Ointment for children with atopic dermatitis


The use of ointment for atopic dermatitis plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. Currently, in children's practice uses a huge variety of different medicines. Requirements for such drugs are quite high. These funds should have a pronounced clinical effect, as well as practically do not cause adverse side effects in children.

Mechanism of action

The active ingredients of modern ointments have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. They are able to stop inflammation resulting from exposure to a provoking factor that causes atopic dermatitis.

Oily texture of the ointment allows its active ingredients to easily penetrate into all layers of the skin and have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Most often, these dosage forms are recommended to impose on dry damaged areas.

Keep the ointment on the skin should be up to maximum absorption. For dry and inflamed skin, the exposure time is usually from 30 minutes to an hour.

Ointments, which include hormones, are used to treat more severe forms of atopic dermatitis or for a long course of the disease. Part of the drug, glucocorticosteroids can suppress the synthesis of inflammatory reactions in the body and promote rapid healing. With local administration of drugs, there are practically no adverse systemic effects.


All ointments can be divided into several groups depending on the composition and effect.

The composition of the ointment are:

  • Hormonal. They include predominantly hormicosteroid hormones. Used in children with severe disease. With prolonged appointment may cause some side effects, mainly local action. In young patients, often using hormonal ointments, there are areas with thinning of the skin. In such cases, to eliminate these manifestations, the use of ointments is stopped for some time for the complete disappearance of adverse effects.

  • Non-hormonal. They include zinc, panthenol, as well as selective immunomodulators that can improve local immunity. Such drugs are most effective for use in the initial stages of the disease and during exacerbation, which proceeds in a rather mild form.

According to the mechanism of action:

  • Drugs that reduce itching. In their composition mainly contain antihistamines. Used in the treatment of diffuse forms of atopic dermatitis, which occurs with severe debilitating itching. According to many mothers, the use of such drugs helps to cope with the elimination of itchy skin rashes in babies.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often, babies are prescribed ointments such as Eplan, Protopic, and many others. The use of such funds can reduce inflammation and quickly restore damaged skin. The appointment of anti-inflammatory ointments is usually prescribed for the entire acute period of the disease. The course from 10-14 days is more often applied. Apply ointment, usually 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.

  • Antibacterial. Contains in its composition various antibiotics. These funds are designed to combat adhering secondary bacterial infection.Clotrimazole-based drugs can also eliminate pathogenic fungi. The use of combination drugs such as "AdvantanHelps to simultaneously treat a bacterial infection of the skin and eliminate the adverse symptoms of an allergic reaction.

What to use

The choice of medical ointment to eliminate the manifestations of atopic dermatitis is not an easy task. For kids of different ages, it is better to use drugs that are suitable for age. To agree on the tactics of treatment, you should definitely show your baby to an allergist. Indeed, for each drug there are certain clinical contraindications to use.

Most often in children's practice for the treatment of atopic dermatitis such ointments are used.


One of the most effective means in the treatment of atopic skin diseases. The use of ointment allows you to eliminate the adverse symptoms of inflammation in a fairly short time. Zinc has a drying effect. Apply this medicine should be on all moist sores. Also, the active active ingredient of the ointment has good antiseptic properties and helps protect open wound surfaces from penetration of a bacterial infection.


Actively used in the treatment of various forms of the disease. Hydrocortisone can be used for atopic ear dermatitis. In this case, itchy red spots around the ears. Increased itching occurs after washing or infection. The ointment is well distributed on the skin.

Active hormonal components act on the tissue forms of leukocytes, suppressing inflammation in all layers of the skin. This leads to the normalization of the condition and the elimination of adverse symptoms of the disease. With prolonged use, like any other hormonal ointment, the tool can cause adverse systemic effects.


This ointment has a combined effect. It not only copes with inflammation, but also has a pronounced moisturizing effect. The active ingredients of the medicine promote rapid epithelialization and healing of the skin. Retinol palmitate included in the composition allows restoring damaged skin layers in a natural way and in a fairly short time.

Apply the ointment twice a day. After applying the drug to wait for complete absorption. Rubbing medication into the skin is not recommended. Usually the drug is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Children who are hypersensitive to vitamins A and D may experience an itchy, allergic rash or redness. In this case, the use of ointment should be discontinued.


It copes with the elimination of itching on the affected skin. It also relieves inflammation and helps cleanse the skin from allergic rashes. Thanks to acetonide, which is part of the drug fluocinolone, the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are formed during the development of an allergic reaction, decreases. Reducing the concentration of these substances reduces itching and eliminates swelling of the affected skin.

Appointed 1-2 times a day. Usually the duration of therapy is 10-14 days. Longer use of the drug is not recommended. With the long-term use of funds may appear side effects that occur after the use of hormonal agents. Can be used only in children older than two years. The appointment of the drug conducts the attending physician.


This medicine has a pronounced antiseptic property, and also effectively cope with the healing of damaged skin. The use of this tool allows you to fight with various microbes and prevents the development of secondary bacterial infection.

Ointment can be used for babies from the first months after birth. The drug is well tolerated and practically does not cause adverse side effects.The tool can be used for a sufficiently long period of time, since it is practically incapable of causing addiction.

The use of ointments in the treatment of atopic dermatitis allows you to cope with adverse symptoms of the disease in a relatively short time. The choice of drug remains for the attending physician.

It should be remembered that all drugs can cause side effects and have contraindications to use.

When prescribing a medical ointment, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby. This will allow you to choose a good and effective drug for the local treatment of atopic dermatitis.

One of the useful and interesting issues devoted to children's atopic dermatitis can be found in the next issue.

In more detail, the topic of atopic dermatitis in children will be revealed by Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


