Folk remedies for the treatment of cough in children older than a year


When a child coughs, the parents guess what caused the disease and how to help the baby. Moms and dads are especially worried when a very small family member starts coughing - a baby who has just turned one year old. Obviously, before this age, any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, and traditional medicine for newborns and infants is usually out of the question. However, if a family has a child older than a year, then it is possible to choose an effective and gentle way to treat cough at home without the use of pharmacy medicines.

Determine the type of cough

Before you start choosing a method of treating a baby, you need to be clear about what kind of cough a child has. It should be noted that cough is not a separate independent disease. This is a protective mechanism, a reflex that works when the body urgently needs to get rid of something else in the respiratory tract.

90% of cases of children's cough caused by penetrated into the nasopharynx, and from there to the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and sometimes into the lungs, viruses. This happens with influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, scarlet fever and a number of other diseases of viral etiology.

A minor percentage is relegated to bacterial cough. He is not treated at home, as the child with respiratory organ disease with pathogenic bacteria, fungi and chlamydia feels so bad that parents have no time to look for popular recipes, they are only enough to urgently call an ambulance.

Quite often, children have an allergic cough., which is an external manifestation of serious internal problems caused by one or another antigen. Sometimes a cough is nervous. If the child has problems with the nervous system, he has experienced severe stress, severe shock, and fright.

Dr. Komarovsky’s compressed issue of coughing and how to treat it can be viewed in this video.

Sometimes the cause of debilitating cough is a foreign body trapped in the respiratory tract. This is true if we are talking about toddlers and a little older. According to the available medical statistics, about 40% of all cases of unidentified long-term cough are caused by a small piece of food or a small piece of a toy that the baby accidentally inhaled. It is impossible to detect a foreign body using X-ray alone, additional measures will be required, such as bronchoscopy.

For the duration of manifestations of cough can be acute, subacute, prolonged and chronic. If the baby coughs up to 2 weeks, we can confidently talk about acute cough, it is treated faster than others. If the baby has been suffering for about a month, this is a subacute cough. If more than 8 weeks - doctors talk about a prolonged cough, his treatment will take time. Chronic cough is considered if it is observed in a child of 2 months or more. This is the most intractable case.

Parents, even very observant and attentive, are unlikely to accurately determine the causes of the disease, but they may well learn to distinguish between cough in timbre and character. This is extremely important for proper treatment.

It is divided into two main types:

  • Wet. Such a reflex is well distinguishable.Coughing attacks in a child are productive, a large amount of sputum is released. During attacks with the naked ear, you can hear gurgling and wheezing in the bronchi, where the bronchial secretion accumulates. Often, such a cough comes to replace the dry cough, that is, falls on the second part of the disease, closer to recovery. If you do not treat a wet cough and hope that everything will go away by itself, then their bronchial sputum will be difficult to discharge. This is fraught with severe complications - pneumonia. Sometimes this type of cough suggests that the child already has serious respiratory diseases.

  • Dry. This is a rather painful and painful process for a child. Cough is, but it is unproductive, sputum is not formed and does not stand out. After an attack of relief does not occur, expectoration does not occur. This type most often indicates the beginning of a respiratory viral disease. An allergic reflex is also often dry. Barking cough, which is so named for the similarity with the sounds of dog barking, is also dry. He is rude, very painful. It usually begins with severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Seizures of dry cough are particularly pronounced at night.

After you determine the type of cough for your child, you can begin to plan a treatment. Of course, it would be best to consult a doctor to rule out erroneous conclusions. The approach to the treatment of different types of cough is also completely different.

Moms and dads do not need to study medical encyclopedias to understand this. It is enough to learn the main rule: when a dry cough, the child needs to reduce the intensity of attacks. Doctors use protivokashlevye drugs for this.

With a wet cough, the child needs to provide conditions for the discharge of accumulated sputum. To this end, traditional medicine uses mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

We will slightly below consider the best folk remedies that have an action against coughing and properties that allow for the secretion of bronchial secretions.

