Gelomirtol for children: instructions for use


Choosing an expectorant for children, most parents tend to a means of plant origin. One of them is GeloMirtol. Can I use it in childhood and how to do it correctly?

Release form

GeloMirtol is produced in the form of oval-shaped translucent soft capsules. Inside each such gelatin capsule contains an oily liquid without color and any suspended matter, which has a characteristic odor. One pack contains 20 capsules.

There is also the drug GeloMirtol Forte, the difference of which is a higher dosage. It is also available in soft oblong capsules, inside of which there is a colorless transparent solution. One pack contains 20 capsules.


The basis of the drug is a special plant complex called "myrtol". One capsule of GeloMirtol contains 120 mg of such a complex, and in one capsule of GeloMirtol forte it is contained in a dose of 300 mg.

Myrtol consists of the following components:

  • Derived from eucalyptus oil cineole. This is the main ingredient of myrtol, presented in 1 capsule of GeloMirtol with a dosage of 30 mg, and in the preparation of GeloMirtol forte - in an amount of 75 mg.
  • Lemon, extracted from sweet orange and lemon oils. Such a substance in each capsule GeloMirtol contains 30 mg, and in GeloMirtol forte - 75 mg.
  • Extract from myrtle oil alpha-pinene. This compound is represented by a dosage of 8 mg in one capsule of GeloMirtol and a dose of 20 mg in each capsule of GeloMirtol forte.

Additionally, the capsules contain gelatin, medium chain triglycerides (they are replaced by rapeseed oil in GeloMirtol forte), hydrochloric acid, glycerol and sorbitol. The shell is made of starch, talc, derivatives of fatty, citric and glycyrrhizic acids, as well as hypromellose.

Operating principle

The drug refers to herbal expectorant drugs.

Reception GeloMirtola:

  • Contributes to the dilution of a very thick bronchial secretion.
  • Activates the ciliated epithelium.
  • Improves the production of the liquid component of mucus.
  • It has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Helps neutralize free radicals.
  • Reduces the severity of the inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa.

The result of the influence of the drug will be the elimination of bronchial secretion stagnation, anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the spread of infection deep into the lungs.

It should be noted that GeloMirtol does not linger in the stomach, but begins to act only after entering the small intestine, since the capsules are enteric. Their contents are absorbed in the intestine, enters the blood (the maximum concentration is determined 1-3 hours after administration) and is transferred to the lung tissue. Further, the active compounds of GeloMirtol penetrate into the small bronchi and sinuses, where they exert their therapeutic effect.


Most often, GeloMirtol is prescribed for sinusitis and bronchitis, both for acute illness and for the chronic form. Also, this medicine is prescribed by ENT physicians for laryngotracheitis, adenoids and pharyngitis.

At what age is it allowed to take

GeloMirtol capsules are prescribed for children from the age of six.When treating younger children, for example, at the age of 4, other herbal medicines are chosen with similar effects. Because of the high dosage, the drug GeloMirtol Forte is not prescribed for up to 10 years.


Treatment with GeloMirtol is not recommended:

  • When hypersensitivity to any ingredient capsules.
  • With gallstone disease.
  • In case of bronchial asthma.
  • When urolithiasis.

Side effects

Some children have an allergic reaction to GeloMirtol capsules. Also, taking this medicine may cause bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, shortness of breath, rapid pulse or dry mouth.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals with a cool liquid (best of all, one glass of water). If the drug is washed down with something hot, it will cause the capsule to dissolve in the stomach, which will worsen its therapeutic effect.

The dosage of GeloMirtol for children is represented by 1 capsule, and the frequency of administration is determined both by the age of the small patient and his condition:

  • In an acute process in a child of 6-10 years, the medicine is given 3 or 4 times a day.
  • If an acute disease is diagnosed in a child of 10-18 years, the drug is recommended to drink 4-5 times a day.
  • In case of chronic disease at the age of 6–18, two or three times are recommended.

If the child is 10 years old, it is more convenient to use GeloMirtol Forte, since a single dose of such a drug will also be 1 capsule, but it should be taken twice a day for an acute illness, and once a day for the chronic process.

The duration of treatment with GeloMirtol is determined on the basis of the severity of symptoms and the course of the disease. Often, in acute bronchitis or sinusitis, the medication is prescribed for 7-10 days. If this remedy treats chronic pathology, the duration of administration may be 6 months or more.


Accidental overdose causes nausea, vomiting or convulsions. If GeloMirtol is taken in a very high dosage, it can impair breathing and heart function, as well as cause coma. For treatment using gastric lavage, liquid paraffin and other measures.

Interaction with other drugs

Treatment capsules GeloMirtol can be combined with the use of other drugs, including antibiotics.

Terms of sale

Buy GeloMirtol in a pharmacy can be without a prescription. The average price of a pack of 20 capsules is 270-350 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep the drug at home in a dry place at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. Gelomirtol capsules have a shelf life of 2 years, and Gelomirtol Forte is 3 years.


On the use of GeloMirtola in the treatment of children there are many good reviews. Moms like the herbal base of the medicine, its good tolerance and ease of administration. Most children without problems swallow the capsule, because it is soft and has a small size. Allergies and other side effects of GeloMirtol are rare.


Replacing GeloMirtol when coughing in children is capable of other herbal medicines with expectorant effects. The child can be given Althea Syrup, Bronchipret, Doctor Mom, Dry Cough Syrup, Gadelix, Evkabal, Prospan and other drugs, choosing a suitable substitute with a doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky tells about the treatment of cough in his program:

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


