Apparatus vision treatment in children


Caring attitude to the eyes should be from a very early age. Often, to eliminate the symptoms of various ophthalmologic diseases, special types of therapy are required.

What it is?

Apparatus treatment of vision in children is carried out in various pathological conditions. Usually, the indications for this therapy are established by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

The earliest age at which you can begin this treatment is 1-2 months after birth. It is very important to remember that the sooner the first signs of visual impairment are identified, the more effective the prescribed therapy will be.

Currently, various devices are used to eliminate the adverse symptoms of eye diseases. Such a treatment is called hardware. It includes various techniques. With their help, it is possible to achieve significant positive results in a short time. After the treatment of the child, the visual acuity normalizes, and the normal operation of the visual apparatus of the eyes returns.

In the modern world every day there are new techniques that allow to achieve excellent results on the normalization of vision. They also allow you to normalize the parameters of visual function without the use of surgical treatment.

Apparatus therapy techniques include:

  • Stimulation by laser.
  • Reflexology.
  • Color pulse treatment.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Practices for training the accommodative apparatus of the eye.

These methods can be applied both in isolation and be prescribed comprehensively by the doctor. They effectively eliminate even the most adverse manifestations of eye diseases in babies. Usually a course of treatment is required to normalize the work of the visual apparatus. These methods do not cause the child soreness and severe adverse symptoms. They can be used in babies even from the very first months of life on the recommendation of a doctor.

When is it held?

The use of hardware treatment can be shown in various pathological conditions. These techniques will have a positive effect if the child has:

  • Accommodation Spasm - A pathological condition arising from a number of ophthalmologic diseases;
  • Eye fatigue syndromeexcessive working with a computer or mobile device;
  • Myopia (myopia). This condition is often hereditary and passed on from generation to generation. Hardware techniques allow you to normalize vision. These methods are especially effective in the early stages of the disease, accompanied by a slight decrease in vision. Often, such treatment can only be carried out for money and does not pass through the CHI;
  • Hyperopia (hyperopia). Apparatus treatment is prescribed in cases where the child has signs of a slight deviation of vision from the norm. Usually, several courses of treatment are required to normalize visual acuity. To normalize the work of the eyes are used several methods of hardware treatment in the complex;
  • Amblyopia;
  • Asthenopia;
  • Impaired binocular vision;
  • Various forms of strabismus;
  • Corneal pathologies, including various congenital and acquired conditions;
  • Opacification of the lens and the development of various forms of cataracts;
  • After the development of bleeding in the eyeball, as well as in the presence of vascular anomalies or defects on the retina.

For details on what hardware procedures are needed for different conditions, see the following video.

A course of treatment

Before the appointment of therapy, the ophthalmologist conducts a comprehensive clinical examination with all the necessary instrumental studies. After establishing the diagnosis with indication of the underlying disease and all accompanying ones, the doctor draws up the course of the hardware treatment.

It usually consists of a cycle consisting of 10-14 procedures. During the year 2-3 courses of such therapy may be conducted. The duration and multiplicity of procedures depends on the underlying diseases. Usually one procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. Some techniques take about an hour.

Most of the reviews after the hardware treatment carried out is positive. Mommies say that these methods did not cause any pain in the kids and led to a positive result. Among the negative reviews are many in which parents indicated too high a cost of treatment. On average, it ranges from 2,000 to 50,000 rubles per complex. The final cost depends on the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor.

During the whole treatment complex, several procedures are carried out to control the effectiveness of the prescribed course. Usually it is held in the middle of the cycle, as well as at its end. Also, the control of the effectiveness of hardware treatment is carried out a few months after the course. This allows us to establish the long-term result of the performed therapy complex.

Correction Devices

Modern equipment for hardware treatment is different technical characteristics, the mechanism of work, and also has features in the management. To improve the vision currently used the following types of devices:

  • Ultrasound. They can affect the structures of the eye both continuously and in a pulsed mode. These methods are most effective for treating pathologies of traumatic, inflammatory and vascular origin. The course of procedures usually consists of 5-10 lessons on these devices.
  • Infrared. The therapeutic effect of infrared radiation is applied to eliminate impaired vision. This technique performs massage of the ciliary or ciliary muscle responsible for the correct focus of vision. This technique is most effective for eliminating pathological conditions, accompanied by spasm of accommodation.
  • ESO-2. The operation of the device is based on the use of low frequency current. Such an effect allows the device to be used for pathologies of the optic nerve, as well as for various pathologies that occur on the retina.
  • Magnetic. In the work of these devices uses a therapeutic effect of the magnetic field. The most effective such devices for inflammatory and traumatic eye damage. In pediatric practice, magnetic treatment is prescribed for pathological conditions in which accommodation disturbance appears or vascular anomalies develop on the retina.
  • Photostimulation. Often in such devices combined exposure to a magnetic field and photostimulation. These include: AMO-ATOS. This device is used to treat inflammatory pathologies of the eyes, in which there is a strong redness, tearing and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Color therapy. The impact of devices based on the use of different colors of the spectrum. A variety of combinations can lead to both sedative and stimulating effects. These devices are very effective for the treatment of pathologies of the retina, as well as in violation of color perception.
  • Eye-motion simulators. They are used to eliminate the adverse symptoms that occur with amblyopia. Coursework on such simulators contribute to the onset of a significant positive result.To secure it requires regular exercise for the eyes, which can be carried out at home.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