When you can not do only by folk methods

Alternative medicine remedies are good when the cause of cough is precisely known, and it lies in the infectious nature. But the baby can cough not only with flu and cold. There are many diseases that cough reflex manifests itself. Moreover, sometimes it is the only symptom. Here are just some of these "masking" insidious diseases:

  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Pathology of the pancreas, its functional insufficiency.
  • Diseases of the blood system.
  • Mechanical damage to the respiratory system with a foreign body in them.
  • Disturbances and failures in the immune system.

The advice here is only one - any cough should be a reason for going to the doctor. Depending on the diagnosis of the doctor, you can decide what and how to treat the child. This is important because, by treating folk remedies, one can lose the time that is necessary to provide truly effective care for serious diseases.

There can be no talk of folk remedies if the child has a severe allergic cough, or the cough is a symptom of one of the above ills, there are blotches in the sputum, pus, if the child has a respiratory function and he suffocates after the attacks.

All of these conditions will require medical treatment, possibly in a hospital setting, and the sooner it starts, the more likely it is to save the child’s life and health.

Effective folk remedies and methods

Unbelievable, but true: many popular recipes for coughing are favorably recognized by pediatricians, and even often they themselves advise such methods of therapy to their young patients and their parents. Let's look at the most popular ways, many of which are well known and memorable for moms and dads from their own childhood.

6 recipes folk remedies for cough which are suitable for children can be viewed in the next video.


This remedy, which Dr. Aybolit so loved to prepare, cures children for more than a decade. The ingredients are simple and, surely, are in the fridge of a family with any income. One glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey, 25 grams of butter, chicken egg and baking soda at the tip of a knife. Milk should be boiled, allow to cool slightly and add honey and butter to it. Separate the yolk from the protein, grind with soda. Then mix everything up and give the child a drink. This delicious cocktail is perfect for the treatment of wet cough.

Do not use this tool if the child is under three years old., as chicken yolk, honey and even cow's milk can cause allergies. Each product separately is not intended for small children, and all together they give a rather strong provocative mixture.

Milk and onions

Both of these products have long been known as effective "fighters" with children's cough. Together they, according to parents, work wonders. Take a large onion, chop finely or rub it on a large grater. Onion gruel should be poured cold cow's milk and cook over low heat until cooked onions.

Every housewife knows this stage - the bow should be soft, but not “spread out”. Cooled milk onion “soup” can be additionally “ennoble” with a spoon of honey or sugar, so the drink will be more pleasant to ingest. Dose for a child from a year - a teaspoon every two hours, daze from 3 years You can give a tablespoon with the same intervals. Naturally, it is not necessary to wake up the child at night to receive the funds.

This recipe can significantly alleviate the condition of the baby when exhausting dry cough. Precautionary measures are mandatory, especially for children who are allergic to honey or sugar. If there is an inadequate response to cow protein, it is not necessary to treat the cough in this way.

Video recipe how to make milk with cough onions for children.

Radish with honey or sugar

Everyone heard something about this method, but the information is so different that it is quite problematic to establish the truth. Some parents say that radish can be given to children from a year, others categorically disagree with this statement. Both are right. Because children from a year can only be given white or green radish. And older boys and girls are allowed to use the most effective radish - black variety.

One medium-sized radish of the desired color should be well washed, wiped and carefully cut off the top of the vegetable with a knife. Inside the radish with a tablespoon or knife you need to make a small indentation. Put two spoons of honey in it. Then the “stuffed” vegetable should be covered with the same previously cut part and put in a deep container. It is deep, because the juice that will be released can start to flow, as it usually forms a lot.

Abundant juice formation will begin after a few hours of standing. Liquid should be given to a child 1-2 teaspoons 2-4 times a day, depending on the intensity of cough. This recipe is relevant for a wet cough with lots of sputum.

