Treatment of stomatitis in children folk remedies


That's the way children are, that they need to taste everything. Kids are trying to drag in his mouth all that is bad. Older children often unknowingly lick their fingers, forget to wash their hands. That is why in childhood so often happens stomatitis. Inflammation of the oral mucosa is a rather painful condition. But you can help your child with it not only with pharmaceutical preparations, but also with traditional medicine. We will talk about them in this article.

Symptoms and signs

Stomatitis is a disease that is almost impossible not to notice; any mother is able to detect herself characteristic signs that the child's mouth has inflamed:

  • Anxiety and bad mood of the child.
  • Decreased appetite, pain when eating.
  • Changes in the mucous membranes of the mouth: redness, rather severe swelling, the appearance of ulcers with white, gray or yellowish bloom.
  • Increased salivationsalivating.
  • Sometimes you can notice bleeding gums.
  • Almost always from the mouth there is an unpleasant smell.

Doctors still can not explain the true causes of stomatitis. The most obvious prerequisite - a violation of hygiene - does not cause problems. It is clear that pathogens that have entered the mouth cause foci of inflammation. But experts tend to believe that not only microbes are to blame for this unpleasant illness.

Sometimes stomatitis provoke certain immune processes. Presumably, such a reaction in the mouth occurs in cases where, for reasons that are not fully understood, the immunity cannot identify certain particles or molecules. According to the "logic" of immunity, if not identified - it should be destroyed, and an army of lymphocytes "rushes" at the mysterious guests. This causes the appearance of sores.

The most susceptible are children who feed poorly and unbalancedly, babies who have recently suffered diarrhea, repeated vomiting, and intestinal infections, as they have dehydration to some extent.

If a child takes medicines that dry the mouth, reduce the amount of saliva secreted (for example, antihistamines), he also has a rather high risk of stomatitis. In adolescents during puberty, the hormonal background is unstable, and this is also a prerequisite for oral inflammation.

Often, children with a genetic predisposition to this disease are susceptible to stomatitis: if a mother or father often faces this unpleasant condition, then it is likely that the child will inherit the qualitative composition of the oral microflora and will also suffer from stomatitis.

Poor quality braces or incorrect installation can also cause inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Treatment for common stomatitis is not a hard task., to cope with this really for 7-12 days, including the means from the arsenal of traditional healers. Often stomatitis goes away without treatment at all. But with respect to children, there is no need to hope for this, because the lack of proper therapy can lead to complications and the spread of infection.

What is the danger?

As with most children's ailments, the main danger lies in the errors in the diagnosis. It would seem that a simple disease is a simple treatment. But in fact, everything is much more complicated.The fact is that stomatitis may not be an independent disease, but only a symptom of more dangerous conditions, such as diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, and a number of others). Stomatitis may indicate that worm infestations have firmly established in the intestines of a child. In addition, ulcerative inflammation of the oral mucosa can also occur with HSV (herpes simplex virus), as one of the manifestations of a herpes infection.

Stomatitis can be both allergic and traumatic. The most common among young children - catarrhal, it is caused by a violation of the hygienic requirements for the content of the oral cavity.

Many parents believe that stomatitis is always contagious, so they immediately separate out separate dishes to a sick child so as not to infect other family members. It is not always so.

Only vesicular stomatitis of viral origin is dangerous for others. The remaining forms of the disease are not transmitted by the contact household method.

Error in diagnosing the origin of the disease can cause serious consequences - inflammation can go to the larynx, cause negative processes in the respiratory system, and even contribute to the development of a systemic infection.

When folk methods can not do?

Stomatitis in children differs from the similar diagnosis in adults in the frequency of severe course. Imperfect immune protection of the child copes worse with security functions than an adult. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a child to have multiple sores in the mouth, exciting both the inside of the cheeks, and the tongue. This increases temperature, the child’s well-being deteriorates significantly, there is a pronounced pain syndrome. Such stomatitis requires the early use of antifungal agents, antiseptics and painkillers, sometimes doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. Doctors believe that it will be better if the treatment of a complex form is carried out with pharmacy medicines.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, an expert on children's stomatitis, and to learn about situations when folk remedies are not enough, can be found in the next video.

