How to facilitate labor at birth?


The fact that contractions are long and painful, all pregnant women have heard. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that long before giving birth a woman begins to think about how to ease the fight. There are several techniques that are a decent and less harmful alternative to medical anesthesia. In addition, childbirth can be relatively painless, if you learn one of them. We will tell about the best techniques in this article.

Why does it hurt?

Why birth is accompanied by pain, definitely hard to say. But many experts are inclined to believe that the matter is not in the uterus, because it itself does not have a special nervous sensitivity. The most probable is the psychogenic mechanism for the development of pain at birth of a child. Fear, stress, insecurity - all this starts the complex process of activating the pain center in the cerebral cortex. Scientists call this process corticogenic pain.

If the cause of pain in the head, then it is quite possible to cope with it, supporters of non-drug relief of pain during childbirth consider.

At the physiological level, the contraction of the circular muscle, the cervix, takes place during contractions. This process is quite long, because the cervix opens slowly, especially in the first phase of contractions.

Harbingers are irregular contractions that almost cause no pain and frighten more. At this time there is a final preparatory work in the female body - the cervix becomes softer. This will provide her with easier disclosure. The hormones estrogen and oxytocin begin to be produced, since the contractility of the uterus depends on them. In the cells of the uterus itself, a very special type of protein accumulates - actomyosin, which will give the uterine tissue an opportunity for contraction.

Cramping pain in the back, lower back, abdomen begins when the uterus is ready at the physiological and hormonal levels. Birth begins. The morbidity of the process depends on many factors:

  • features of the current pregnancy;
  • the size of the fetus and the ratio of the size of the pelvis of the woman;
  • individual perception of pain;
  • mood and psychological state of a woman;
  • the number of births in history - the more there are, the less the likelihood of harsh, painful pain.

Some techniques can reduce pain, but they do not relieve a woman completely from them.

In order to facilitate childbirth, it is important for the expectant mother to know exactly how the painful background of labor contractions in labor develops and what needs to be done in each of these stages.

How do sensations change?

The physiological stages of the development of contractions imply their increasing and intensifying. The first contractions are called latent or hidden. They really can not be found immediately and not all. The fight repeats with a frequency of 30-40 minutes, lasts about 15-20 seconds. Gradually, the stomach is turning to more and more often, and the duration of the fight increases. This period lasts until the opening of the neck by 3 centimeters. In primiparous, the period can take up to 10 hours, in multiparous ones up to 6-8 hours. Toward the end of the period a woman should come to the hospital.

A reference point for hospitalization is the frequency of contractions every 10-15 minutes.

The cervix continues to open.Opening from 4 to 7 centimeters occurs already during the active phase of contractions. Each of them lasts for 40-50 seconds and repeats every 4-5 minutes. Many say that at this stage the stomach hurts quite strongly. The period lasts about 2-3 hours for women who have previously given birth, and up to 5 hours for women who give birth to their first child.

The most painful and violent bouts are called arcplay. Sometimes they, according to reviews of pregnant women, hurt more than the attempts themselves. Fortunately, they begin almost under curtain fights and do not last long - from 15 to 40 minutes for multiparous and from half an hour to one and a half hours for nulliparous. The uterus makes a complete disclosure of up to 10-12 centimeters. After that, the future mother feels that she really wants to go to the toilet in a big way. This is the beginning of the laboring period, which the midwife will manage.

In anesthesia measures, women usually need an active phase of contractions and in transitional contractions of the uterus that precede the attempts. But some complain of pain in the first period - latent. Therefore, all methods of natural anesthesia of childbirth imply not only their use from the very beginning of labor, but also a certain preliminary preparation even during pregnancy.

Technique painless childbirth

At different times and in different countries, scientists and physiologists, reflex therapists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists were puzzled by the issue of pain relief in childbirth. The shamans and healers of various ancient peoples were able to ease the natural task of a woman. Thus, in the Indian tribes of Peru, women gave birth to women without any help at all, independently, and after the birth they immediately carried the baby to pay for in a waterfall or pond, since it had a certain religious significance. By the way, the mortality of mothers and children during childbirth among Peruvians was extremely low.

