How to treat teen acne in boys?


Acne, typical of transitional age, gives a lot of unpleasant moments to teenage boys. The time comes when the boys begin to pay attention to how they look, and therefore the question of how to get rid of acne raises before the teenager and his parents in full glory. In this article we will try to answer this question.

Why do acne appear?

Acne in adolescence is an external manifestation of the global internal processes that make a boy a man. The skin reacts violently to hormonal changes. At 12-14 years old, the active production of sex hormones begins. A surge in testosterone leads to a change in metabolism.

Subcutaneous fat begins to be produced more actively, it becomes more dense. The pores are clogged. When attaching a bacterial infection, purulent inflammation develops outside or subcutaneously. At a transitional age, boys begin to sweat more, it also contributes to the blockage of pores and the development of inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

Pubertal acne is more pronounced in boys who have a genetic background for acne. If the parents suffered from a similar problem, then the son will have acne with almost one hundred percent probability.

Eels become noticeably larger if the baby is malnourished. Sandwiches on the run, hamburgers in fast food restaurants, chips and pies from the school buffet do not make the boy's skin healthier.

Many young men at this age begin to go to the gym and do fitness. And, of course, young maximalists want beautiful bodily “reliefs” not later, but right now. Therefore, boys begin to take steroids, sports nutrition. This "diet" builds muscle mass, and along with acne on the face and body.

In the summer, in the heat, the number of acne is growing rapidly. The same happens in responsible and exciting periods in the life of a teenager. Strong stress has a direct effect on the intensity of acne.As a result, during the exam period, during the important competitions for the boy, acne worsens.

The cause of acne in adolescents can be not only a lack of hygiene (which often boys sin), but its excess. So, in trying to get rid of the rash on the face, young men begin to wash more often with soap and rub the skin with alcohol lotions. This rather quickly dries the skin, and in order to maintain balance, the body gives the command to even more intensive release of subcutaneous fat, the glands begin to work with double zeal and the number of acne increases dramatically. If a young man at the same time regularly squeezes pimples, the rash expands the “geography”, new foci are formed not only near the microtrauma, but also on other parts of the body - on the shoulders, neck, back, buttocks.

To understate and hush up the problem of youthful acne is not worth it. Of course, boys are not so sensitive to their skin, like girls, but they also suffer from acne. With strong acne, numerous psychological complexes develop, which sometimes remain even after acne disappears.

Boys who are afraid of normal communication with the opposite sex because of their acne are becoming more withdrawn and sometimes more aggressive.

How to start treatment?

If you decide to fight acne, you should start with a visit to a dermatologist, cosmetologist. This specialist will evaluate the general appearance of acne, its dislocation, the type and degree of penetration of the inflammatory process into the skin. All this is of great importance for proper and successful treatment.

You should not count on a quick result, acne treatment usually takes several months. It is good to begin treatment with diagnosing the condition of the body. A common blood test, fecal mass analysis for dysbacteriosis and scraping of the contents of the pustules (with an abundant purulent rash) for the type of bacteria and its resistance to antibiotics are usually sufficient.

If the doctor suspects that the child is malnourished, he will be scheduled to consult a gastroenterologist to find out if some problems in the gastrointestinal tract have caused acne. If there are no obvious reasons for acne, the young man should pay a visit to an endocrinologist, who will try to find out if everything is in order with the teenager's hormonal background.

After short examinations, the doctor will prescribe an individual treatment, because there are no universal schemes suitable for any young person with teenage acne. Everything is strictly individual.

General rules of therapy

For successful treatment of acne in boys, it is important to adhere to two rules:

  • Treatment should be systematic, daily.
  • Be sure to comply with the full range of appointments, not losing anything.

The initial stage of treatment involves changing the lifestyle of a young man. First of all, it is important to correct existing errors in the diet. If a boy takes protein mixtures or steroids for sports, they should be discarded. From the diet should be completely excluded butter, lard, fatty and smoked food, pickles. Every day, the menu should contain dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. Useful fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, cereals, vegetable oil (no more than 10 grams per day).

To strengthen the nervous system and increase stress tolerance, every night “meetings” in front of a computer monitor should be replaced with a walk in the fresh air.

The young man needs to sleep for at least 8 hours. During the periods of preparation for competitions and exams, it is necessary to give vegetable sedatives to the boy once a day (in the evening before going to bed).

The hygiene approach should also be reviewed. It is impossible to wash with hot water, as well as often wash your face with soap. For washing you should use warm and cool water. After the procedure, the face is blotted with a soft towel, without rubbing the skin. Young men who have started to shave should ensure that shaving products are thoroughly washed off their skin.

A rash on the back and shoulders is a reason to change your wardrobe. A young man with problematic skin of the body should wear only T-shirts made from natural materials. With excessive sweating, it makes sense several times a day to take a shower without detergents as far as possible. A young man who wants to get rid of acne should start taking multivitamin complexes, which include vitamin A and polyunsaturated acid Omega-3.

Medication Treatment

By the above measures, the same for all boys, individual treatment is prescribed medication. Since it is important not only to clear the pores of the accumulated subcutaneous fat, but also to eliminate inflammation, as well as reduce the production of sebaceous glands, treatment begins with antiseptic procedures. Salicylic alcohol solution is best suited for these purposes. Treat them problem areas need twice a day.