Honey can be replaced by sugar, if the child has a tendency to allergies in general, and bee products in particular.

Linden blossom

A unique herbal product that is used for both wet cough and dry. The difference will be in cooking recipes. Action - equally effective. To alleviate the condition of the child with wet coughing a teaspoon of dry pharmaceutical collection should be filled with hot boiled water and infused for about 15 minutes, and then hold for another hour in the water bath. Drink give a quarter glass three times a day.

A dry cough can be cured fairly quickly if the raw pharmacy (1 teaspoon) is drawn in cold water for about two hours. Then simmer over low heat, strain and add a little honey and a couple of tablespoons of fresh or frozen viburnum. This child is given a drink warm, several times a day, half a glass at a time.

Children older than a year, lime blossom is not contraindicated, but when using honey for up to three years should be very careful.


This useful plant is widely known and used in traditional medicine. When coughing in a child, it can only be used externally. Mustard powder is poured into socks and put on the baby's legs for half an hour. This allows you to warm the body as a whole. On a chest with a dry cough, you can make a compress with mustard cakes. For their preparation you need to take 25 grams of mustard beans. A tablespoon of honey and the same amount of sunflower oil. All mix, add two teaspoons of 9% vinegar and put in a water bath. In a warm mixture, mix a tablespoon of wheat flour.

From the obtained dough make small cakes. They are warmly applied to the child’s chest and back, after putting a damp cloth or gauze and one layer of cling film on the skin. Compress can be left on the body for several hours (usually, the procedure time is 4 hours). This method is not suitable for one year old babies, but since 2-3 years may well apply. Warning - the same: possible allergies to components of the compress.


Wet cough in a very young child can be cured with fennel. To do this, take a teaspoon of fennel seeds and dill, grind everything and pour a quarter cup of boiling water. Insist drinking preferably at least 15 minutes, then drink should be filtered. Give the child to drink warm at a dosage of 20 ml from a year and 50 ml to children from three years three times a day.

Cottage cheese

This useful product is not only a source of calcium, but also an excellent remedy for lingering cough in children. For this purpose, cottage cheese should be used externally, as a compress on the chest. You will need a piece of cloth (better than gauze) and 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Dairy product should be gently spread on a gauze in the shape of a rectangle and cover the top with a second end of the fabric.

A compress is applied to the child’s chest before bedtime and left for the whole night. On top of the cheesecloth with curd inside you need to fix a wool scarf or shawl. This remedy helps with dry night and barking cough.

In addition, cough can be treated with black currant juice, decoction of viburnum berries, decoction of pine buds, mint and oregano herbal tea. With an unproductive dry cough, inhalations with a decoction of coltsfoot, sage will be helpful. Good result gives rubbing garlic in the heels and drainage massage, which is based on a soft patting and stroking the back, ribs and chest of the child to facilitate the discharge of sputum.


  • When treating a child for cough, it is important to create conditions in the apartment that facilitate recovery: the air humidity should be between 50 and 70%, and the temperature should not exceed 19 degrees. If the air is too dry, the bronchial secretion will dry out faster, which is fraught with the occurrence of a strong inflammatory process in the airways. Often, you should do a wet cleaning and air the room.
  • Compresses, inhalations, grinding and dry compresses with mustard cannot be done if the child has a high body temperature. Before staging a compress, you must be sure of the integrity of the skin, there should be no abrasions, wounds. Before inhalation, make sure that the child does not have a cold with admixture of pus or blood, and hearing diseases should also be excluded. With otitis inhalation is contraindicated in most cases.
  • If you experience an allergic reaction to a particular prescription of traditional medicine, you should stop taking the procedure or procedures and consult a doctor.
  • It is not necessary to limit the mobility of the child during the treatment of cough. During movement, the processes of formation and withdrawal of sputum occur faster. Do not deprive the kid of the opportunity to walk in the fresh air.
  • Traditional methods significantly accelerate recovery, if they are used as auxiliary to the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


