How to choose a baby pot for a boy?


The ability to consciously cope with the need, along with the development of speech and walking, is one of the key signs of the normal development of the child during the transition from infancy to preschool age. Of course, at first the anthropometry will not allow the kid to use the “adult” toilet, therefore parents should take care of the purchase of a special children's bathroom fixture - a pot.

From the convenience and banal attractiveness of such a purchase greatly depends on the speed of schooling, because you should think carefully before you buy a pot for a boy.


In the modern world, any product is sold in a huge variety of assortment, which often does not simplify the search for the optimal option, but only complicates it. There are quite a few varieties of pots, therefore we will single out at least the main ones among those that suit the boy.

  • Classic model completely unpretentious, it is usually a banal round vessel, akin to those used for many centuries. The limit of technology and knowledge here is an ornament in the form of a small pattern.
  • Refined classics suggests that the pot is not one. Its body is quite heavy and large, it even provides for a back to sit more comfortably, but the role of the pot itself is performed by a separate container, which can be removed at any time for sanitary procedures.
  • Anatomical pots appeared relatively recently and are a continuation of the universal human desire to do everything the most convenient and correct from the point of view of anatomy. In the case of boys, the design must necessarily have a divider for the legs with a special notch for the sexual organ - then the latter will not be clamped between the legs, but will be in a natural position.
  • Model with "skirt" additionally protected from tipping special stand, which greatly increases its diameter. It is generally impossible to get close to the pot without becoming on such a stand, and she, being a single whole with the main product, does not allow to overturn it.
  • Folding pots they resemble dry closets and often as a reservoir for waste they provide for a usual dense package, which after use can be simply thrown away. Such a model rarely has real practical value at home, but it can be invaluable when traveling.
  • Recently, more and more popular children's urinals, in which the difference from adult models lies only in the design and the possibility of easy installation at any desired height. Many models of such products are literally portable, because they can be used even on the road.

The above classification considers mainly functional varieties of such accessories without any additional features, however, many developers today are trying to turn a simple device into a real children's center. This allows you to make the pots even more diverse, but since this is not directly related to the main function, this moment already relates more to the design.


The fantasy of producers and the capriciousness of consumers leads to the fact that nowadays you can buy a pot made from almost anything. It should be remembered that the choice should be based on comfort, and not on the aesthetic appeal or even the cost of the product, therefore, in many respects, it is also necessary to choose on the basis of the material.

In recent years Plastic is considered the most adequate material for the production of pots, and it is from it that the vast majority of such products are made. Even the traditional criticism of plastics as a synthetic substance, whose exact composition cannot be known to parents, does not force the shift of emphasis to any other raw material, since it is precisely that it meets all the basic needs. So, it is plastic that is not susceptible to the damaging effects of liquids and is easily rubbed off from any contamination, it can be strong enough for long service and colorful to look like its little owner.

In addition, this material retains heat well and is never cold, and yet it can not be called too expensive. Here, of course, it should be understood that not all plastic products correspond to the described qualities, so you need to choose a good plastic model, but in general, there is no better solution.

Take at least the same metal enameled pots, so popular a few decades ago - because they are inferior to plastic in most parameters. The main disadvantage is the surface, which cools down very quickly and in the cold season will literally scare away the baby, and if the outer enamel is damaged, the apparent durability of the metal will no longer be so indisputable. In the end, such a pot is quite noisy, and, by accidentally knocking it over, the boy will not only do the dirty trick, but will also frighten himself a lot.

Other materials in the context of the production of children's pots and completely meaningless, but the will of the consumer for the producers - the law. However, you should not choose any alternatives to the above described materials - the same porcelain or earthenware used for the production of “real” plumbing equipment is distinguished by higher brittleness, considerable expensiveness and huge weight, which do not allow adequate transportation even within the apartment.


Making an accessory is the most important moment when choosing it, because initially the baby does not understand the purpose of the device and can walk by for many months without being interested in it. The key to knowledge, as always, lies in interest - the boy should not be afraid of the pot, but on the contrary, he should be interested in him and subconsciously strive for it, even if he still doesn’t really understand why.

Here, however, lies one potential problem, which lies in the fact that many designers have gone too far. Today, no one will be surprised by exquisite models of pots made, for example, in the form of a typewriter or some horse worthy of a knight. It is also good if the accessory is simply made in the form of an imitation of something completely unrelated to the toilet, but there are instances whose entertainment effect is enhanced by sound and light effects. "The child just will not pass by such a gift," think the developers, and they are right.

Here are just a child development experts usually do not share the universal delight, pointing to the predictable problem of the substitution of concepts. For a child, such a device is not a toilet in the sense of an adult, but an attraction. He can sit for hours in such a “typewriter” and at the same time do his own thing, but it happens just like in any other place - the child is not used to restraining himself.