Apply ointment or cream to clean skin. For extensive pustular formations, doctors recommend an antibiotic based anti-acne treatment on the face, for example, "Zener". Sometimes there is a need for directly antibacterial ointment, usually it "Erythromycin", "Sintomitsinovaya" or "Tetracycline" ointment. With a strong and deep acne process, the doctor may give a prescription for antibiotics in pills, most often prescribed «Azithromycin».

Mild forms of teenage acne do not require the use of antibiotics. Sometimes it is quite enough to lubricate the affected skin with zinc ointment twice a day. The following ointments have a good anti-inflammatory effect:

  • "Tretinoin";
  • "Ugresol";
  • Oxygel;
  • "Baziron AS";
  • "Adapalen";
  • Skinoren.

These drugs are applied to the skin after pre-cleaning with a soft cotton pad with salicylic alcohol no more than twice a day. With extensive and deep acne, a hormonal ointment may be prescribed by a doctor. «Advantan"," Triderm ", as well as hormonal drugs inside. In case of detection of pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract, sorbents can be prescribed, as well as «Lactofiltrum" or "Linex».

Almost all boys are shown vitamin A supplements. These include "Lokatsid" and "Isotrex". These tools regulate the production of sebum, as well as contribute to more rapid healing of wounds from acne without the formation of scars.

The duration of the course of treatment with medications starts from several months and ends with half a year. With insufficient effect, repeat the treatment.

Other methods

Modern cosmetology offers many methods of getting rid of acne. They can be resorted to if the conservative treatment was unsuccessful or the depth of the skin lesion is so great that there is a risk of the formation of skin cosmetic defects. Usually a dermatologist, without delaying the case indefinitely, he recommends using one of the alternative methods. The easiest way - hardware or instrumental effects on acne. They are thoroughly cleaned in the condition of the clinic, remove the acne "leg", after which the pores are treated with anti-inflammatory composition and make recommendations for care.

Sometimes there is a need for surgery. If a guy has cysts, deep skin defects left after large ulcers, he is given a simple operation to excise scars and apply skin patches to these places. There is one more way that allows you to cope with acne that is heavy and resistant to ointments - introduction of hormonal drugs to acne using a small syringe with a very fine needle.

Good results show auxiliary procedures - phototherapy (irradiation with artificial UV rays), as well as cryotherapy (cauterization of acne at extremely low temperatures).

According to reviews, the most popular method of getting rid of acne is considered to be an ultrasonic facial cleansing, and positive laser reviews are also quite positive. Virtually any cosmetic clinic today can offer these and many other ways to help with acne in a teenager. After one of the alternative methods has been used, the boy will be prescribed a subsequent standard course of therapy, which will include nutrition correction, ointment treatment of the skin, and, possibly, intake of certain drugs.

Folk remedies

Treat acne in adolescent boys, if the rash is not complicated by purulent inflammation and has limited localization, it is possible with the use of folk remedies. Over the long centuries of existence of the problem, alternative medicine has developed an arsenal of anti-acne recipes.

For washing you can offer a young man once a day a decoction of a pharmaceutical chamomile, a decoction of mint leaves. These remedies not only possess the nature of these anti-inflammatory agents, but also soften and soothe irritated skin. If the skin is oily, the boy has a tendency to the formation of Wen and the so-called black spots, then lemon juice will benefit him. If fresh juice once a day is applied to the skin of the face, and after half an hour, rinse with cool water, the effect of such procedures may appear after 2-3 weeks.

Treat pustular eels can be aloe juice. This plant can be easily found on almost every window sill in Russian apartments. A prerequisite is not to keep the juice of the plant, but before each use squeeze fresh.

Curd mask helps to get rid of the blockage of pores with subcutaneous fat. It requires the most common cottage cheese (crumbly, and not curd mass). It is mixed with a raw egg and placed on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. Cottage cheese "pulls" most of the black dots. Honey can be used for masks if the young man is not allergic to him, as well as a mass obtained from crushed berries of viburnum and cranberry. It should be remembered that all masks are washed with exceptionally warm or cool water.

If acne is common not only on the face, but also on the body, then the young man should add to the water for bathing decoction of celandine, chamomile, train.

Prohibited actions

What method of treatment to choose is up to the parents and the adolescent doctor. But whatever is chosen, there are certain prohibitions and restrictions that must be followed in the treatment of acne in transitional age:

  • squeeze, pierce acne categorically impossible. This leads to the spread of infection (with bacterial inflammation) or infection with bacteria (with non-infectious acne);
  • cannot be used for the treatment of oil products, fat creams, folk recipes based on fat masks. Such procedures only increase the clogged skin pores;
  • You can not "steam out" the skin of the face and body, and then squeeze acne. This is an erroneous tactic that leads to the formation of deeper, cohesive acne sites;
  • smoking, alcoholic beverages in adolescence and even at the age of 19-20 years and older only stimulate the development of acne;
  • do not try to disguise, hide acne under a layer of concealer or foundation.

How to treat teen acne, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


