Why is it impossible to get pregnant for several months in a row and when is it worth testing?


Getting pregnant the first time does not work for all women who dream of adding to the family soon. Unfortunately, many couples dreaming about the appearance of the baby experience difficulties with the natural conception of a baby.

The reasons

Very often, women, gynecologists, women who dream of a child, but have difficulty conceiving. They note that they failed to conceive a child from the first time. Difficulties with natural conception can be very different. Some couples can not conceive a baby even after numerous attempts. Someone tries 2-3 months, and someone half a year, a few years. The time during which such attempts are carried out, are very different.

With a frightening diagnosis of "infertility" now faces a lot of couples. Often they go to doctors after 4–5 months of unsuccessful attempts. Someone comes to the medical clinic later - a few years after the first attempts to conceive a baby on their own. The problem in this case is the same: the complexity of the natural conception. However, the reasons that contribute to its appearance, many. Each particular pair has its own.

Unfortunately, only the intention to have a child may not be enough. It happens that the obstacles to the conception of a baby are various pathologies that future parents suffer.

It should be noted that doctors distinguish both female and male infertility. To determine why there is no long-awaited natural conception, doctors must examine both partners.

It also happens that pathologies are detected in each of them. In this case, each partner requires an individual selection of treatment regimens.

Female infertility develops due to a fairly large number of pathologies. Difficulties with the implementation of the natural conception can lead to various chronic diseases of the reproductive organs. Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, as well as the ovaries, can help reduce fertility in a woman. In this case, the probability of self-conception of the baby is many times reduced. A woman who suffers from chronic pathology of the reproductive organs must necessarily visit her gynecologist regularly.

It often happens that a woman feels the fear that, against the background of the gynecological pathology she has, she cannot become a mother. If you have such concerns, you should definitely talk with your gynecologist. Well, if it is a doctor, to whom there is confidence and faith in his professionalism. It is necessary to warn the doctor about your desire to become a mother.

Women who have a number of pathologies of the reproductive organs, take some time to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. At this time, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which should not only improve overall health, but also help to improve reproductive functions.

Women suffering from infertility due to the presence of ovarian disease often come to gynecologists for the first time to complain about their difficulties with natural conception 8-9 months after the first attempts. As a rule, in this situation, there is a malfunction of the ovaries. This contributes to the development of dyshormonal disorders, which can also cause the impossibility of the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

In some cases, with infertility, there are also periods.The arrival of menstruation is, unfortunately, not always a guarantee of the possibility of independent conception. Menstruation is only one of the periods of the menstrual cycle, but it is not an absolute symptom indicating good female health.

Only a specialist can determine various diseases of the reproductive organs (including those that occur with the development of dyshormonal disorders). For this, the gynecologist needs to conduct an extended gynecological examination, take smears from the genital tract, and also send a woman to undergo an ultrasound. Ultrasound examination allows you to identify a number of "silent" pathologies that are not accompanied by the development of adverse symptoms, but lead to the development of female infertility.

Not only diseases of the reproductive organs can lead to problems with natural conception. Concomitant extragenital pathologies can also cause infertility. Problems with conception can develop with a number of thyroid diseases.

If a woman notes that thyroxin, which is assigned to her as an endocrinologist for the treatment of the thyroid gland, does not help, and she plans a pregnancy, then she should definitely discuss this with her doctor. In such a situation, treatment regimen may be required.

In practice, there are cases when certain genetic diseases can lead to difficulties with the onset of pregnancy. In this situation, such a pathology can determine the geneticist. To clarify the diagnosis requires additional tests. During the consultation, the doctor must determine the family history of the development of certain genetic diseases that may be an obstacle to the occurrence of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Ovulation Calculator
Cycle time
Duration of menstruation
  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception
Enter the first day of the last menstrual period.

When to ask for help?

Pull with the treatment of doctors couples who have difficulty conceiving a baby is not worth it. It often happens that spouses cannot conceive a long-awaited child for a long time, but they do not turn to doctors. They use various methods of alternative medicine, they practice fasting, spiritual practices and many other ways, but they turn away from official medicine.

The choice in this case depends on each. However, doctors still advise to undergo a comprehensive examination. In some cases, even two months of unsuccessful attempts at conceiving a child are indications for contacting specialists. It is especially important to see doctors to people who have chronic diseases. It often happens that after carrying out complex treatment the probability of natural conception increases.

What to do?

When unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child should not despair. Natural conception is a real sacrament. It does not occur by mere desire. In order for the egg cell to merge with the sperm, a large number of different factors must "work".

If conception does not occur the first time, do not panic and lose heart. The desire to have a baby plays, perhaps, the main role on the way to motherhood.

A couple who have difficulties in conceiving for several months should consult a doctor (for a comprehensive examination). It’s better to contact a family clinic that specializes in problems with infertility. In such a medical institution, as a rule, there are specialists who specialize in working with couples experiencing problems with conception.

When you go to the doctors, you should tune in to possible long-term treatment. In some cases, in order to achieve a positive result from therapy, it takes quite a lot of time. The main thing is a positive attitude towards achieving a result. A strong desire to have a baby is perhaps the main motivation for overcoming any difficulties associated with infertility.

How to get pregnant faster, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


