Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children


Diseases, accompanied by the appearance of a cold, are the most frequent in children's practice. Every mom is familiar with them. Sinusitis is one of the most common pathologies that occur with the onset of a runny nose and bring significant discomfort to the sick baby.

What it is?

The inflammatory process that appears in the paranasal sinuses is called sinusitis. This disease is quite common around the globe.

Both children and adults can get it. Cases of new diseases are found daily in large numbers.

Normally, there are several sinuses in the body. Three of them are steam rooms. These sinuses are bilateral and are present on both sides of the nose. The seventh of them is called wedge-shaped and is not a steam room.

The inflammatory process can be on the one hand, or move to the other half of the face.

It is important to note that all the paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal passages. The mucous membrane lining these formations rather quickly becomes involved in the inflammatory process. Severe inflammation leads to the development of edema and impaired blood supply to the affected area.

The development of the paranasal sinuses occurs gradually. Their sizes and cavities grow as the child grows. The anatomical structure of the paranasal sinuses in a newborn baby is significantly different from that of a schoolboy.

Normally, there is air in these formations. This anatomical feature allows you to ensure normal performance of nasal breathing.


Doctors distinguish several clinical forms of this disease. The first occurrence of the disease in a baby is called acute. Usually this clinical type of the disease develops with the development of numerous adverse symptoms.

In infants, the course of acute sinusitis can be much harder than in children of school age.

If the child suffers from exacerbations of sinusitis several times a year, in this case, the doctors are already talking about a chronic variant of the disease.

It is important to note that babies with immunodeficiency states have a higher risk of chronic disease.

In order to eliminate adverse symptoms, more intensive treatment is required, as well as secondary prevention of new exacerbations of the disease.

As a specific sinus is affected, sinusitis can be:

  • Sinusitis. This form is characterized by inflammation in the maxillary or maxillary sinuses.
  • Etmoiditis. In this form of the disease, inflammation occurs in the region of the ethmoid bone. The ethmoid sinus is often involved in the inflammatory process.
  • Front-end. The inflammatory process in this form of the disease affects the frontal sinus.
  • Sphenoiditis. Sphenoid bones are involved in inflammation.

Cause this disease can a variety of reasons. The most common of these are bacterial or viral infections. Getting into the children's body by airborne droplets, bacteria and viruses actively proliferate on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Their rapid reproduction and replication contributes to the fact that a whole cascade of inflammatory reactions is triggered, which leads to the appearance of specific symptoms of this disease in the baby. Bacterial infection often leads to the appearance of symptoms of purulent sinusitis.

Contact with the mucous membranes of the nose of various allergens contributes to the development of allergic sinusitis. This clinical type of disease is quite common in children older than 3 years.

Doctors note that the risk of developing allergic sinusitis is significantly increased in children who live in large industrial cities or near highways.

Children with chronic lower respiratory diseases also have a higher likelihood of this disease.


Clinical signs of sinusitis can be very different. The degree of their severity depends on many of the underlying factors, as well as the state of immunity of the sick child.

Toddlers with many chronic diseases suffer from exacerbation of sinusitis much harder. Also, sinusitis is quite difficult for children with diabetes or other systemic metabolic diseases.

The incubation period of this disease may be different. It depends on the specific reason that led to the development of the disease. For most bacterial sinusitis, the incubation period is usually from 3 to 10 days.

Viral sinusitis appears faster. Usually for the development of adverse symptoms in such cases, just a couple of days is enough.

The most classic symptom of inflammation of the paranasal sinus is the appearance of congestion during breathing. This manifestation of the disease usually increases gradually. Breath impairment bothers the child at any time of the day. This leads to the fact that at night the sick baby often wakes up and sleeps rather restlessly. Severe congestion contributes to the fact that the child begins to breathe with his mouth parted.

The appearance of rhinitis also quite often accompanies the development of sinusitis. It is important to note that nasal discharge may not occur in all affected babies.

Purulent sinusitis is usually accompanied by the release of copious thick secretion from the nasal passages. It usually has a yellow or greenish tint. In many cases, it is difficult for a baby to blow his nose, since it is rather dense in its consistency.

Soreness in the projection of the paranasal sinuses is a fairly frequent manifestation of this disease. The intensity of the pain syndrome can be very different. Quite often she is oppressive. Severe course causes increased pain.

Severe pain manifested in infants crying or increased moodiness.

The rapid spread of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues contributes to the appearance of pain in various parts of the face.

First, the pain appears in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, and then can move into the region of the lower jaw, to the ear, and also to the neck. The spread of pain is a very unfavorable symptom and requires urgent consultation with the attending physician.

Bacterial or viral infections that lead to the development of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, contribute to an increase in body temperature in a child. Its values ​​may be different and depend on the severity of the disease.

Mild forms of the disease are accompanied by fever up to 37-38 degrees. Febrile is usually found in bacterial infections and significantly aggravates the course of the disease.

Sick kid feel pretty "broken." He becomes very lethargic, refuses from his favorite food, does not sleep well. The babies of the first months of life fall asleep very badly and can wake up quite often during the night.

Long-term current sinusitis contributes to the development of persistent oxygen hypoxia, which is manifested in the baby by the appearance of associated chronic diseases.

High fever can cause severe fever in a sick baby. The child feels a strong chill.

The expressed symptoms of intoxication are manifested in the baby by the appearance of dryness in the oral cavity.The lips of the child become very dry, and in some cases may even crack. Breathing through the mouth only exacerbates severe dry mouth.

The spread of the inflammatory process leads to the fact that the baby may experience the associated symptoms of conjunctivitis. They are manifested by pronounced tearing and redness of the eyes. Children feel extremely bad. They begin to act up and try to spend more time at home.

