Choosing a soft ice-boat with handles


Every child is looking forward to the winter to ride on a sled from the nearest hill. At the same time, good sleds can be quite expensive, and parents are not always ready to immediately buy new ones for the baby, especially if he has already shown that it is not difficult for him to break such a toy. If you leave the child without a sled, he will certainly try to ride from the slides, if not on his own fifth point, then on any cardboard box he has come across. To preserve the health and mood of the baby without significant financial costs, you can buy a soft ice house with handles.

What is it? Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike plastic ice-house, a soft cheesecake, as the name implies, does not have a rigid body. This design is in a sense reminiscent of a pillow - there is a soft inside, but at the same time quite dense filler, which allows smoothing out the unevenness of the descent, and outside it is protected by a cover made of thick fabric that does not let the water through.

As filler for ice-floes, they usually serve as sintepon or foam rubber, polypropylene and other similar materials, which, among other things, also have heat-saving properties, due to which it is not so cold on an ice-house.

The soft model is lightweight, so it is perfect for even the youngest children. Some designs for convenience are even equipped with a belt that allows you to fasten the ice house to the child, which will allow the baby to climb up faster after descending.

A soft ice-boat made of cloth and sintepon is on average more reliable and durable than plastic. The difference is that the plastic cracks from the impact, and the soft ice-house only deforms temporarily, giving way to pressure, and then takes on its original shape. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the weight of such “sleds”, and the largest models allow you to ride even three or together with adults.

With all its advantages, not all soft ice-boats are recommended for the smallest: such children need a design with an emphasis for legs and handles, otherwise they simply will not hold out during the descent.

If you want a child to ride by himself, without the help of adults, it is worth choosing an ice house that will weigh the least. In general, this criterion is suitable for most devices of this type, with the exception of only expensive models with brakes and steering. Here, decide for yourself what is more important - ample control during the descent or ease of ascent back up the hill.

Very many soft ice-boats are doubles, and it would be cheaper to buy such a model if there are two children in a family. It should be understood that it will be interesting to ride together only to children of approximately the same age. If we are talking about a teenager and a preschooler, then the older one probably will prefer not to ride at all, rather than constantly messing with the baby, and the younger one probably will not cope alone with a large design for two.

By the same logic, one should also choose the pattern of the ice house for children of different ages. Stop your choice on a universal print that suits both the older and the youngest child.


No wonder that ice floes in recent years is becoming more and more - they really like many parents who leave positive feedback on the forums en masse. The speed and maneuverability as well as the lightness and style of a similar design are highly appreciated. It should be noted, and a very low cost, since the family can buy a soft ice house almost any day - 200 rubles can be enough for this.

Many consumers stand out for the better soft ice-breaker “Rocket” of the domestic company “Bystrik”.Such a construction weighs only 150 grams, and it costs 230 rubles. It is fair to say that most of the ice floes are about the same, because such popularity is most likely caused by the competent work of the promotion department, rather than some outstanding characteristics.

Of course, in some cases, ice-boats also run up against criticism. Some adults notice that the famous maneuverability of ice floes becomes really noticeable only when the child has been learning to ride for a long time, and before that the descent trajectory is almost unpredictable. Security tools are also criticized, which are absent in many models - that is why we consider the choice of such “sleds” only with handles in order to minimize the chances of falling.

Review of ice sleds with rocket handles, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


