The use of radish with honey in the treatment of children


Radish as a powerful drug known for a long time. It is difficult to accurately determine its origin, but history knows that many ailments were healed in ancient Egypt by this wonderful root vegetable. From there, the fruits came to the Greeks and immediately fell in love with the great doctors of this ancient state. Legends say that it was assessed for its weight in gold, for a plant it was given as many coins as it itself weighed. Radish came to Russia from Asia, where it grows wild.

Adults are advised to take radish for a variety of diseases. But we will talk about the use of plants in the treatment of children.

Useful and healing properties

White, black, green, brown, pink, purple. This may be different radish. Each type of culture can be used in food, including for treatment. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves swelling, destroys pathogenic bacteria no worse than an expensive antibiotic pharmacy.

It is recommended to take with parasitic ailments, with a viral infection, with sinus, sore throat, as well as in combination with honey, it is an effective cough medicine. The plant is used in diseases of the kidneys and some ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

By the way, honey greatly enhances the beneficial properties of the plant. And it helps to get radish juice, which is hardly juicy. The strongest medicinal effect has a black radish. The softest effect is white and green radish.

And now the video how to cook cough syrup from black radish and honey.

Harm and contraindications

Radish treatment in most cases is not contraindicated for children, but it requires adherence to certain important rules. Black radish, as we have already found out, is the most powerful, but for this very reason green or white radish is more often recommended for children. They are no less useful, just act significantly softer.

In any case, it is not recommended to give radish to children up to three years old, since the plant sap quite aggressively acts on mucous membranes. On the Internet today you can find information that green and white radish can be given to children up to a year. In fact, the risk is not worth it. There are other limitations in the use of plants:

  • Radish is contraindicated in children with a diagnosis of gastritis confirmed by doctors.
  • You should not treat this root vegetable and children who have problems with the pancreas, duodenum, ulcers of any organ in the digestive system.
  • Do not advise doctors radish and children with thyroid disease.
  • You should not give the plant for medicinal purposes to children with heart disease, including congenital defects of this organ.

If a child can take radish, it is important to remember that eating too much vegetable can cause a depressive state.

Allergic reactions to the root crop develop infrequently, but are quite possible. Where more often children are allergic to honey, which is often combined with radish. Therefore, parents will be required to pay attention to the child in the process of such treatment and the willingness to immediately stop traditional therapy, if there is more harm than good.

Video recipe for the treatment of bronchitis and cough radish.

It is advisable before using this plant to treat a child to discuss this possibility with the attending pediatrician. Doctors have a good attitude to this vegetable, traditional medicine fully recognizes the powerful effect of radish, which can be said only about a few means of traditional medicine. For this reason, rejection by the doctor should not arise, unless, of course, he finds in your child direct contraindications to the use of the plant.

Operating principle

The principle of action of this unique natural medicine can be understood if you know what exactly is part of the root. And it is rich and diverse. First of all, these are natural antibacterial substances, among which the undisputed leader is a special enzyme lysozyme, it is considered the worst enemy of most known bacteria.

Phytoncides and carotenes reduce cholesterol levels, normalize blood circulation and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), A, PP and a whole range of B vitamins make the root vegetable a good medicine for improving the metabolic processes in the body. And an incredibly high level of iron, potassium, magnesium helps to defeat a variety of infectious diseases due to the fact that they increase immunity.

In what form to give?

Usually radish for medicinal purposes is used in the form of juice, which can be obtained from the root in a variety of ways. The most popular is to rub and squeeze the flesh. Sometimes the pulp of radish is passed through a meat grinder and then squeeze the resulting mass through several layers of gauze.

For internal use with colds and coughing, radish juice is mixed with honey or milk and allowed to drink. Pure, undiluted juice is used externally, they rub the chest with strong bronchitis. Such procedures in combination with coiling after wiping contribute to the rapid release of sputum with a dry unproductive cough.

Radish juice is a good basis for nose drops for sinus, it perfectly cleans the sinuses from bacteria, pus and mucus. And the juice of the root, added to the gargle, is an excellent remedy for sore throat.

Radish can be given in stewed or baked with sugar in the form of food, but only for children after a year. Prepared in such a way, with obligatory pre-soaking, it will not have any irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and will be useful for digestion and strengthening the immune system.

Recipes and methods of use

With black radish

This type of plant is very effective in treating cough. The root crop will need to be washed, cut off the "top" of the plant, and through it make a deepening of radish. You need to put honey in it so that the beekeeping product fills no more than half of the space.

Top "stuffed" radish should be closed with the same previously cut off part and let it brew for at least 4-6 hours. Juice that will stand out in the process, and will be a drug.

