Chlorophyllipt in the form of an oil solution for children


"Chlorophyllipt" is in demand in the practice of gynecologists, surgeons, pediatricians and otolaryngols for many years. One form of this herbal preparation is an oil solution. It is intended for local use, and is often prescribed to adults for cervical erosion, but is sometimes prescribed for children as well.

Release form and composition

The drug is sold in dark glass bottles containing 20 or 30 ml of solution. It has a dark green color, oily texture and the smell of eucalyptus.

Such a solution should be completely transparent, and if there is a precipitate in it, any suspensions or other inclusions, the use of the drug should be discarded.

For the manufacture of "Chlorofillipta" use a plant that is called spherical eucalyptus, in particular, its leaves. Extract extracted from them is present in 100 ml of solution in the amount of 2 grams, that is, the concentration of such a drug is 2%. Auxiliary component of this medication is sunflower or corn oil. There are no other substances in the composition of the solution.

Also note that "Chlorophyllipt" is available in other forms. Another liquid form of this medicine is an alcohol solution with a concentration of 1%. In addition, there are "Chlorofillipt" in lozenges containing 25 mg of eucalyptus extract each.

A solution that contains alcohol has a rather large range of uses, and in some diseases it is even preferable to a solution in oil.

Operating principle

According to its effect on the body, the drug belongs to antimicrobial and antiseptic agents, since it destroys pathogenic microbes and relieves the inflammatory process. Chlorophylls contained in the solution, phytoncides, valuable minerals and other substances from eucalyptus leaflets affect harmful bacteria, among which there are even antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. In addition, under the action of medication decreases the activity of inflammation.


The drug is used in various diseases, lubricating the skin and mucous membranes. The reason to appoint "Chlorophyllipt" in the form of an oil solution is:

  • burn;
  • long-lasting wound;
  • sore throat or tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • prickly heat;
  • rhinitis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • abrasions or scratches;
  • furuncle;
  • ARVI;
  • acne;
  • sinusitis and some other pathologies.

From what age is prescribed?

In the instructions for the oil solution "Chlorofillipt" information about the experience of use in children is absent, but in practice this drug is prescribed by doctors at any age. However, treatment of mucous membranes with this drug in children under 12 years old is not recommended without a doctor's prescription.

Use in patients older than 12 years is possible without the supervision of a physician, but the examination by a specialist is desirable.


The use of "Chlorophyllipta" is strictly prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to eucalyptus. If it is found in a small patient, apply the solution inside and use it to treat the skin is unacceptable.

Side effects

    As the plant extract is based on the drug, after its use various allergic reactions can occur, for example, a skin rash or swelling of the mucous membranes.To exclude such situations, it is recommended to test for sensitivity before starting treatment, for example, apply a little solution to the skin or allow a few drops of the drug to be swallowed.

    If symptoms of allergy are found after such a test, they immediately refuse to use the solution and show the patient to the doctor who selects an adequate replacement.

    Instructions for use

    Consider the sequence of actions aimed at eliminating various diseases.

    • With bacterial injury to the throat "Chlorophyllipt" is applied with cotton flagella directly on the inflamed glands and bows. You can also give the child half a teaspoon of solution, digging this amount of medication into the mouth twice a day. After using the drug, the child should not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes.
    • For skin diseases the solution is applied to the affected areas (for example, to the navel or burned area) with a cotton swab or piece of gauze. The duration of treatment and the course of treatment must be determined by the doctor for each patient individually. Sometimes only a few applications are enough to stop the inflammatory process on the skin.
    • With inflammation of the oral mucosa oil treatment is carried out pointwise. Medication smears foci of infection 4-5 times during the day. Processing should be done after eating and hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity. The duration of use of "Chlorophyllipt" with this indication usually does not exceed 3 days.
    • Sometimes otolaryngologists recommend dripping "Chlorophyllipt" on an oil basis in the nose. If a child has a cold, the drug is used for a cold and cough with a few drops in each nostril with an interval of 6 hours. This method of use is also required for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Putting the child sideways, the agent in the amount of 5 drops is injected into the nasal passage, which is located below, after which the patient must lie for 15 minutes. Next, the procedure is repeated for the opposite nostrils.

    Overdose and drug interactions

    Excess doses can cause discomfort, skin rashes and other negative reactions, in case of occurrence of which the drug should be canceled, giving the child activated charcoal and, if required, antihistamine medicine.

    Chlorofillipt is noted to enhance the effect of other antiseptics, but when contacting with hydrogen peroxide a precipitate forms, therefore between the use of such agents it is necessary to wipe the skin with saline.

    Terms of sale and storage

    A solution of "Chlorophyllipt" in oil, like other forms of this medicine, is sold without a prescription. On average, for 20 ml of the drug you need to pay 200 rubles.

    The shelf life of the oil solution is 2 years. To its end, the bottle should lie in a place where the sun's rays do not fall, and the storage temperature should not exceed +20 degrees. In addition, the medication must be hidden from small children.


    Almost all parents who used the “Chlorophyllipt” solution in the oil of their children speak positively of it. The main advantages of the drug include a natural basis, an affordable price, an effective action for various diseases (the tool is capable of treating a large list of pathologies).

    Among the disadvantages are usually mentioned not too pleasant taste and smell, and in some children the medication caused allergies.


    The drug can be replaced by "Eucalyptus oil", which also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Such a drug is prescribed from the age of two in the form of gargles (for diseases of the oral cavity) or inhalations (for lesions of the upper respiratory tract). Since allergy is possible for such a remedy, it is necessary to replace them with “Chlorophyllipt” only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Other analogues of antiseptic can be considered as analogues of the drug used in stomatitis and other diseases of the mouth.Among them, the most sought-after are “Hexoral”, “Stopangin”, “Miramistin», «Hexasprey"," Oralsept ","Lizobact"And other drugs.

    With a runny nose, sinusitis or pharyngitis, the doctor may prescribe "Umkalor», «Pinosol"," Tolzingon N ","Kameton, Eucacept or Sinupret.

    Treat damaged skin instead of "Chlorophyllipt" can "Betadine"," Levomekol "," Tsindol ", hydrogen peroxide and other local means. Since all these analogues differ in their mechanism of action, and have some contraindications, it is recommended to select a suitable substitute for "Chlorophyllipt" together with the doctor.

    An alternative method of treating the throat may be gargling, more about this in the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


