Which prebiotics are best for baby?


In case of digestive disorders and problems with intestinal microflora, the child is prescribed various medications, some of which are prebiotics. How do they act on the children's body, why are they used and what are they?

What is it?

The word “prebiotics” refers to various substances that, when released into the large intestine, create conditions that are favorable for normal intestinal microflora. They are not digested in the upper GI tract. Such substances are contained in many foods, as well as are produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of drugs (in drops, tablets and other forms).

Prebiotics Girl Drinks
Prebiotics normalize the microflora and stimulate the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestine

Prebiotic substances include:

  • Inulin;
  • Lactulose;
  • Cellulose (dietary fiber);
  • Pectin and dextrin;
  • Lactitol;
  • PABK;
  • Calcium Pantothenate;
  • Galacto-oligosaccharides;
  • Chitosan;
  • Glutathione, carotenoids, selenium, ubiquinone;
  • Sorbitol and Xylitol;
  • Raffinose and other substances.

You can find out more about prebiotics in the following video.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of prebiotics is intestinal dysbiosis. Such substances are prescribed for constipation, diarrhea, bloating, chronic intestinal diseases, food poisoning, as well as after antibiotic therapy.

Girl eating prebiotic yogurt
Prebiotics contribute to a more rapid recovery of the body with problems with the intestines and after taking antibiotics.

In addition, prebiotic substances are recommended to be taken when:

  • Hepatic encephalopathy;
  • Bowel cancer;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Acute infections;
  • Fatty degeneration of the liver.

They are also prescribed as a prophylactic measure to prevent constipation and systemic infections.


  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Galactosemia.
  • Suspicion of appendicitis.
  • The presence of blood in the feces.

Prescription of prebiotic drugs for diabetes mellitus should be carried out very carefully.

Girl blowing on dandelion
Overly addicted to prebiotic drugs is not worth it, moderation is important

Possible side effects

As a result of prebiotics, the osmotic effect in the liver may appear. Also, there are violations of the enzymes in the large intestine.

Colic, diarrhea, and flatulence are side effects of some drugs with a prebiotic effect, but these symptoms disappear after dose adjustment. Allergic reactions are rarely possible.

Difference from probiotics

WITH probiotics substances with a prebiotic effect are related only by a similar name and a similar effect, since both groups of such drugs normalize microflora in the intestine. For this they are often prescribed in the complex. The main difference is that probiotics are live bacteria, representatives of the intestinal microflora, and prebiotics are chemical compounds that improve their growth and reproduction.

Compared with probiotics, substances with a prebiotic effect immediately affect all groups of bacteria in the intestinal flora.In addition, such substances are not destroyed in the stomach, but reach the bacteria in the intestine in the accepted quantity, while probiotics are partially destroyed in the environment of the stomach.

Synbiotics, probiotics and prebiotics
There are also synbiotics combining both prebiotics and probiotics.

On the role of prebiotics and probiotics in the life of a child, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

Prebiotic Requirements

To call a substance a prebiotic, it must have such properties and features:

  1. It should not be broken down and absorbed in the human stomach and small intestine.
  2. It should be used in the vital activity of beneficial microbes in the intestine, affecting their metabolic activity, as well as growth.
  3. It should cause a local as well as systemic response of the body, which will result in the normalization of the composition of microflora in the intestine.


Depending on the structure, prebiotics can be divided into:

  • Oligosaccharides - these include carbohydrates, consisting of a small number of molecules. These are lactose, fructosaccharides, lactulose, galacto-oligosaccharides.
  • Polysaccharides are represented by carbohydrates with a large number of molecules. These are food fibers, inulin.

Pure prebiotics are also isolated, which are preparations that contain only prebiotic substances. There are combinations of prebiotics and enterosorbents, as well as prebiotics and probiotics.

Prebiotics in fruit
There are many drugs for the normalization of intestinal microflora, the doctor should choose the right one for your child. But you can independently enrich the baby’s diet with prebiotics contained in the products

Does immunity increase?

Prebiotic substances affect local immunity in the intestines, so their use affects the immunity of the organism as a whole. That is why they are recommended to take with infectious diseases and deterioration of the immune system.

Principle of action on the body

Prebiotics have this effect:

  • Increase the number of bacteria belonging to the normal intestinal microbial flora, while simultaneously reducing the number of microbes that are considered conditionally pathogenic flora.
  • The reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, for example, Shigella, Salmonella, Listeria and others, is inhibited.
  • They help remove excess mucus from the colon, as well as promote faster healing of damage to the intestinal walls (accelerate epithelialization).
  • Maintain acidity in the intestines, which is optimal for bacteria representing normal flora.
  • Enhance peristalsis and make fecal mass more voluminous, thereby helping to eliminate constipation.
  • Remove gases from the intestines and reduce their formation.
  • Helps bacteria synthesize vitamins in the intestines.
  • Stimulate local immunity.
  • Increase calcium absorbability from food by 40-60%.
  • They protect the mucous membrane of the colon from damage by free radicals.
The child eats foods with prebiotics
Prebiotics are useful, but do not forget about contraindications and possible side effects when using them

For newborns

One of the important and common prebiotics is milk sugar, which is present in breast milk. It is due to the presence of lactose in the mother's milk, the digestive organs of the infant develop normally, being populated with beneficial flora. Therefore, breastfeeding is an important condition for the normalization of digestive processes in the intestines of a child. If for any reason it is not possible, the infant formula is prescribed a milk formula containing both lactose and other prebiotics.

