Magne B6 in ampoules for children: instructions for use


Magne B6 is a fairly popular drug that helps eliminate the deficiency of two important substances for the human body. It is often used not only in adults, but also in young patients. It is most convenient for children to give such medicine in the form of a solution.

Release form

The liquid form of the drug is a brown, clear liquid that smells like caramel. It is poured into glass brown ampoules, in which both ends are sharp and marked with rings in places where they should be broken off.

One cardboard pack of “Magne B6” contains 10 such ampoules.


The solution contains two active ingredients. The first of these is magnesium, which is represented immediately by two compounds - pidolatom and lactate dihydrate. Their quantity in one ampoule is exactly that which allows the patient to receive magnesium in a dose of 100 mg from 10 ml of solution.

The second active ingredient of the drug, as the name implies, is vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine hydrochloride. Its dosage in one ampoule is 10 mg. Additionally, the solution contains saccharinate and sodium disulfite. To make the product have a pleasant smell, cherry flavoring and caramel flavoring are added to these ingredients, and the rest of the ampoule content is represented by purified water.

Operating principle

Magnesium is important for the normal functioning of the body of adults and children. This element is involved in various metabolic reactions and provides the function of many cells. It is necessary for muscle contraction and the activation of many enzymes, and it is also necessary that nerve cells normally conduct nerve impulses.

A person should receive magnesium from food, and his shortage is triggered by either insufficient intake (for example, if the child is poorly nourished) or increased need (for example, if the patient has significant stress, stress, laxatives, diuretics, etc.).

Adding pyridoxine to the solution helps magnesium to be better absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate into those cells where this element acts. This vitamin is also important for metabolic processes, including metabolism in the tissues of the nervous system.


The reason to assign a child "Magne B6" is a magnesium deficiency detected in the blood test, which manifests itself in sleep disorders, severe irritability, spasms in the intestines or muscles, accelerated heartbeat, fatigue, tingling muscles and other symptoms. The drug is also used with a high risk of magnesium deficiency, for example, if a child is given diuretic drugs, he is undernourished or under stress.

Many neurologists prescribe "Magne B6" to children without prior blood analysis, since this drug has shown its positive effect on the nervous system of babies. Acceptance of such a solution improves sleep, reduces moods and nervousness, and also helps to cope with many neurological pathologies, for example, with a nervous tic.

From what age is prescribed?

Magne B6 in liquid form is allowed to give to children older than one year, if their weight is more than 10 kilogram. For infants such a drug is not prescribed, and for a child of 1-6 years, a doctor must necessarily prescribe it.

The use of this solution in children under six years old is not recommended without consultation with a neurologist, pediatrician or other specialist.


The drug should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to magnesium or another component of the solution.

If the child has developed renal failure in a severe degree, Magne B6 is not prescribed, and in case of a moderate disruption of the work of the kidneys, the medicine should be used under the supervision of a doctor, since such children have a risk of increasing the magnesium level in the blood.

Side effects

During treatment, "Magne B6" may cause itching, bronchospasm, urticaria and other allergic reactions of varying severity. In such cases, the medicine is immediately canceled and, if allergy is expressed, consult a doctor.

The digestive system of some children reacts to a solution of diarrhea or abdominal pain. With the appearance of these symptoms, taking the drug should also be abandoned.

Instructions for use

“Magne B6” as a solution should be taken orally during meals. The dosage for each child is determined individually. It is calculated taking into account the patient's age and his body weight, prescribing from 10 to 30 mg of magnesium per kilogram. The daily dose of the drug is divided into 2-3 doses.

To open the ampoule, do not use any sharp objects. It is enough just to break off one tip, clasping it with your fingers and making a sharp movement to the side - it should break along the drawn line. In order not to get hurt when breaking off, it is recommended to wrap the end of the ampoule with a piece of cloth, and then break the glass.

Next, the ampoule should be sent to the glass with a broken end (for dilution of the solution, take about 100 ml of water). At the same time, it is necessary to diagonally rotate the ampoule in the hands so that the upper end (not yet broken off) is not above the glass. As soon as you break off the second tip of the ampoule, the solution inside will immediately pour into the water. Having mixed it, it is necessary to give medicine to the child.

If the patient is prescribed less than 10 ml of solution per reception, then it is recommended to select the right amount of medication using a syringe with a needle. Having broken off one end of the ampoule, the needle is inserted inside and the necessary amount of liquid “Magne B6” is poured, after which the solution is poured from the syringe into a glass of water, mixed and given to the baby to drink.

How long a child should take "Magne B6" should be clarified with the doctor, because many factors affect the duration of the course.

If the drug is used with a confirmed laboratory deficiency of magnesium, then its reception is stopped as soon as the level of this element in the blood becomes normal, and the symptoms of shortage disappear. For the prevention of magnesium deficiency, the solution is given to children 2-4 weeks.


Too high a dosage of magnesium, which the child can get from a large amount of Magne B6 solution, provokes a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, CNS depression and other symptoms of poisoning.

In order to prevent overdose, the medicine should be stored in a place where the child cannot get it on his own.

Drug interaction

The drug is incompatible with levodopa and should not be combined with drugs that contain calcium salts or phosphates.

If “Magne B6” was prescribed together with tetracyclines, then there should be a break of at least 3 hours between taking such drugs, since magnesium will interfere with the absorption of antibiotics in a normal amount.

Terms of sale and storage

The solution is sold without a prescription and costs an average of 450-500 rubles for 10 ampoules.

It is recommended to store Magne B6 at home at a temperature of up to +25 degrees Celsius by placing the medicine package in a dry place. The shelf life of the solution in sealed ampoules is 3 years. If it has expired, you cannot give medicine to the child.


On the use of liquid "Magne B6" in young patients there are mostly good reviews. In them, the drug is praised for its pleasant taste and positive effect on the state of the nervous system. According to moms, after a course of such medication, children become more plodding, attentive and calm, and their sleep improves.

By cons of the solution is usually attributed only to its high price, and in some babies the drug provoked allergies.


If the child is more than 6 years old, then the liquid “Magne B6” can be replaced with the same preparation, but in solid form. These can be Magne B6 Forte tablets, which are the complete analogue of the solution according to the dosage of the active substances, since they also contain 10 mg of vitamin B6 and 100 mg of magnesium.

You can also use tablets "Magne B6", but given that the content of active ingredients in this form is twice lower - 48 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of pyridoxine per tablet.

Instead of “Magne B6,” the doctor may prescribe other medicines and dietary supplements that can serve as a source of magnesium. Such drugs are "Magnelis B6", "Magvit", "Magnerot", "Magnistad" and other means. They are available in different forms and contain different dosages of magnesium, therefore, a specialist should choose such an analogue in childhood.

The following video presents an overview of the drug "Magne B6" in ampoules.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


