Antiviral candles for children


Children suffer from viral infections more often than adults, and this is quite normal, since the immunity of babies is “trained” in this way. The body’s natural defense system “learns” to recognize viruses and fight them. However, this truth known to every medic is a poor consolation for anxious parents who want to alleviate the suffering of the sick baby at any cost and quickly return it to its normal state.

Not long ago, when antibiotics were sold in pharmacies without a prescription, many mothers actively used such drugs to treat children with influenza and ARVI. More than 40% of adults, according to a sociological survey, are confident that antibiotics treat viral infections. It's a delusion. Now, when the prescription regimen has been introduced to antibacterial drugs, parents are looking for effective antiviral drugs and sometimes abuse them.

To preserve the immunity of the child in a normal state and strengthen it, it is not necessary to stuff the baby with pills and powders. Antiviral agents should be used exclusively on prescription. It is desirable that the dosage form of the drug was "child". This narrow-minded concept means low dosage antiviral syrups, drops and solutions for oral administration, nasal drops with antiviral effect and, of course, rectal suppositories. We will talk about them in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages

Candles (suppositories) - convenient to use form. It is easy to introduce it even to an infant, to which most syrups and drops are contraindicated. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 are rather stubborn and it is sometimes quite difficult to convince them to drink a pill or medicine.

In this situation, candles are a great way out. True, especially recalcitrant children are quite difficult to persuade and lie on one side for the introduction of suppository. However, This process is quite easy and painless, the fear of the procedure will disappear when the child understands this.

And now we offer to watch a video-practical manual on how to put candles to a nursing baby.

They have a shape similar to a cone, it facilitates the introduction into the rectum. The suppositories are solid, but when heated soften until completely dissolved. This process takes place in the rectum after drug administration. The drug is rapidly absorbed into the body through the intestinal wall, which reduces the risk of side effects, allergic reactions, and negative effects on the stomach and liver. This is undoubtedly a huge plus for their use in pediatrics.

There are practically no drawbacks to this form, if applied correctly. With a rough and sharp introduction, microtraumas of the anus can occur, and very rarely - a local allergic reaction to candles with itching and redness of the anus.

How to act

All antiviral agents are divided according to the method of exposure to the virus into several groups. There are drugs that block viruses, inhibit their ability to reproduce. There are immunostimulants and immunomodulators. Their task is to activate the immune system in order to speed up the defensive reaction. The process produces specific interferon proteins.

There is a group of interferon preparations that immediately deliver ready-made proteins to the patient's body. Most of the rectal suppositories with antiviral effect for children belong to this group.

Some candles contain natural interferons, which are obtained in the laboratory by artificially infecting donor blood cells with a virus. Some suppositories are based on recombinant interferons, obtained using advances in genetic engineering.

The active substance is rapidly absorbed through the walls of the rectum helps to quickly stop the progress and spread of the virus in the body.


It should be noted that the effectiveness of all antiviral drugs without exception is currently the subject of scientific disputes and discussions. For most drugs, clinical efficacy is not proven. Rectal suppositories with interferon are also no exception. Therefore, do not think that they are a panacea.

According to the observations of medical practitioners, the likelihood of receiving the effect of the use of antiviral suppositories increases significantly if you start to enter them in the first 36 hours after the onset of symptoms of flu or ARVI. In other words, as soon as the child's temperature sharply rose to 38.5-39.0, the nose snotted and sore throat, muscle and joint pain, signs of intoxication appeared, call the doctor to the house. He should advise you on the use of antiviral suppositories for children. You should not use them uncontrollably, interferon preparations are not absolutely safe for kids.

Indications for use

Antiviral suppositories are most often used not as an independent therapy, but as an aid in complex treatment. When can be recommended such suppositories:

  • Flu;
  • ARVI;
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Rotavirus and enterovirus infections;
  • Measles;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Any viral infection with bacterial complications;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis forms A, C, B, D;
  • Sepsis and meningitis in newborns;
  • Cytomegalovirus infection;
  • Angina;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Otitis;
  • Immunodeficiency states.

Most popular drugs


If someone tried to create a rating of the most frequently prescribed pediatricians antiviral suppositories, then Viferon would take first place in it. This is a drug based on recombinant human interferon.

Candles are considered safe even for infants, including premature and low-weight crumbs.. Widely assigned to children up to a year. At the age from birth to six months with acute viral infection, 1 candle is recommended rectally three times a day with a course of no more than 5 days.

Children from of the year up to 7 years, two daily administrations of “Viferon” are prescribed for 1 candle Older children 7 years on a candle 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment in all cases should not exceed five days.