Effective folk remedies

Most popular recipes are well known to parents. So they treated themselves many years ago, but these funds do not lose relevance.

Salt rinse

This recipe is the most common and cost effective. A teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda are all that is needed to prepare a solution. Ingredients should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. Get a single dose. For one rinse requires at least 250 ml of liquid. The child should not swallow saline, so you should not practice such procedures for children who, because of their age, do not yet understand how to rinse their mouth. Soda-salt treatment of the oral cavity should be repeated every 2-3 hours.

Pharmacy Chamomile

This herbal collection is worth a penny, but in terms of its effectiveness, it can be put on a par with expensive pharmacy antiseptics. For the preparation of rinsing you need a teaspoon of dried herbal raw materials (it is sold in pharmacies) and 200 grams of boiled water. Pour the chamomile is not hot water, put the container in a water bath and hold it for 15 minutes. The resulting broth strain and cool at room temperature to a warm state. Giving the child to rinse his mouth with chamomile broth should be 5-6 times a day, before spitting out, the child should hold the liquid in the mouth for at least 30 seconds.


This plant, which is a real mother's assistant for various children's ailments. For stomatitis, aloe vera can treat mouth sores. To do this, cut a juicy leaf, hold it for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then carefully treat damage to the mucous membrane. This method is not suitable if the child has multiple ulcerations.In case of severe illness, it is better to squeeze aloe juice with a piece of gauze, dilute it with boiled water and rinse your mouth every three hours with this composition.

Tea mushroom

Now he has few people in the house, but if you try to treat them with stomatitis, you will definitely get this useful product later. Water, which is Kombucha, rinse your mouth 5 times a day. Total one-time volume of fluid for the procedure - 150 ml. Stomatitis in a child after such rinsing passes completely already on the second day. After the first three or four rinses the pain syndrome disappears, the sores begin to drag on.


This plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To prepare the rinse, you will need two tablespoons of herbal raw materials to fill with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 90 degrees. Infuse the liquid under the cap. You can brew sage in a thermos. Exposure time - about an hour. The resulting infusion should rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day.


Eucalyptus leaves quickly and effectively relieve pain and discomfort during stomatitis. They should be crushed, brewed in a thermos and insist 3-4 hours. The resulting aromatic liquid must be filtered and give the child to rinse your mouth 3-5 times a day.


For the preparation of therapeutic compresses will need one raw potato. The tuber should be thoroughly washed, peeled, cut into small thin slices, which are applied to the affected areas of the oral mucosa for 15-20 minutes. You can not cut the potatoes, and rub on a coarse grater and lubricate the resulting mass of the oral cavity. Hold for 15 minutes and then rinse with clean boiled water. Potato has a strong healing property that allows you to cope with the manifestations of stomatitis in just 3-4 days.

Self-treatment danger

Do not underestimate stomatitis and believe that the child is not in danger. If the baby’s immunity is weakened, and the disease is markedly pronounced, the infection can quickly spread to neighboring areas, and this is the nasopharynx and larynx. In addition, pathogens in food enter the alimentary canal. Therefore, if you really want to treat the child yourself, please. But remember about the "critical" terms of self-treatment: if the stomatitis has not passed in 7 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What can not be done?

  • You can not cauterize the sores in the mouth with alcohol-containing compounds, and also use iodine and brilliant green for this.
  • It is impossible to feed the child during the treatment of stomatitis too hot, spicy or cold food, since it can increase inflammation and definitely increase pain.
  • During treatment, the child should not use “aggressive” toothpastes for cleaning the teeth; it will be better if he uses special children's toothpastes with a “for sensitive teeth and gums” mark.

Another useful video from the issue "Children's Doctor" dedicated to children's stomatitis can be viewed in the next video.


When stomatitis in an infant, rinsing is impossible to do, therefore, babies are used to prepare medicinal solutions according to the above recipes and process the mouth or using cotton swabs and small cotton swabs.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