For older children

Useful microorganisms in the children's intestines predominantly consume carbohydrates, which are not absorbed in our bodies, and the pathological flora often feeds on protein, so there must be enough carbohydrate foods containing prebiotic substances in the diet of an older child.Their entry into the intestines will cause the active growth of beneficial bacteria, which will inhibit opportunistic and harmful flora.

Mom and daughter eat foods with prebiotics
During the illness it is especially important to monitor the baby’s diet.

Use after antibiotics

Antibiotics prescribed for an infectious disease do not have a specific effect; therefore, they simultaneously inhibit both the infectious agent and the beneficial microflora. That is why antibiotic therapy is often the cause of dysbiosis, and prebiotics help in the resumption of the balance of microorganisms in the intestine. All prebiotics can be taken for a long time until the moment when the unpleasant symptoms disappear and the state returns to normal.

Prebiotics in products

Most of the bacteria that live normally in the intestines of a child use carbohydrates and amino acids for life, so their numbers depend on a sufficient supply of nutrients to the intestines.

Foods contain natural prebiotics in the form of oligo- and polysaccharides, fiber, amino acids and other compounds:

  • Dairy products include prebiotic lactose, important for the reproduction of lactic and bifidobacteria in the digestive tract of a child. The first lactose enters the intestines of the baby with breast milk or formula. The benefits of dairy products are increasing due to the fact that they also supply live bacteria to the children's organism that form the intestinal flora.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fructosaccharides. They are practically not processed by the intestines of a child, but serve as food for beneficial bacteria.
  • Root crops contain a lot of inulin polysaccharide. This compound is not just a food for microorganisms in the intestines, but also reduces cholesterol levels, and also improves calcium absorption.
  • Vegetables, cereals and fruits are very rich in cellulose, related to dietary fiber. It is not processed at all in the intestines of children, but it is important for the reproduction of beneficial microbes and helps to remove harmful substances from the digestive tract more quickly. Especially rich in cellulose bran, carrots, beans, currants, oatmeal, oranges, prunes, radishes, dill and other products.
Products with prebiotics in the child's diet
For prevention or for mild intestinal disorders, it is enough to increase the number of products with prebiotics in the baby’s diet.

The names of pharmaceutical drugs and their review

Consider in the table a list of the main prebiotic drugs.

Drug name

Release form

Active substance

Age of application

Special features


Syrup in vials, sachets


From birth, but under medical supervision

Often prescribed for a laxative effect.

Hilak Forte

Drops in vials

Substances secreted by normal microflora in the process of vital activity

From 2 years

The drug must be diluted in water. It is not recommended to be taken together with dairy products.




Since birth

You should not take it within 2 hours after taking any other medicine.

Good luck

Syrup in the vial


Since birth



Lignin supplemented with lactulose

From 1 year

May reduce the effects of medication taken with this drug.


Syrup in the vial


Since birth


Powder Bag

Dietary fiber obtained from wheat and supplemented with inactivated sugar cubicles

12 years old

Prelaks Baby

Bottles with liquid, bags of powder

Lactulose, lactose and galactose

Since birth

Often prescribed as laxative.


Syrup in the vial


Since birth


Powder bags


From 1 year

Can be used for diabetes. It is important to increase the amount of fluid consumed.


Bottle with syrup tablets

Lactulose, fructose and galactose

Syrup since birth. Tablets - for children over 5 years.

Livolyuk PB

Syrup in the vial


Since birth



Inulin, oligofructose, vitamin complex, selenium and zinc

From 6 months

Small children tablets are crushed, they can be added to porridge or dairy product.

Importal N

Powder Bag


From 1 year

Does not affect blood glucose.


Syrup in the vial


Since birth

Normospectrum Baby

Powder Capsules

Inulin, oligofructose, lacto-and bifidobacteria, vitamins, minerals

From 18 months

Children under 3 years old open the capsules and dissolve their contents in 10 ml of water. Can not be taken with hot food.

Which is better to choose?

If you choose a prebiotic with a prophylactic purpose, or the changes in the microflora in the baby’s intestine are not too pronounced, you should focus on correcting the baby’s diet. Include in the kid's menu a sufficient amount of products containing natural prebiotics, in particular, cereals, fruits, dairy and dairy products, vegetables.

Small child
For pronounced symptoms of intestinal upset, consult your doctor and ask for the best drugs for your child.

If you do not have the opportunity to enrich the diet of the baby with food with prebiotics or violations of the microflora are very pronounced, you should use pharmacy drugs with prebiotic substances. They are indicated for severe dysbacteriosis and complications of diseases of the digestive tract.

For more information about prebiotics and food products in which they are contained, see the program "To Live Healthy".

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


