Peaches during pregnancy and breastfeeding: the benefits and harms, tips on eating


Peach is one of the most favorite delicacies of most women, besides, it is fully beneficial for the body. However, at the stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding, products should be selected not only for theoretical benefits or personal preferences, but also for how much the fragile children's organism is ready to accept its components. Absolutely any food can cause problems that have suddenly arisen, so even with peaches one has to take some caution.

Use during gestation

Since the early stages of pregnancy, the female body needs an ever-growing amount of vitamins and minerals, because an entirely new person is built from scratch inside an adult body. Peach can be an excellent source of all this good for pregnant women, even though it often causes allergies. In this case, you should just gently enter it into your own diet, paying attention to the slightest changes in health.

Moreover, experts advise starting to use this fruit literally from the first month of pregnancy, because the components contained in the peach contribute to the rapid elimination of toxins from the body, which the woman's body is full of due to hormonal toxicosis.

However, the benefits of the fruit do not end there, and it should be eaten for the following results up to the 3rd trimester:

  • the abundance of magnesium helps to calm down and not to succumb to stress, which during pregnancy is typical and quite dangerous for the fetus;
  • thanks to potassium, excess fluid is removed from the female body, reducing the likelihood of edema;
  • Potassium also has a positive effect on cardiovascular health;
  • Calcium is not replaceable at all, since it is the main building material for the developing musculoskeletal system of the baby;
  • phosphorus is also involved in strengthening the bones, not only children, but also my mother's, because her spine is now forced to withstand increased stress, and this element is also extremely important for the development of the child’s brain and nervous system;
  • folic acid at the stage of pregnancy is extremely important for the correct transmission of the genetic code, in addition, it is responsible for the proper formation and operation of the placenta;
  • iron allows you to saturate the blood with hemoglobin and more efficiently supply two organisms with air through one common circulatory system.

This, of course, does not end the list of useful contents of such a fruit. Here is also a complex of vitamins, as well as many different minerals, in addition to those mentioned, just a few of them all. In a naturally grown fruit, there is nothing superfluous - the same plant fibers contribute to the regularity of the gastrointestinal tract, which is also useful.

Reception at the stage of breastfeeding

Immediately after childbirth, a child can be considered a separate organism rather arbitrarily. In fact, at first he even eats what his mother had previously eaten, because the milk contains all that useful (and not so much) that was in her food. The useful components of the peach, of course, remain the same, but at the GW stage they can perform several other functions.

  • The components of the fruit activate the nervous system, which helps the child to quickly learn and understand the world around it.At the same time, it works smoothly, without overvoltage, which affects the stable sleep schedule.
  • It is especially important for a nursing mother to consume this fruit precisely because of its ability to quickly eliminate toxins from the body. She herself is able to monitor the state of her body and is not harmful, but toxins in the baby’s body can appear at any time due to an allergy to a particular product or the inability of a weak immune system to withstand diseases. In such a situation, a peach, eaten by mom, will help to improve its health and its child.
  • These sunny fruits also have a well-marked ability to cheer up. This is caused both by the banal pleasant taste of such food and by the fact that vitamins in the fetus increase the body's resistance to stress, which is why yesterday's problems no longer seem so serious.
  • The components of this fruit are very conducive to the improvement of peristalsis, and also generally contribute to the softening of the digested food. Due to this, peach is one of the best natural remedies for constipation, and after all, for mothers and babies, these problems are characteristic.
  • The characteristic sour taste in peach indicates that this fruit is rich in vitamin C - the most well-known immunostimulatory substance that helps the body to overcome any disease. After giving birth, the mother's body is somewhat exhausted, because it is more susceptible to infection, whereas the baby’s immune system is still not particularly able to resist the infection. In such a situation, natural vitamin C is literally what the doctor ordered.
  • Another useful feature of the fetus is that it effectively relieves heartburn.

General rules

At the pregnancy stage, mom can eat peaches almost every day, especially if they have always been an important item on her menu. After the birth of the baby, some time should be waited, because in the first months for the child, literally anything can be a potential irritant. Doctors advise you to include these fruits in your mother’s diet from about the second month. As is the case with all other products, this should be done very gradually, starting, figuratively speaking, from half and tracking the baby’s reaction to breast milk. If within a few days no negative effects have been noticed, then the dosage can be gradually increased.

As for the individual food for the baby, he can begin to give peach juice from about four months old. Of course, it is advisable to first test this product on the mother and the child's reaction to milk, but in any case, you should start with small dosages. Faded in mush, this fruit is given no earlier than 6-7 months old.

Unfortunately, unfamiliar food in the first year of life can cause an allergy in a child, even if it will outgrow it very soon. Moreover, in some cases, at this stage, even the maternal organism, which did not resist such food, does not want to take a peach. Signs of allergy in this case are typical: they are expressed in redness of the integuments, characteristic rash and itching, in especially severe manifestations accompanied by coughing and sneezing, tearing and runny nose.

If an allergy occurs, the reception of the product that caused the violent reaction of the body must be immediately stopped, and to quickly determine what caused the irritant, you need a peach, like other unfamiliar food, to enter into the diet gradually and separately.

It should be noted that an allergic reaction to this fruit is more common in a baby if one of the parents is also allergic to it. Because of the potential allergenicity of a peach, it is never advised to eat in large quantities - even in a supposedly controlled situation, you should not consume more than three pieces per day.

Some mothers, even without the characteristic signs of allergy to the peach, this fruit is undesirable to use because of its special properties.Not being too high in calories, it is still replete with sugars, and therefore is not recommended for diabetics or people prone to gaining excess weight. The diuretic effect of the fruit, thanks to which it is so successfully coping with the elimination of toxins from the body, creates an increased load on the kidneys and excretory paths, because with such a diagnosis, they should not be abused either. Before introducing this product into the diet, a young mother should once again return to her nutritionist, who will tell you whether you can diversify your menu with these fruits.

Of course, peach poisoning is possible without any allergies, because parents should carefully choose the fruit, refusing from those that show signs of rotting. Experts advise moms not only to wash the peach before eating, but also to remove the peel from it. So it will be cleaner and less likely to provoke allergies, because the main concentration of allergens is observed here.

Fruits from a well-known garden should be preferred, even if visually they look much less attractive than their store counterparts - only this way you can be sure that the fruit was not treated with various harmful chemicals for a more attractive presentation.

For information on what fruits can be nursing mom, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