The best minds of mankind, the luminaries of medicine and the natural sciences were interested in the amazing techniques of the tribes of Indian tribes, the ancient Egyptian priests, and the rich historical heritage of other nations at various times. They developed the key provisions of the methods of painless childbirth, which are now used by modern midwives in the preparation of pregnant women. Here are some of the techniques.

By lamasu

French obstetrician-gynecologist Fernand Lamaz in the 50s of the last century paid special attention to the issue of pain relief of childbirth without any medications and medical interventions. The results of his many years of work formed the basis of technology, which he presented for all future mothers. To this day, the birth of Lamaza is considered the gold standard of natural anesthesia of the generic process.

The method is based on increasing the confidence of women in light deliveries, who expect it, as well as on some auxiliary effects in the process of transition from one stage of labor to another. The program on Lamazu includes a large list of practices - this is the breathing exercises that teach proper breathing during contractions, and exercises for muscle relaxation and relaxation between contractions.

Also, women are taught meditation, concentration, the basics of analgesic massage and self-massage. Apply hot and cold compresses, aromatherapy for pain relief. The first to use the fitball (or as it was then called the “delivery ball”) was also suggested by Dr. Lamaz.

Also, the doctor who took, it should be noted, the basis for the development of Soviet scientists and doctors, added to the methodology the principle of partnership in childbirth. He argues that the husband at birth should not be a passive observer, he has an important role. The task of a man is to help a woman give birth more easily. For this, part of the poses and exercises, as well as massage techniques, should be mastered together with the pregnant woman and her spouse, if Lamase delivery is supposed.

The basic tenets of the method are to state that birth pain is not mandatory, and therefore it can be avoided if coordination of the cortical and subcortical parts of the cerebral cortex is coordinated. This strength is in every woman, believed Lamaze. It is given to her by nature, you just need to activate certain processes in the brain.

The more a woman learns in advance about the process of childbirth, the easier it will be for her to apply the technique in practice, the French doctor believed. He was one of the first to start large-scale educational work among pregnant women. According to his method is carried out 99% of home births worldwide.

The basic rules of this method are as follows.

  • Do not stimulate childbirth and do not try to speed it up, the natural onset of labor activity guarantees easier flow of all other stages.
  • Do not lie down, do not sit still during pregnancy. The more a woman moves and trains her muscles, the easier she will endure contractions and attempts. Especially useful may be a special yoga for expectant mothers, which includes poses and exercises for training the pelvic muscles, abdominals, buttocks and back.
  • Do not neglect the help of relatives. A person whom the woman in labor trusts can visibly ease her condition by mere presence, not to mention help in taking comfortable postures and carrying out a massage of the sacral area.
  • Do not resort to taking painkillers.
  • Avoid giving birth on your back. This position is convenient only for an obstetrician who takes delivery. In the supine position, the painful sensations of a woman are intensified many times. Master the technique of vertical delivery and enlist the support of a doctor who will take delivery.

Many of these tips of Dr. Lamaz are now included in the program of courses for pregnant women, which are organized and operate at every antenatal clinic in the country.

The method of Platonov, Velvovsky, Bekhterev and Lurie

This method is based on a hypnosuggesting impact on a woman in advance of the onset of labor, as well as on the effect of the word during childbirth. The method was developed in the 20s of the last century by a group of Soviet scientists under the leadership of K. Platonov, and later supplemented by Lurie.

Since the 30s of the last century in the USSR, the method has been applied everywhere — in each antenatal clinic with pregnant women, a corresponding preliminary conversation was conducted — an installation on childbirth. The psycho prophylactic method of labor anesthesia was approved by the Pope as a “humane gift to humanity”.