Baby cough syrup can be made at home by peeling a root vegetable and rubbing it on a grater. Blender will do. The gruel should be squeezed through 2-3 layers of gauze, add two teaspoons of honey to the resulting juice. Once the honey is completely dissolved, everything should be carefully moved.

Syrup is given to children aged 3-4 years and older 2-3 times a day for a teaspoon to drink. Children after 7 years can double the dose. Store the finished drug should be in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

To prepare a compress with radish, one root crop is required to be peeled, chopped, and then passed through a fine grater. The resulting mass should be laid out in a small layer with a spoon on a strip of gauze, covered with another layer of material and applied to the back or chest, eliminating the heart area, after having smeared the skin with baby cream or liquid paraffin to avoid skin burns. The procedure with such a compress should not exceed 10 minutes, then the slurry is removed, wipe the skin with water and cover with a warm knitted scarf.

With white radish

One root crop should be washed, cleaned and grated.Gruel squeeze the turn of gauze and add some honey to the juice. It is necessary to insist on such a remedy for about 5 hours, then such a syrup can be given in small portions (no more than a teaspoon at a time) for a child with cough, whooping cough, bronchitis. Store white radish syrup is not worth more than a day.

The white plant can also be baked in the oven, pre-cut into small cubes. It is not necessary to use honey in this recipe, therefore this method of preparation will suit children with allergies to bee products. Instead of honey, radish is sprinkled with sugar, and when roasting, the root crop will produce a large amount of sweet syrup. This chilled syrup after straining can be given to a child a tablespoon three times a day.

With green radish

This type of root perfectly helps the child to cope with a strong cold. The plant must be washed and peeled, cut into small cubes. The resulting pieces can be folded in a jar or other glass container, more firmly squeezed with a spoon and add a couple of Art. spoons of honey.

Insist two hours under the lid, then carefully mix the contents of the jar, close again and insist at least another 8 hours. It is better to prepare such a drug at night so that the medicine is ready in the morning.

Syrups obtained from green variety can be given to a child more often than similar preparations of black root vegetables. For a teaspoon to 6-7 times a day.


  1. If you decide to start an unconventional treatment, for the first time, let's take a root vegetable before noon, so that you have time to observe the child and see if he has any allergic reactions to the use of this plant. The most frequent manifestations of the "rejection" of such a medicine by the body are rash and upset stool.
  2. For the preparation of medicines that are planned to be used externally (for compresses with viral sinus, for example), it is better to take the roots of exactly black color. They contain the maximum amount of natural antibiotic substances.
  3. It is possible to prepare nasal drops in case of a cold or sinus from both black radish and white variety. Juice after pressing should be diluted 1: 3 with aloe juice to avoid burns of the mucous membrane. Concentration implies one part of radish juice and three parts of aloe juice.
  4. In all cases when treatment is planned through instillation, you should always consult a doctor. The inept and unauthorized use of such a powerful tool, as well as exceeding the permissible concentration of the resulting solution can cause swelling of the nasopharynx, larynx, and a strong allergic reaction.
  5. Experienced traditional healers do not recommend buying radish in supermarkets. It is better if the root crop is grown by you on your own, on your own plot or at the dacha, as a last resort, you can always buy a plant on the green market from summer residents or farmers.
  6. To enhance the effect of the prepared radish, in addition to honey, it is desirable to add cinnamon and cabbage juice to cough syrup.
  7. To juice radish gave as much as possible, do not forget to lower the tail of the root in the water.
  8. Syrups can be diluted with juices and water to make it easier for the child to drink this medicine. Usually there is no resistance from children when taken, in combination with honey or sugar, the radish loses its bitterness and astringency. But children, as we know, are different, and therefore we will not exclude the option of refusing to drink such a drug.
  9. You can not make compresses on the sinuses, if sinusitis has a bacterial origin. Warming up (and the plant has this property) will only aggravate the situation and contribute to more intensive reproduction of pathogens.
  10. The course of treatment of radish should in no case exceed one week.


On the use of radish in the treatment of children mom on different Internet forums write numerous reviews, most of which are positive. Folk remedies On the basis of this root crop, children quickly and effectively help children cope with coughing.Many parents note that an improvement in the condition of the child comes on the second day after the start of the reception.

Many experienced parents recommend adding rye flour to compresses on the chest, so radish acts more gently and reduces the likelihood of burns.

Only a small percentage of moms and dads say that the child has allergies and bronchospasm after taking radish syrup. Units assert that their child flatly refused to drink the sweet “medicine” because he did not like the taste.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


