The best time for conception with a positive test for ovulation


Planning a long-awaited pregnancy is extremely difficult. The probability of conceiving a baby is most maximum in the ovulatory period. This article will tell you how to determine the best time to conceive a child with a positive ovulation test.

Favorable period

Doctors believe that the probability of fertilization of the egg is maximum during ovulation. Most women have this time in the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, the most accurate ovulation date can be determined with the help of the usual test, which is sold today in each pharmacy.

To determine the best time for conception, you must first understand some of the biological features of the male and female body.

Fertilization of the egg is possible under several conditions. To do this, it must be ripe, get out of the follicle and get to the fallopian tube. The second, equally important condition is the presence of viable spermatozoa that are sufficiently mobile to get into the uterine cavity.

A female egg is viable, usually within 24-48 hours. It depends on many conditions. One of them, for example, is the age of a woman. Doctors believe that in younger women, ova can remain viable for a longer time. In women older than 40 years, a mature egg can remain viable, unfortunately, only for 12-24 hours. After that, if conception does not occur, her death occurs.

Ovulation Calculator
Cycle time
Duration of menstruation
  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception
Enter the first day of the last menstrual period.

Spermatozoa may remain viable somewhat longer than eggs. So, even if they are in adverse environmental conditions for them, they can persist for several days.

It is important to note that we are talking about initially healthy sperm. If a man has any pathology of the reproductive organs, then the lifespan of spermatozoa after ejaculation in the female genital organs may be significantly lower.

These physiological features make it clear and the definition of the most favorable time for conception. If the test for ovulation has become positive, then it is not worth delaying sexual intercourse. Again, do not approach this process too responsibly. Excitement and psycho-emotional stress can negatively affect fertilization of the egg.

When should you start conceiving?

Determining ovulation with a test makes it easier for many couples to choose the best time for planning a pregnancy. The most favorable period for conception is, perhaps, the day of ovulation itself. At this time, the probability of meeting a ripe egg with sperm cells is quite high.

Many women are often interested in the question of whether there is some time of day most favorable for conceiving. Doctors believe that on the day of ovulation, it is possible to plan sexual intercourse at any time of the day, when it will be most convenient for a couple.

It is important to remember that the favorable "green corridor" for conception opens only for 12-24 hours.After this time, fertilization is possible, but the probability of pregnancy is gradually decreasing.

Why conception did not take place?

Ovum fertilization is a special natural sacrament. Even with strict planning of the conception date, determining ovulation with the help of a test and other ways to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy can be difficult. Couples who dream of the long-awaited baby, do not despair.

Various factors can affect fertilization of an egg even on the immediate day of ovulation. So, she may not be mature enough. This can only be determined using a microscope. The test for ovulation, unfortunately, will not show. Successful fertilization of an unripe egg is impossible.

Another complicating factor that can impede conception is the presence in a woman who is planning a pregnancy, chronic diseases of the genital organs. The presence of adhesions, scars on the appendages and the uterus can contribute to the fact that the egg with sperm simply can not meet for mechanical reasons. In such a situation, the implementation of natural fertilization is significantly reduced.

No less dangerous pathology that occurs in women is endometriosis. This pathology is accompanied by impaired ovarian function. This may manifest as a failure of the menstrual cycle. With such functional impairments, the egg cell required for fertilization in the ovary simply cannot fully mature. For the treatment of pathology used surgical treatment, as well as special medications.

The problem with conception can be not only from the woman’s side, but also from the man’s side. Immature or defective male sperm are also not capable of fusing with the egg. In this case, conception does not occur.

What to do?

A couple, who, despite numerous unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby, cannot do this for a long time, do not panic. First of all, it is necessary to understand what causes in a particular situation impede fertilization. To do this, you must fully examine both future parents.

You should start with a visit to the doctors. In this situation, you will also need to pass tests and undergo a series of additional examinations.

It often happens that the cause of difficulties with conception are some "dumb" pathologies that are present in one of the partners, but are not accompanied by the development of bright adverse symptoms. Determination of such diseases is possible only with the help of additional diagnostic methods.

It often happens that couples who dream of soon adding to a family begin to have sex life more actively. Many believe that frequent sex enhances the likelihood of conception. This is not entirely true. Too intense sex life can contribute to a change in hormonal levels, either in the male or in the female body. In such a situation, the opposite effect is observed: instead of the long-awaited conception, the couple faces problems.

On the favorable days for conception tells a specialist in the field of gynecology in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


