Vaccination schedule for children under 3 years


In the first years of life, the baby will have a lot of vaccinations, so parents should figure out which vaccinations they will be offered for, why they need to administer the vaccine so early and how to prepare for the vaccination. Let's look at the vaccination schedule for children from birth to three years.

Calculate vaccination schedule
Enter the date of birth of the child

Why be vaccinated at such an early age?

The introduction of vaccines in the first years of life helps babies form immunity against dangerous infections as early as possible. Infectious diseases are especially dangerous for very young children. For example, infection with tuberculosis in the first year of life is often complicated by meningitis, which can result in death.

If hepatitis B virus enters the body at an early age, the child will remain its carrier until the end of life, and serious pathologies such as cirrhosis or cancer will threaten its liver. Whooping cough is very dangerous for babies up to one year old, as it can cause suffocation and damage the brain. No less dangerous are hemophilic and pneumococcal infections, which cause difficult to treat and often lethal lesions of the lungs, ear, meninges, heart, and other organs of the baby.

Disease protection
Most vaccinations can protect your baby from lung diseases.

Many parents doubt whether to vaccinate so early, because they are confident that infants under 3 years of age practically do not encounter the causative agents of such dangerous diseases. They are wrong, because the risk of infection is always there, since many people are asymptomatic carriers. In addition, having started vaccination before the year, by the time the child is actively studying everything around and interacting with other people, he will already be protected from such unsafe infections.


Year of child's life

What kind of infection is the vaccination

The first

Hepatitis B:

  • on the first day of life
  • per month
  • in 2 months (according to indications)
  • at 6 months
  • in 12 months (according to indications)


  • in the first days of life (3-7)

Pneumococcal infection:

  • in 2 months
  • in 4.5 months

Whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection (by indications):

  • in 3 months
  • in 4.5 months
  • at 6 months

Rubella, parotitis, measles:

  • in 12 months


  • from 6 months in autumn


Hepatitis B (not previously vaccinated):

  • according to the scheme 0-1-6


  • annually in the autumn

Measles, rubella (not previously vaccinated):

  • once

Hemophilic infection (if there are indications to children who have not been vaccinated before):

  • once

Pneumococcal infection (revaccination):

  • in 15 months

Whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, hemophilic infection (revaccination, according to indications):

  • at 18 months

Polio (revaccination)::

  • at 18 months
  • at 20 months


Hepatitis B (not previously vaccinated):

  • according to the scheme 0-1-6


  • annually in the autumn

Measles, rubella (not previously vaccinated):

  • once

Hemophilic infection (if there are indications to children who have not been vaccinated before):

  • once

In addition to vaccinations from 12 months, children also begin to test Mantoux every year, checking their immunity to tuberculosis.

Short description

  1. On the first day after birth vaccinated against hepatitis B, since there is a high risk of infection from such a mother or medical manipulation. The injection is performed in the first 12 hours of life. Hepatitis vaccination is carried out up to a year 3 times - the second vaccination is given monthly, and the third in six months.If the baby is classified as at risk, the vaccination will be four - the third vaccination is postponed to 2 months of age, and the fourth is performed per year. Unvaccinated babies can be vaccinated against hepatitis B at any time, using the scheme 0-1-6.
  2. Also in the maternity hospital the child gets another vaccination - against tuberculosis. The babies are given BCG vaccine or a light version of it (BCG-M).
  3. At the age of 2 months, begin the cycle vaccinations against pneumococcal infection. The first vaccination is carried out in 2-3 months, the second - in a month and a half (usually in 4.5 months). In 1 year 3 months revaccination is performed, supporting protection against pneumococci.
  4. Three-month-old babies are expected by several vaccines at once, among which one of the most important, but also the most frequently causing adverse reactions, is DPT. This vaccination will be a good protection against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. The vaccine is administered with an interval of 30-45 days three times - usually in 3, 4.5 and 6 months.
  5. Simultaneously according to indications (if there are increased risks) vaccinated against hemophilus bacilli. The vaccine is also administered three times at the same age as DTP. There are combined drugs that allow you to do only 1 injection, and if there are several vaccines, they are administered in different parts of the body. At 18 months, DTP and the Hemophilus infection vaccine are administered again (the first revaccination is performed). If a child has not been vaccinated against a hemophilic infection for up to 6 months, the vaccination is performed twice between the ages of 6 months and a year with an interval of one month, and revaccination is carried out according to a plan of 1.5 years. If the child has not been vaccinated against such an infection before the age of 1 year, vaccination is carried out only 1 time at the age of 1-5 years.
  6. Vaccination against polio starts simultaneously with DTP. The first two vaccinations at 3 months and at 4 and a half months are carried out with the use of an inactivated vaccine (perform injection), and for the third vaccination at 6 months in healthy children use a live vaccine (give droplets). Revaccination from this infection in the second year of life is carried out twice - at 1.5 years and at 20 months.
  7. One year old child is vaccinated against measles, parotiditis and rubella. Protection against all these infections is provided by one comprehensive vaccine. If, for any reason, vaccination has not taken place, rubella and measles vaccination can be given as a separate preparation to children after one year at any time.
  8. From 6 months of age begin vaccinate for flu. Vaccination put annually for some time before a possible epidemic (autumn).
Vaccinations for children
Most vaccinations are routine, but you can optionally vaccinate your child as you wish.

Preparation for vaccination

Since only healthy babies can be admitted to vaccination, the main point of preparation should be to determine the health of the baby. The baby must be examined by a doctor. If we are talking about vaccinations in the maternity hospital, then they are permitted by the neonatologist. Vaccinations between the ages of 1 month and 3 years are prescribed by the district pediatrician, examining the child before each vaccination. If there are suspicions of health problems, then the child should be shown to a neurologist or immunologist before the child is vaccinated.

It is also recommended to donate blood and urine of the baby for analysis. If the baby has an increased risk of an allergic reaction, a few days before the vaccination, you can begin to give an antihistamine, continuing to take it and for two days after the injection.


  • Parents should buy antipyretic drugs in advance, as one of the most frequent adverse reactions of vaccinations is a temperature increase. You do not need to wait for high numbers, you can give medicine even at temperatures above 37.3 degrees.
  • Take to the clinic for a baby a toy that will help a little to distract the crumbs from the unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations from vaccination.
  • Do not change the baby’s food several days before and after the vaccination. This is not the best time for new products and the start of feeding.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


