for use


Most often, propolis is given to children to strengthen the immune system. This is especially true during periods of seasonal increase in the incidence of viral infections. For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, it is enough to give the toddler its age dose three times a day, mixing the tincture with one spoonful of boiled water. Do it better before meals for half an hour.

It is possible to repeat such preventive courses lasting 10-14 days twice a year - in the fall and in the spring.

With a cold, the number of daily intakes can be increased to five. Unlike drug-based antiviral drugs, propolis tincture does not exert serious pressure on the child’s immunity, does not force him to “work for three,” and does not cause side effects.


From coughing, a child can be given both drops of propolis alcohol tincture and a drop of water tincture.

The most effective recipe is propolis with milk. Cooking is pretty simple. It is necessary to boil a liter of milk and add 50-60 grams to it. solid raw propolis. Mix and strain. Keep the milk drink needs in the refrigerator. Single dose - 2-3 tablespoons. With bronchitis, it is better to take three times a day, with whooping cough - up to 5 times a day. With a strong night cough, the last dose of propolis should be half an hour before bedtime.

Runny nose

Rhinitis in children occurs often.At a cold, propolis is used both inside and in the nose. Drops of alcohol tincture with water or milk are taken three times a day, and drops of tincture diluted with saline solution 1:10, drip into the child's nasal passages at least twice a day.

Such procedures are especially useful for sinusitis, sinusitis, although the antimicrobial effect of propolis differs from the similar effect of pharmaceutical antibiotics. First of all, the fact that propolis does not destroy the useful microflora, as antibiotics do.

But in terms of its effect on bacteria, propolis is still somewhat inferior to traditional drops with antibiotics.


For the treatment of diseases of the throat propolis tincture can be used in aqueous and alcohol variants. Gargling should be done with a special solution.

For its preparation you will need an incomplete tablespoon of alcohol tincture or two spoons of water. They need to be diluted in a half-liter jar of warm boiled water. Gargling with angina and adenoids should be 4-6 times a day. After the procedure, it is advisable not to eat or drink for at least 40 minutes.


For the treatment of inflammation of the organs of hearing use propolis alcohol infusion. Procedures can be carried out in two ways: by wetting a tampon in an undiluted infusion and placing it in each nostril for 3 minutes, or by putting diluted drops of propolis tincture into my ears. They should be diluted 1:10.

Due to its excellent bactericidal properties, propolis will not only fight bacteria that cause otitis, but also effectively relieve pain, and this is important for ear inflammation.


When stomatitis propolis tincture is an excellent antiseptic. At 15 ml. Infusion need half a liter of boiled water. The resulting solution should be rinsed mouth 5-6 times a day. Young children who do not know how to refuse or refuse to rinse their mouth, can be performed using cotton swabs. To do this, parents need to moisten them in a spirit infusion and gently cauterize the sores in the child's mouth.


If a child has a stomach ache or there are problems with digestion, intestines, propolis tincture is diluted in an age dose (according to the number of drops per child's age) in a tablespoon of nonfat milk. Give the child to drink this drug twice a day for half an hour before meals.

Cystitis and thrush

Propolis has an anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore it can be used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

In case of cystitis, the child can be given propolis tincture at the age dose inside 3-4 times a day, in parallel, prepare a solution for the sit-bath. 25 ml. propolis alcohol tincture is added to 5 liters of water. She can wash or add a solution to the water for a warm, sit-down bath. The procedure is similarly carried out with thrush on the genitals in children.

Wounds and burns

Propolis tincture is a good antiseptic, besides it promotes healing of wounds. For topical use, it is not necessary to dilute the propolis with water, it is enough to apply it with a cotton pad or swab on the affected area of ​​the body.


For sprains and bruises, propolis tincture is used in its pure undiluted form. On the sore spot make a compress. Change the dressing with propolis need every 4 hours.


Propolis, due to its analgesic action, can relieve moderate toothache, but is not able to eliminate its causes. Without the help of the dentist, you still can not do, but temporary relief will come if the cotton wool is moistened with propolis in alcohol for alcohol and applied to the aching tooth.

General recommendations

  • Before using propolis to treat a child or strengthen its immunity, be sure to consult a pediatrician.
  • If you are allergic to propolis (itching, burning, redness of the skin, aggravation of a cold or allergic cough, edema, diarrhea, vomiting, headache), you should immediately stop the treatment with bee glue and seek help from an allergist.
  • Precautions need to give propolis tincture to children with liver and kidney diseases.

In this video you will see that honey with propolis for immunity for children is useful!

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


