Tablets "Pirantel" for children: instructions for use


Worms often get into the children's body because of dirty hands, unwashed foods, close contact with animals and other factors. Infected child becomes weak, nervous, lethargic, his chair changes, nausea, headache and other uncomfortable symptoms appear.

Having passed the feces analysis, it becomes clear that the cause of the indisposition is helminthiasis. To get rid of parasites, the doctor prescribes an antihelminthic, for example, Pirantel. Although he especially for children is available in suspensionssolid form also exists.

Whether it is possible to give such pills to the child, on what helminths they act and in what dose they are allowed in childhood - the answers to these and other questions can be found in this article.

Release form and composition

Pirantel is manufactured by several pharmaceutical companies both in Russia and abroad. Most often in pharmacies you can find packs of 3 tablets, but there are also boxes of 6, 9, or more. The shape of the pills is either oblong oval or round, and the color is often yellow.

Each tablet contains 250 mg of pyrantel pamoata. This active compound is supplemented with corn starch, purified with talcum powder, magnesium stearate and other substances that may differ from different manufacturers. They give the drug a dense structure and the ability to chew a pill.

Operating principle

The drug affects different types of worms due to the neuromuscular blockade of parasites. Paralyzed worms out of the patient's body with feces in a natural way, and the work of the intestine under the action of Pirantel does not change, so the obstruction and cramping in the abdomen while taking these tablets does not occur.

The drug is very effective. regarding pinworms and ascaris - The most common pathogens of helminthiasis in childhood. Tablets also help get rid of hookworm - roundworms, provoking nekatorosis and hookworm.

In the human intestine, the active compound of the tablets is almost not absorbed. That small part of the drug that enters the blood is processed in the liver. The drug does not affect the migratory larvae, but is highly effective in developing and mature forms.


A pirantel tablet is prescribed:

  • with enterobiasis - such a helminthiasis is called one of the most common in children;
  • with ascariasis - this disease, triggered by ascarids, also occurs in children very often;
  • in case of necatoriasis, ankylostomas of the New World cause such an infection;
  • with hookworm - this worms provoke roundworms called "hookworm duodenal ulcers."

The drug is in demand not only when detecting worms after examining a child, but also for prevention, for example, if helminthiasis is diagnosed in a family member who lives in the same house with the baby.

From what age is prescribed?

Pyrantel tablets are allowed to give to children over 3 years old. If treatment is required for a patient who has not yet turned 3 years old, choose a form of suspension, since it can be applied from 6 months of age.

For some children 4-5 years old and older, tablets are also replaced with a suspension, since it is easier to swallow, and the side effects of the liquid form are much less common.


The drug is not used:

  • in children with hypersensitivity to any component of the tablets;
  • in patients with myasthenia;
  • in a child with liver failure.

Side effects

According to research results:

  • taking Pyrantel can provoke negative symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, loss of appetite, abdominal pain or vomiting;
  • in some children, the pills cause skin rashes, fever, itching, or other allergic reactions;
  • occasionally after using the medication, side effects from the nervous system, such as headache, paresthesia, or a feeling of weakness, may appear.

Instructions for use

The medicine is given to the child after a meal (you can also give it during the meal), offering to chew the tablet thoroughly, then drink it with one glass of water. The dosage is determined by the doctor taking into account the patient’s body weight and age, as well as the diagnosis.

If pinworms or roundworms are found in the child, the drug is administered at a dose of 10 mg per 1 kg of weight. In this dosage the agent is taken once, and to eliminate the risk of re-infection, in the same dose advised to drink Pirantel 3 weeks after the first dose.

Most often, the medication is prescribed in such doses:

  • for children 3-6 years old - 1 tablet;
  • for children 6-12 years old - 2 tablets at once;
  • for children over 12 years old - 3 tablets at once.

If a child is diagnosed with ankilostomidosis, the dosage will also be 10 mg / kg, but the tablets are taken not once, but 3 days. If necatoriasis is detected in a severe form, the dose is doubled (20 mg / kg are given) and Pirantel is taken for 2 days in a row.

Overdose and drug interactions

If the dose of Pirantel is accidentally exceeded, signs of gastrointestinal irritation and negative symptoms from the central nervous system are possible. For treatment, wash the stomach and give the child symptomatic remedies.

Do not combine Pirantel and other antihelminthic drugs, since their effect on worms may decrease, and the side effect on the liver - will increase. Also not recommended combination with theophylline.

Terms of sale and storage

Acquisition of Pirantel tablets, as well as the drug in suspension, is possible only by prescription.

Depending on the manufacturer, a pack of 3 tablets costs between 16 and 42 rubles. Store the medicine at home at room temperature in a dry place. The shelf life of this form - 3 years.


About the treatment of worm infestation in children Pirantel tablets there are many positive reviews, in which mothers were satisfied with the effectiveness of such a drug and its low price. The advantages of this product are a single dose, a wide range of effects on worms and mostly good tolerance.

Adverse reactions such a drug rarely causes, but they sometimes occur, and the child feels bad after taking it. In addition, many mothers call the tablet form uncomfortable, and the taste of tablets - unpleasant, because of which they prefer to give the children a suspension. Also there are complaints about the large pill size.


Substitution of Pirantel can be a drug. HelmintoxBecause its basis is the same active compound. Such medicine is released both in tablets and in suspension, therefore, it is quite simple to choose the appropriate analogue. In addition, depending on the diagnosis the doctor can write out instead of Pirantel, another anthelmintic drug in tablets:

These drugs contain different active ingredients and have their own age limits, so the choice of analogue should be carried out with a pediatrician. In addition, they are advised to give only when the identification of worms in the child's body. Prophylaxis is not recommended by most pediatricians.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


