Dr. Komarovsky about vitamins for children


Practically every mother thinks about whether her daughter or son consumes enough vitamins, and whether it is necessary to purchase and give crumbs of vitamin supplements. What does the famous doctor Komarovsky think about this topic? Is, in his opinion, useful for multivitamins or is it enough for a child to have only vitamin compounds from food?

Does the child need vitamin supplements

A popular pediatrician calls vitamins valuable substances for the human body, which must necessarily come from food. He does not deny the importance of such compounds, but emphasizes that Pharmaceuticals produced vitamins are a drug.

Since, according to Komarovsky and many other doctors, medication should be given only if there are indications for them, a famous doctor emphasizes that vitamins are needed only in the only case - if the child has symptoms of their deficiency.

As for the prophylactic intake of multivitamins, Komarovsky considers it unnecessary, since a shortage of such substances appears only when the child is in extreme conditions, for example, when food is completely absent. If there are different food groups on the children's menu, the popular doctor sees no reason to give multivitamins to children preventively.

The doctor insists that a varied diet is much preferable to complex vitamin supplements.

Who needs vitamins

Komarovsky focuses on the fact that the needs for vitamins in different children are different. For example, if a child has dark skin, he needs a lot more vitamin D than a light-skinned child with blond hair. This child should be given vitamin D additionally in the winter. Also, a popular doctor emphasizes that children living in the northern regions need additional intake of vitamin D.

According to Komarovsky, any vitamin supplements are needed for treatment or for the prevention of a particular condition - hypovitaminosis. And the doctor should prescribe such means, and only in a situation when he reveals symptoms of vitamin deficiency in a particular child.

Prophylactically taking vitamin preparations known pediatrician also recommends only in specific cases, for example:

  • Vitamin C on a long ship trip.
  • Vitamin B12 in vegetarianism.
  • Multivitamins for of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester or with poor nutrition of the future mother.


The famous pediatrician notes that nowadays hypovitaminosis is a rather rare reason for going to a doctor. At the same time, doctors face hypervitaminosis much more often. And in 75% of cases, such conditions occur in children who are given vitamins by their parents without the control of a pediatrician.

According to Komarovsky, fat-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in adipose tissue are a particular danger to a child’s body.

A popular doctor most often in his practice is faced with hypervitaminosis D, since this vitamin is prescribed to children more often than others.

Watch the following video, in which the doctor widely reveals the topic of vitamins for children.

How to eat a baby to get enough vitamins

In order for the child’s body to obtain vitamins from food, Komarovsky recommends diversifying the child’s menu by adding different food groups to it.

The most important doctor considers such products as:

  • Dairy.
  • Meat.
  • Vegetables.
  • Cereals.
  • Fruits.

According to Komarovsky, the child should eat at least one product from each of these five groups daily, and then the mother can be calm, since the child’s nutrition can be called varied, and getting vitamins from it will be sufficient.

In order to receive vitamin D, a well-known doctor advises more walking so that the child is exposed to sunlight at least 15 minutes a day.

For information on whether vitamins can raise the child’s immunity, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


