What to do if the child does not want to play sports: the advice of a psychologist


"In a healthy body is a healthy mind" - Juvenal.

“It is necessary to maintain the strength of the body in order to preserve the strength of the spirit” - Victor Hugo.

This article focuses on how to instill in the child a love of sport and physical culture. What if a child wants to quit sports? Do I need to force? You will receive answers to these and many other questions from this article.

Where to begin?

The very first thing that needs to be done before sending the child to any sports section is to visit the doctor and find out if the crumbs have any contraindications.

Secondly, parents need to decide why they want to give the child to the sport.

There are two options here:

  • to promote health and develop qualities such as agility, endurance, flexibility;
  • to build a successful career as a professional athlete in the future.

Based on this, the requirements for the athlete will vary.

The third stage will be the choice of sport, and here again there are options. Most parents choose the sport for their children. In general, this is wrong. It is better to provide the child with several options, among which he will choose the one you like.

Swimming will be a good base for any sport and for the body as a whole. It perfectly develops the musculoskeletal system. You can give a child to this sports section as early as 5 years old.

Why do children sport?

Adolescence is a period of active physical and mental development, at this time the formation of many organs of the body is completed, the nature of the maturing personality is becoming. Physical education and sports contribute to the harmonious development of the adolescent from a physiological and psychological point of view.

Physical culture and sports contribute to the formation of muscle mass, make the ligaments more elastic. Adolescents involved in physical exercise, have a more developed coordination. With active loads in boys, the formation of a male type of constitution occurs more quickly. Good physical shape implies a strong constitution, endurance, agility, provides the necessary strength for learning and communicating with friends.

Sport forms a strong will, determination, teaches overcoming difficulties and moving towards a goal despite any circumstances. The athlete's focus on the result pushes him to train with special effort, to sacrifice a lot to achieve victory. Sport is the art of getting victory, overcoming incredible difficulties.

In many sports, teamwork is assumed, which contributes to the development of communication skills and camaraderie. In addition, children involved in sports will be far from bad habits.

Sport is the best tool for self-development and self-education.

Why do children not want to play sports?

  • The teenager avoids the difficulties, is afraid of losing. This is what happens when a child is not self-confident, he does not have the ability to concentrate and overcome difficulties. Defeat or failure - a blow to their sick vanity. Sometimes moms and dads themselves aggravate the situation with their statements about unjustified expectations.
  • Feeling bad after exercise. As a rule, children recover quickly after training, but they also get tired quickly.The body of an adolescent is subjected to heavy loads, so it is possible that he will feel unwell after playing sports. Harder for those who came to classes at an older age due to the lack of physical fitness.
  • Overwork because of study. Lessons, homework, and in high school and exams take a lot of effort.
  • Parents chose the wrong kind of sport, not listening to the advice of psychologists and the opinion of the kid himself. Imagine that a boy dreams of becoming an Olympic boxing champion, and he was sent for a swim, or a girl who dreams of becoming a figure skater, is recorded in athletics. When choosing a sport for a child, it is important to consider his physique and type of nervous system. Some prefer team sports, others - individual (single).
  • In some cases, children do not want to go to the sports section just because they do not know why they need it. Here the task of the parents is to awaken the interest of the child to the sport.
Determine the reasons for refusal of classes, give the child a choice, become an example

How to make a child go in for sports?

First you need to establish the cause of reluctance, then try to eliminate it.

Lack of self-confidence can be corrected paying attention to, albeit small, but still achievements and victories, be sure to praise for it. Prohibited any comparison of a teenager with other children and in general with anyone. In case of unsuccessful performance at the competition, support him, find positive moments, be sincerely proud for your child, because the greatest victory is a victory over yourself. Be sure to tell your son or daughter about it. Convince him that the next time he will perform better, and today the athlete has gained invaluable experience.

Tune your baby to the positive, instill in him confidence and victory

Do not forget to undergo an annual examination, and in case of ailments, be sure to contact the experts.

If a child is very busy in school and other circles, then you need to either reduce the number of classes or, instead of professional sports, engage in lighter types without spending too much time. For example, doing morning exercises or practicing at home on the wall will be enough for the gradual involvement of the child in physical education.

Of course, parents need to know how to persuade a child and how to encourage him to play sports. Pay his attention to the fact that representatives of the opposite sex like the sports figure more, explain that successful athletes are very respected people. Also inform that in high school, where the teenager will learn, there are great privileges for athletes.

Motivation to study

Various gifts are not the way to “lure” a child to the sport. This is absolutely wrong and is fraught with consequences. The result of such a bribe will be further blackmail from the kid. The lesson itself will not bring him joy, and he will “serve” the training only for the sake of a gift. Expect outstanding results in this case is not worth it. One can only hope that over time, spending a lot of time in training, the child will be drawn into them and begin to take the sport seriously.

Screams and punishments are not motivation. You need to patiently and skillfully inspire the child to move forward towards the goals set.

The most difficult thing is to cope with the initial stage. It is necessary to support the child especially strongly when he just started going to the sports section, in the future it will become easier. The first success will inspire the teenager, he will have a strong desire to work harder to improve his result.

It would be great if the child becomes involved in sports with his schoolmates or the yard. The desire not to appear weaker than their friends is a serious motive for a child from 7 to 10 years old.

Attentive attitude to the child will allow you to understand it correctly and choose a sport that is fully suitable for a teenager.It's okay if it doesn’t work with sports right away. Some guys come to him not immediately, but at an older age. Perhaps your child will begin to engage, becoming more mature.

Motivation will bring your child closer to the sport

Psychologist tips

The most important thing parents should know is that they themselves are role models for their children. The way moms and dads live should be consistent with what they require from the child.

It is better if the child from childhood will be taught to physical culture and sport. Morning jogging with the whole family and various joint active games are a great way to motivate your kid to go in for sports.

When your child is already involved in sports, it is necessary to support him and motivate him to achieve the best results. Attend your child's competition, show interest in the results and successes of the teenager.

From how many years to give the child to the sport and how to provide him with the selection process, see the following videos.

How to help your child choose a sport, see the following videos.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