Please note that these doses are relevant for SARS and influenza, in the treatment of hepatitis, papillomavirus, mycoplasmosis, the doctor will appoint different dosages and frequency of administration.

Comment immunology officer on the candle "Viferon"


This medicine is equally active against viruses and against many bacteria and fungi. Candles are available in different dosages. Genferon-125 is suitable for children up to seven years old, Genferon-250 for children up to 14 years old, and absolutely any dosage candles for older teens.

With influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, children up to seven years old can put 1 candle twice a day, older children - three times are allowed. The course of treatment usually lasts no more than five days, but in case of severe infection and prolonged illness, it can be extended to 10 days.


The drug is based on recombinant human interferon with immunoglobulin. Equally often assigned to both adults and children. Has no special children's dosage.

In addition to the antiviral effect, it has anti-inflammatory and moderate anti-bacterial effects. Manufacturers in the instructions for use indicate a lack of knowledge of the impact "Kipferon"On babies, and therefore strongly recommend not to apply the medicine to children under 6 months.

The rest of the kids the dosage is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the weight of the patient. For every 10 kilograms - 1 candleKipferon". However, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions - the maximum daily dose should not be more than 2 suppositories for children under 7 years old, no more than 3 candles for children from 8 to 12 years old and no more than 4 suppositories for adolescents over twelve.

The doctor prescribes an individual dosage, candles are administered twice a day. The average course of treatment is a week.


Rectal suppositories, which in addition to recombinant human interferon contain vitamin C. They are produced in several dosages, the lowest (150, 250 and 500) are intended for children's use. With influenza, "Ruferon" is not appointed, it is used for herpes infection, cytomegalovirus, ureaplasmosis and papillomas.

The drug can not be put to children with congenital malformations, diseases of the nervous system, problems of blood formation, with obstructive bronchitis and HIV. Children from 6 months to a year are prescribed a dosage of 1 suppository twice a day. We are talking about the drug "Ruferon-150."

The same dose and frequency is used to treat children under 7 years old, only “Ruferon-250” is selected. Adolescents may be prescribed a drug at a dosage of 500. The course of treatment is 5 days.


Candles with recombinant interferon are especially effective for herpes infections, for shingles, for various viral ailments with bacterial complications, for meningitis and pneumonia. Allowed for the treatment of children from birth.

Babies up to one year old are prescribed Laferobion-150, 1 candle twice a day. The course is 5-7 days. For children from 1 to 7 years old, “Laferobion-500” will suit 1 candle twice a day. For children over 7 years old, the dosage is doubled.

Cefecone D

These candles, although often used in the treatment of SARS, are not antiviral. In the composition of suppositories paracetamol, which has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect, but because this medicine is widely used in the treatment of viral infections, accompanied by high fever.

The drug is not administered to children under 1 month, it also does not make sense to put children over 12 years. The pediatrician may recommend these candles to babies as an anesthetic for teething, antipyretic - for flu, as well as in a state of vaccination. Dosage prescribed by a doctor. A single administration is possible. After reducing the temperature re-use is no longer required.

What is better to choose?

It all depends on the disease. With the most common acute respiratory viral infections and flu, as well as chickenpox and measles, physicians most often advise Viferon and Genferon for babies, since the dosage of interferon in these medicines is small. "Kipferon“Due to the immunoglobulin contained in it, it is not considered to be a very desirable drug for young children, it can cause an allergic reaction. This happens infrequently, but you and I do not want to experiment on our own children!

Do not choose a drug based on reviews on the Internet. Children are unique, and the same medication can act on them differently. Prescribing rectal suppositories should be exclusively a doctor!


The cost of drugs in different pharmacies in different regions of the country may vary. On average, candles "Viferon" cost from 270 to 400 rubles per pack, depending on the dosage.

Suppositories "Kipferon»Will cost more, their starting cost - from 500 rubles. "Genferon" also can not be called cheap - it costs from 300 to 400 rubles. In the same price category is "Laferobion" - from 250 to 400 rubles. Antiviral candles for children are sold without a prescription.

General recommendations

Introduce rectal suppositories with clean hands, first place the child on the side. Do this slowly and carefully, to the feeling of "failure" of the suppository. This feeling will mean that the candle has crossed the boundaries of the sphincter, and is located in the rectum.

Anus does not require any pretreatment, but sometimes parents use it. petroleum jelly oil to facilitate the administration of the suppository.

Carefully observe the child during the first days after the start of the drug. Allergic reactions, if any, will appear in the first 24 hours. If this happens, tell your doctor and stop taking the drug.

Do not use antiviral suppositories more often than two courses per year. This is fraught with negative effects on the child’s immune system.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


