Solution "Ambrobene": instructions for use for children


Ambrobene is a very popular drug prescribed to children when they cough. If the child was prescribed such a solution in the form of a solution, any mother would be interested in how to take it correctly.

Release form

The drug Ambrobene in the form of a solution is available in two versions:

  1. For oral administration. This solution is also used for inhalation. It is sold in 40 ml and 100 ml bottles.
  2. For injection. This drug is released in ampoules of 2 ml, packaged in 5 pieces per pack.

Common characteristics for these solutions are transparency and no odor. These are often colorless liquids, but light yellow is also the norm.

Also note that Ambrobene is produced in another form:

  • Pills.
  • Syrup.
  • Capsules


The active substance in any Ambrobene solution is ambroxol in the form of hydrochloride. It per 1 ml of the drug contains 7.5 mg.

Water is also present in each solution, but other excipients are different:

  • Citric acid in the form of a monohydrate, sodium hydrophosphate heptahydrate and sodium chloride are in addition in the solution for vein addition.
  • Hydrochloric acid and potassium sorbate are added to the ingested solution.

Operating principle

Ambrobene solution is a group of mucolytic agents with expectorant effect. Its use contributes to a change in the viscosity of sputum (it becomes more fluid) and activates the epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa, with the result that the mucus coughs more easily. Also, the drug has an antioxidant effect and the ability to stimulate the synthesis of surfactant.


Ambrobene solution is discharged in case of respiratory diseases, when the sputum is too viscous and goes away with difficulty. The drug is in demand in chronic lung diseases, but most often it is prescribed for acute illness, for example, with pneumonia or acute bronchitis.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Pediatric practice allows the use of Ambrobene in solution from birth, but Children under two years of age do not give this remedy unless prescribed by a doctor.

Give Ambrobene a solution to drink, carry out inhalation or inject a drug into a vein to children up to one year old without specialist control, the instruction on the use of the drug prohibits.

Ambrobene's solution for children under 2 years old is prescribed by a doctor.


The drug should not be given or administered to a child who has intolerance to its components. The use of liquid forms Ambrobene is not allowed during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester of gestation).

Without the appointment of a pediatrician, the drug is not given when:

  • Renal disease.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Lactation.

Side effects

When taking the solution Ambrobene inside or injections of the drug the child’s body can react with such negative symptoms:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Impaired taste perception.
  • Nausea
  • Liquid stools.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
  • Dry oropharyngeal mucosa.

If Ambrobene is introduced into a vein too quickly, a small patient may experience headache, swelling, weakness and fatigue.

Instructions for use and dosage

The duration of treatment Ambrobene is determined in each case individually. If the drug is not prescribed by the doctor, the child should not be given for more than 5 days. To expectorant effect was more, at the same time with the use of Ambrobene children should be given more to drink any liquid.


Drink medicine after a meal, dispensing it with a measuring cup, which is sold with a bottle of solution. The drug can be mixed with tea, juice or water.

The dosage is selected based on age:

  • Up to six years, the medicine is given at one dose in a dose of 1 ml. The difference for children of the first two years of life and children older than 2 years will be only in how many times Ambrobene is given. If the toddler is not yet 2 years old, the doctor will prescribe a double dose, and for children 2-6 years old (for example, at 3 years old), the remedy is given three times a day.
  • A child of 6 years to 12 years of age single dose Ambrobene in solution is 2 ml. The drug is given twice a day, but a triple dose is also possible.
  • Dosage medication for children over 12 years of age at one time will be 4 ml of solution. The remedy is given three times a day, and after 2-3 days its effect is evaluated. If positive dynamics are not observed, it is possible to increase the dose to 8 ml of the solution twice a day. If the condition improves, the child continues to give 4 ml of liquid Ambrobene, but twice a day.


For such procedures with Ambrobene use modern nebulizers. For each inhalation, the drug must be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 1 (this ratio will help to moisturize the inhaled air well). Also, the prepared solution should be heated to t ° body. The child must breathe during the procedure calmly, and if he has bronchial asthma, then before inhalation with Ambrobene should take a bronchodilator.

Inhalation is carried out 1 time per day, but sometimes the doctor recommends 2 procedures per day.

The dosage of ambrobene solution for 1 inhalation will be as follows:

Child under 2 years old

1 ml

2-6 years old child

2 ml

A child over 6 years old

2-3 ml


Ambrobene solution for injection is injected into a vein either in a jet (such an introduction should be slow - for at least five minutes), or drip. Dilution of medication is permissible with a solution of glucose, Ringer-Locke or sodium chloride.

The dose is determined by the weight of the child - 30 mg of ambroxol per 1 kg of its weight is administered to a small patient per day. Having calculated such a daily dose, it is evenly divided into 4 injections. As soon as the acute symptoms of the disease disappear, the injections are replaced by the oral administration of another form of Ambrobene (syrup, solution, tablets).


A large dose of Ambrobene does not cause toxic effects, but exceeding the dosage of the solution can lead to nervous excitement, increased salivation, vomiting, hypotension, diarrhea, or nausea. Treat such symptoms need symptomatically.

Interaction with other drugs

Ambrobene's combination with antitussive drugs that suppress the cough reflex can be dangerous for children because it provokes the stagnation of mucus in the bronchial tree.

  • Some antibiotics with Ambrobene supplement better penetrate the sputum, which contributes to a more rapid recovery from bacterial infections of the lungs. This action is noted in Doxycycline and cefuroxime, as well as in erythromycin and Amoxicillin.
  • Do not combine Ambrobene solution with drugs that have a pH greater than 6.3, so that the substances in its composition do not precipitate.

Terms of sale

Ambrobene solution, intended for injections, is sold only after presenting a prescription from a doctor, and the solution for internal use is a non-prescription medicine. The average price of a 40 ml bottle is 120 rubles, and a pack of 5 ampoules Ambrobene costs 180 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the solution Ambrobene need in a secluded place where the child will not get it. The temperature in such a place should not be more than +25 degrees. Shelf life Ambrobene in the form of a solution - 5 years.


About the solution Ambrobene parents say mostly good. Moms love that such a remedy is very effective when coughing, can be used for inhalation, acts quickly and rarely gives side effects. The advantages of the drug include its low consumption and low price. As for the shortcomings, sometimes the kids do not like the taste of the solution, and in some children Ambrobene causes allergies.


Replace Ambrobene can any medicine with the same active substance, for example, domestic drug Ambroxol or the German medicine Lasolvan. Also, as prescribed by a doctor, instead of ambroxol preparations, children with dry or wet cough are given other mucolytics. Among them are especially popular Altea Syrup, Gedelix drops, powder ACC, syrup Ascorilsyrups Herbion and other medicines.

The opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky on expectorant means, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