There is evidence that the French doctor Lamaz, described above, was so in love with the works of Soviet scientists that he actually copied the key statements from them. It should be noted that childbirth under hypnosis was a great success in the USSR - more than 5,000 women with high hypnability agreed to try the method on themselves and did not regret it.

Today, practicing psychotherapists-hypnologists also work on the technique “Births without Fear and Pain”. But in female consultations such classes are not held. A woman who wants to have a positive attitude towards natural and easy delivery should begin to visit the hypnologist well in advance, several months before giving birth.

Most likely, you will have to pay for hypnosis sessions, because this type of care for women in labor is not included in the compulsory health insurance program today.

How it works? Preliminary verbal installation, training of a woman of deep relaxation does not allow the cerebral cortex to be awakened with the onset of labor. As a result, there is no pain, there are small painful sensations that are much easier to bear.

Useful tips

If the training of individual methods is not included in the plans of the future mother, then some useful tips will help her to help reduce pain in childbirth.

Kobas breathing

Dr. Alexander Kobas created a whole system of respiration in childbirth. He based his method on the works of Soviet scientists, as well as Dr. Lamaz.In fact, he systematized all the data on the respiration of the mother. The principle of action - the natural reduction of pain when the body is saturated with oxygen. Deep and slow or frequent and short breathing gives the brain a large amount of oxygen, which stimulates the production of endorphins. These hormones have a marked analgesic effect.

At the beginning of labor, when the contractions have just begun, Kobas recommends breathing deeply and measuredly, slowly. Exhalation should always be longer than inhale. This will give the body oxygenation, will contribute to the relaxation and prevention of fetal hypoxia.

When contractions go into the active stage, they become more protracted, you need to be able to “breathe” the spasm using short exhalations (how to extinguish a candle, how a locomotive puffs, how a dog breathes). Between contractions the first type of breathing is recommended - deep and relaxing.

When trying and in the preceding final stage of the longest contractions, it is recommended to use “dog-like” breathing, and it is recommended to pressure with holding the breath after a deep breath.


Circular, arc-shaped movements in the area of ​​the sacrum can be done by the woman herself with two hands, or the partner, if the birth is joint. Massage the area of ​​the so-called "Michaelis rhombus". You can make any movement from the center of the imaginary diamond in all directions and lines to the side.

Massage can be done both during contractions and in the intervals between uterine spasms.

You can also use some of the techniques of acupressure. Survive contractions with the least pain will help impact your fingers on the points on the face, wrists, as well as the legs and thighs.


Mindful of Dr. Lamaze and his ban on the supine position, try to change poses during fights. If there is a fitball in the hospital, use the seat on it, if not, ask for a chair. Reliance on the back of the bed, on the chair, measured walking around the ward or corridor, posture with a standing partner, will help make the initial stage of labor easier.

Carrying the second stage - active - is easier in a squatting position with support on a partner, on all fours with a back arch in the lumbar region, with an inclination on the back of a chair, table, headboard.

If the doctors of the chosen maternity hospital do not mind, try to negotiate with them about vertical births, in which the child will not be taken lying down, but in a standing position, squatting or in another position convenient for the woman.

Drug pain relief

Each woman has the right to count on the pain relief of childbirth medications. This is her law stipulated right. If the methods are unfamiliar, and the pain cannot be managed intuitively, the woman is in a panic, she is hurt, she can ask the obstetrician to give her an analgesic injection or to conduct an epidural anesthesia with one of the analgesics (pain relief is injected with a long needle into the epidural space of the spine).

Such methods have their drawbacks, because drugs have an impact on the child and the strength of the labor of the woman herself.

Do not try to drink cumin oil, as suggested by traditional healers. It will not relieve the contractions, but may cause diarrhea, which will aggravate the condition.

To behave on their own childbirth a woman should calmly and confidently. So it will be easier to endure the pain. And fear exists only in her mind. In life, it is not. Understanding this will relieve pain.

How to facilitate labor and childbirth, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