Kids up to three years old still cannot complain to adults about the deterioration of their state of health. The lack of active work of their immune system contributes to the rapid spread of inflammation in the middle and inner ear. This is manifested by the emergence of the baby in the flow of fluid from the ears.

The appearance of pus from the ear of a child should alert the parents and become a significant reason for the speediest treatment of a pediatrician.

Persistent previous runny nose contributes to the violation of the perception of odors. Impaired sense of smell also leads to the fact that the child's appetite is significantly impaired. The child not only does not smell, but also ceases to correctly determine the taste of products.

In small children, lack of appetite can lead to weight loss.

Schoolchildren suffering from chronic sinusitis deteriorate in school performance. Insufficient oxygen supply due to impaired nasal breathing contributes to the deterioration of the brain.

A big child remembers the learning material worse; it is more difficult for him to concentrate on different subjects. Kids get tired pretty quickly even after doing the usual daily activities.


The appearance of a child with shortness of breath or other specific symptoms of sinusitis should force the parents to consult a doctor. Usually, The treatment and diagnosis of pathologies of the paranasal sinuses are performed by pediatric otolaryngologists. These doctors initially conduct an extended clinical examination.

For a full examination of the nasal cavities, the doctor uses special medical instruments.

Laboratory tests are also included in the complex of diagnostic measures that are carried out with sinusitis.

Mandatory test is a complete blood count. For sinusitis, as a rule, an increase in the number of leukocytes and accelerated ESR is characteristic. Specific changes in the leukocyte formula can help doctors determine the viral or bacterial nature of a particular disease.

During the development of the disease, doctors perform several blood tests. This helps not only to monitor the development of the disease, but also to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. This method is easily performed even in the smallest patients and is very informative.

To identify the pathological secretion is performed radiography of the paranasal sinuses. This study allows you to quite accurately determine the presence of pathological fluid.

A significant disadvantage of this survey is radiation exposure. This feature determines the possibility of using this diagnostic method only in older children.

Computed tomography is considered to be the most up-to-date study to detect pathological secretion in the paranasal cavities of the nose.

This examination helps to accurately determine the presence of abdominal fluid, as well as to identify various anatomical defects of the structure. This test is used only in the most difficult diagnostic cases.

Treatment in children

The main task of therapy is to normalize nasal breathing and improve the level of local immunity. To achieve this goal, you can assign different treatment complex.

Primary therapy - the use of drugs. The choice of these funds by the attending physician.

In identifying a bacterial infection that caused the development of the disease, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs.

Currently, otolaryngologists prefer antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. This treatment allows you to improve the health of the sick baby after the course of therapy.

The most successful in the use of various clavulanic acid-protected penicillins, which, for example, include “Amoxiclav"," Supraks Solyutab "," Augmentin ".

The choice of a course dosage and terms of application is carried out by the attending physician. On average, the course of treatment of exacerbation of chronic bacterial sinusitis is 7-14 days. If the child has an allergic reaction to these drugs, then he is prescribed drugs from other groups.

Symptomatic treatment involves the appointment of vasoconstrictor nasal drops or sprays. They are applied 3-4 times a day for 2-5 days.

Longer use of these drugs should be discussed with your doctor, as it can lead to the development of adverse complications.

Quite often, babies use: “Nazivin”, “Tizin” and others.

The use of antihistamines can reduce pronounced swelling in the nasal cavity and improve nasal breathing. Drugs are usually prescribed for 7-10 days.

Many funds are assigned for use in the first half of the day. These include: “Loratadine», «Claritin"," Suprastin ","Tsetrin"," Zyrtec "and others.

Antipyretic agents are used to normalize body temperature. They are written out to kids with febrile. It is possible to use drugs with increasing body temperature above 38 degrees. In children's practice, paracetamol or ibuprofen-based drugs are successfully used.

To eliminate the pathological secretion from the nasal cavity, it is necessary to rinse the baby's nose several times a day. For this you can successfully use solutions of sea water.

Today, there is a huge amount of a wide variety of products that are sold in any pharmacy.

Prepare a solution containing a certain concentration of salt, it is possible at home.

Physiotherapy therapy plays an important role in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Various methods of physiotherapy help to reduce the duration of exacerbations, as well as prevent the deterioration of health in the future.

UHF-therapy, ultrasound in the region of the paranasal sinuses and phonophoresis have been successfully used in pediatric otolaryngological practice for many years.

In some cases, the conduct of conservative treatment does not lead to the achievement of the desired effect. In such a situation, surgery is already underway, which patients usually call a “puncture”. This procedure is performed only by a pediatric otolaryngologist using a special medical instrument.

To eliminate the pathological fluid or pus from the inflamed maxillary sinus is punctured. This is an invasive procedure and can occur with the development of complications.

How to treat at home?

To conduct sinusitis therapy alone can only after prior consultation with your doctor.

The most important method of treating inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is washing them. To prepare a solution for this treatment, you can use regular table salt and iodine.

To prepare homemade medicine, take a glass of boiled and cooled water to a comfortable water temperature. Add 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1-2 drops of iodine tincture to the liquid. Stir until dissolved.

You can rinse the nose of the baby using a small "pear" or by means of an irrigator.

In some cases, doctors are allowed to carry out inhalation with decoction of medicinal herbs. For such treatment, plants with a pronounced antibacterial and tonic effect, which include: sage, calendula, chamomile, fir, eucalyptus, are excellent.You can also use ready-made aromatic oils for inhalation.

To achieve a more stable therapeutic effect, you should rinse the nasal cavity with seawater before performing this procedure.

Inhalations are recommended 2-3 times a day. Such treatment will be optimal for older children who already understand how this procedure will be performed. 8-10 procedures are usually enough to achieve the effect.

How to treat a runny nose in children, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


