Prevention of stomatitis in children


Such an uncomfortable and very painful disease, as stomatitis in babies, even with the right timely treatment takes a long time, so it is best to take care to avoid its occurrence. What preventive measures help protect against stomatitis in childhood?

Personal care

Even the smallest children need to brush their teeth regularly every day, starting with the appearance of the first tooth. At first, parents spend cleaning, and later the child is taught the rules of cleaning teeth.

Oral hygiene
Compliance with oral hygiene - the prevention of many diseases

It is also important to teach your child to wash his hands often - before eating, after a walk, after using the toilet. If the child has a habit of sucking his fingers, efforts should be made to wean it.

In addition, parents should prevent contaminated items from entering the baby’s mouth. This is especially true for babies whose teeth are being cut, since at this age children are pulling into their mouths and gnawing on everything they reach.

Another useful skill that children should learn long before the first stomatitis is the ability to rinse your mouth. Teach your child to take water in his mouth, keep it there for a while, stirring, and then spit it out.

Girl rinsing his mouth
The ability to rinse your mouth will be needed for throat diseases

Oral health

The risk of stomatitis increases many times over if the child has dental problems. The baby should be regularly shown to the dentist and the milk teeth should be treated, without waiting for the formation of carious cavities. You should go to the dentist every year, even if you have no complaints. The doctor will tell you how to choose a good toothpaste and what brush is best to brush your baby's teeth.


First of all, the importance of a balanced diet is determined by the need for the child to obtain the dosages of vitamins and microelements that he needs by age. The lack of such substances is one of the factors proving stomatitis. If necessary, discuss with your doctor the use of multivitamin preparations for children.

You should also avoid such traumatic effects of the oral mucosa as the use of very hot and spicy foods. Too hard food or very sour food can lead to injury and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane.

Balanced baby food
A balanced diet strengthens the immune system of the child.

Infection prevention

Some types of stomatitis are caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria infection, therefore, if someone with stomatitis appears in the child’s environment, it is important to limit the contact of the child with this person. Transmission of herpes virus from an adult who has an aggravation in the form of a rash on the lips or on the skin leads to the appearance of herpes stomatitis. If a mom or other adult has herpes, contact with the child should be completely excluded, especially if the child has not had herpes stomatitis before.

Other measures

  • Since the occurrence of stomatitis can lead to stress and overwork, it is important to adjust the daily routine of the child, to avoid nervous overloads, to ensure that the child has enough rest.
  • To avoid the appearance of allergic stomatitis, one should stop using any products for which the child has an allergic reaction.
  • You should try to strengthen the immune system of the baby, because the weakening of the protective forces often leads to relapses of aphthous stomatitis. After consulting with a pediatrician, you can give the child immunomodulating drugs.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


