Synecod syrup for children: instructions for use


Usually, when you cough, medications are prescribed to help dilute sputum and remove it, but for inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane without active sputum, completely different means are used. They affect the cough reflex and suppress it. One of these medicines is Sinekod. It comes in several forms, among which there is a syrup. Is it given to children and in what dose is used to eliminate painful dry cough?

Release form

A synecod in the form of a syrup is produced in glass bottles, inside of which there is 100 ml or 200 ml of the preparation. This is a sweet-tasting colorless solution. In addition, it is transparent and smells like vanilla. Together with the bottle of syrup in the box there is a plastic cap, which measure the desired dose of medication.

In addition to the syrup, Sinekod is released in another liquid form - drops. They are similar to syrup and composition, and physical properties, but contain less active ingredient. Tablets, capsules or vials for injection Sinekod does not exist.


The active ingredient of the syrup is a compound called butamirata citrate. Its amount in 1 ml of solution is 5 mg. For a pleasant smell, vanillin is added to the medication, and the sweetness of the medication is provided by sodium saccharinate. Other additional components that protect the drug from damage and provide it with a liquid state are 96% alcohol, 70% sorbitol, water, benzoic acid, sodium hydroxide, and glycerin.

Mechanism of action

Sinekod has a central effect, as butamirate may affect the brain. In particular, such a substance affects the cough center and inhibits its activity. The result of this effect will be the suppression of signals that come from the brain to the bronchi, which causes cessation of cough.

Since Sinekod does not belong to narcotic drugs, it does not provoke addiction and can be used for dry cough for quite a long time.

The drug not only helps to suppress cough, but at the same time expands the bronchi and improves blood oxygen saturation. Thanks to these additional effects, the healing process is accelerated, and breathing is easier after taking the syrup.


Given the effect of Sinekod on the body of a sick child, this tool is used for debilitating dry cough, protruding symptom of the following diseases:

  • ARVI (in the initial stage);
  • pharyngitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

The medicine is also used in situations where the patient needs bronchoscopy or some other manipulation that requires the absence of a cough reflex.

At what age is it used in children?

A synecod in the form of a syrup is prescribed to patients over three years old. If a medicine with antitussive action is required for a younger child, drops are used, since due to their lower dosage, they can be given from 2 months of age.


Synecod in syrup is not used in case of hypersensitivity to butamirate or one of the excipients. The medicine also should not be used in the presence of productive cough. For example, if the medication was prescribed for ARVI, then as soon as the cough becomes wet, it is immediately canceled.

Side effects

Sinekod's portability is called good, but occasionally after taking this syrup one or more negative symptoms may occur, for example:

  • dizziness;
  • severe nausea;
  • sleepy state;
  • skin rash;
  • loose stools.

You should immediately inform the doctor about their appearance so that he can prescribe another treatment.

Instructions for use

Syrup is taken before meals, and the contents of the bottle before each reception must be shaken to evenly distribute its ingredients. To dispense this form of Sinekod, a measuring cap is used, which can be found in a box with a bottle of medication.

Typing the drug to the desired mark on the cap, the syrup is given to the child directly from this container. If required, the drug can be taken with plain water. After each use, it is important to rinse the cap and allow it to dry. The drug is taken three times a day, and a single dosage for patients of different ages is different:

  • if the child is only 3 years old, he can be given no more than 5 ml of syrup;
  • for children over 6 years old, the dosage per dose is increased to 10 ml;
  • if the medication is given to patients older than 12 years, then its one-time appointment should be 15 ml.

The duration of treatment with syrup in various diseases is determined by the doctor individually, but the drug is not prescribed to take longer than one week. If, after 7 days of treatment, the cough still continues to disturb the little patient, he needs to see a doctor and another therapy.


Too much syrup can cause drowsiness and nausea. In addition, overdose may cause dizziness, lower blood pressure, an attack of vomiting or diarrhea. In identifying this situation, gastric lavage and the use of a sorbent are recommended.

Drug interaction

Due to Sinekod's ability to suppress cough, this syrup is not prescribed with expectorant drugs or mucolytics. With such a combination of drugs, sputum in the respiratory tract will become more fluid and its coughing will be disturbed, which ultimately can lead to stagnation of mucus and the occurrence of a secondary infection.

With the medicines of other groups that are used to treat diseases of the respiratory system (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.), Sinekod is compatible.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription for purchasing Synecod in syrup at the pharmacy, but a medical examination is recommended. Although the drug does not belong to narcotic drugs, and its side effects are rare, however, it should not be taken without a prescription of an ENT, a pediatrician, or another specialist.. For 100 milliliters of syrup, on average, you need to pay 200 rubles, and the price of a bottle of 200 ml of the drug is 330-350 rubles.

Storage features

Synecod syrup is valid up to 5 years from the date of issue and does not deteriorate even after opening the bottle. Storage of such medication at home is recommended at temperatures below +30 degrees. The storage location of the drug should be dry and hidden from children.


On the use of syrup in children and parents, and doctors speak mostly positively. They confirm the efficacy of the drug in dry and barking coughs, call the liquid form convenient for children and note that the side effects of taking such Sinekod are very rare. The price of this form of medicine is considered affordable, because it is lower than the cost of drops. Among the shortcomings of the drug often mention its unpleasant taste.


Other drugs based on butamirate can serve as a replacement for Synecod in syrup, for example, Omnitus syrup. It can also be given from the age of three with the same indications, and for children over 6 years old, Omnitus is produced in tablets containing 20 mg of active ingredient each. Another analogue of Sinekod are drugs Codelac Neo.

Unlike pills Codelacacting with dry cough due to codeine, sodium bicarbonate and substances from licorice and thermopsis, drugs with the prefix Neo contain butamirate. They, like Sinekod, are represented by two liquid forms - syrup and droplets with the smell of vanilla and the same concentrations of the active compound. Such funds have the same age limit (syrup can be given from the age of three), but cost a little less.

If for some reason, it is impossible to give the child antitussives containing butamirate, the doctor will select one of the drugs with a different composition, but with a similar effect on the body, for example:

  • Bronchoton. The composition of this syrup includes glaucine, supplemented with ephedrine and basil oil. The drug can be used from 3 years to facilitate breathing, enlargement of the bronchi and suppression of the cough reflex.
  • Stoptussin. Although this drug contains butamirate, it also has a second active ingredient, guaifenesin. The drug in drops is required for dry cough in babies older than 6 months, and in solid form it can be given to adolescents 12 years and older.
  • Libexin. These pills affect the respiratory tract receptors due to the presence of prenoxdiazine. The drug can be used at any age, but only under the supervision of a physician.
        • Codelac Fito. The basis of this elixir is codeine, to which plant extracts from thyme, licorice and thermopsis have been added. The drug is used in the treatment of children older than two years.
        • Bronholitin. This is another syrup containing ephedrine, basil oil and glaucine. Children it is prescribed from the age of three.
        • Pakseladin. The effect of this syrup on the brain due to okseladinom. The drug can be used in the treatment of cough in children older than 2 and a half years and weighing more than 15 kg.

        How to treat cough in children, see the next video.

        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