As a result of a meaningful reaction, which forces one to start looking for a potty or toilet with the first urge does not arise. However, another problem is possible, when the association with the "toilet" application still appears over time, but then the kid can behave similarly in some other typewriter that does not provide for similar functions.

Separately, it should be said that the fascination of such a gift is also dangerous because children, sitting here for hours, risk simply serving their own fifth point - at their age, the pelvic muscles are not sufficiently trained to carry out such a test.

Problems of a psychological nature are also possible, when a child, having become accustomed to an “elite” toilet with a whole range of entertainment, then almost flatly refuses to use a “primitive” adult toilet or another pot devoid of all comforts.

Considering all the above, psychologists advise to find a reasonable combination of attractiveness and rejection of unnecessary functions. The pot can have a rather bright design, be decorated with an attractive colorful pattern, or even have a shape that significantly distinguishes it from most fellows. At the same time, you should not go too far, when you don’t immediately guess the toilet in the construction.

Choosing a similar product, it is worth making a start from the child’s psychological characteristics: too bright things are not needed for an active child, because they only provoke him more, but you can buy a rather calm baby and something more colorful, since only living colors will make him interested in a new subject. .

How to choose?

The described object in each case is selected separately, based on the personal preferences of the parents, and sometimes the child himself. Some criteria, such as materials or design, have already been described above. Considering that it is a question of choosing a baby pot specifically for a boy, it is also advisable to take into account his anatomy, and therefore the separator for the legs will definitely not be superfluous. But this selection criteria do not end there, because we consider a few more important points.

  • Whatever your child is, he will definitely not be careful - for his age it is quite normal. Knock over a pot full of such a kid could even be accidental, and one can never rule out a prank for which you don’t scold too much at that age. For this reason, it is better to choose a model that is particularly stable - it is either a special “skirt” around the main structure, or a fairly broad base. For reliability, it doesn’t hurt to ensure a good fixation from any movements, therefore pay special attention to the models with a rubber pad on the bottom that does not allow the product to slide.
  • Never forget about child safety, because only one traumatic experience, though not too dangerous, but painful, can be interpreted by him unequivocally in favor of the chosen accessory. Choosing a model, you should carefully examine it for the presence of chips, chipping and sharp edges, as well as assess the possibility of their appearance during operation. If there are any, choose something else.
  • The child does not yet have a firm understanding of the urgent need for hygienic management of needs, because he may at any time refuse to use the pot if it is trivially inconvenient. In the context of ease of use, size is of fundamental importance - both the diameter of the hole and the width of the oval on which the boy will have to sit should be chosen approximately ideally. Too small an opening and a wide oval will provoke constant “misses”, a narrow oval will lead to clamping of the blood vessels of the legs, and a large opening may even lead to the fall of the baby. This means that during the child's childhood the pot will have to be changed, at first - even once a year.

The final stage can be the purchase of a special lining for an “adult” toilet bowl.

  • When choosing a pot, remember that his seat must always remain clean, and for this the product must be easy to maintain. Try to choose an accessory so that it contains as few hard-to-reach places as possible where dirt can clog. The presence of convenient handles, on the contrary, is welcome, especially if thanks to them, even a grown owner can take a pot - many boys like it as a manifestation of their independence.

The material itself should be easy to clean, preferably also to be resistant to detergents.

Useful recommendations

As is often the case, someone else's experience is often even more informative than well-written general recommendations. For this reason, let us pay attention to what the parents of male babies write on the Internet.

Most of the discussions are caused by the protrusion in front, or the divider for the legs.The same doctor Komarovsky does not insist on using it, claiming that it is possible to do without him even in the case of a boy, and some parents openly criticize such a construction, referring to the fact that the child is unable to properly sit on such a pot without assistance. .

The above is almost always true, and yet for the boy such a projection is very important.

Reviews of many parents suggest that it allows you to solve many problems - for example, splashing urine outside the limits of the pot itself, because the sexual organ is noticeably higher than the seat. Another possible problem with the absence of a separator is that a boy who is used to wearing “diapers” may simply not yet understand the need to move his legs apart, which is why the trajectory of the fluid becomes completely unpredictable.

By the way, in the process of habituation, children can sit on the pot for quite a long time, and in fact a long clamping of the penis can lead to certain health problems in the future.

In addition, many parents advise not to buy a pot in each room, limiting themselves to the toilet and nursery. The ease of accessing the pot should not make the baby think that he is everywhere he wants, so he should immediately accustom the child to the fact that for natural needs there should be one specially allocated place.

On how to choose a pot for a child, see the next video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


