Sialor Rino for children: instructions for use


The most popular means to combat the stuffy nose and runny nose are vasoconstrictor drugs. Among them it is possible to distinguish the drug "Sialor Rino", as it is presented in several packaging options, which allows you to assign it to children of different ages.

Release form and composition

"Sialor Rino" is available only in liquid form. This medicine is a clear solution that acts on the mucous membrane due to oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Additionally, the drug contains sodium hydroxide, benzalkonium chloride, Trilon B, and purified water, as well as sodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Depending on the concentration of the active ingredient, age limits and dosage form, there are several variants of Sialorrino.

  1. Nose drops, which have a concentration of 0.01%. This tool is intended for the treatment of the smallest patients, so there is a mark “for babies” on its packaging. These drops are assigned to babies from birth to one year. Such "Sialor Rino" is sold packed in plastic dropper tubes, called bufusi. One package contains 5 such boufusov, containing 1 ml of solution in each.
  2. Nasal drops with a concentration of 0.025%. On the packaging of this “Sialor Rino” there are words “for children”, and if you specify the age, then this medicine is contraindicated for infants, and is intended for young patients 1-6 years. Such a solution is also sold spilled in bufusy, of which there are 5 pieces in one box, but within one tube-dropper there is 2 ml of medicine.
  3. The drug with a concentration of 0.05%. In the package of this “Sialor Rino” there is only one polymer ampoule filled with 10 ml of clear liquid. The difference from less concentrated drug options is the presence in the box of an empty glass bottle equipped with a spray nozzle. To use such "Sialor" as a spray, you need to pour the contents of the ampoule inside the bottle.

Operating principle

Oxymetazoline present in Sialore Rino affects alpha-adrenoreceptors, as a result of stimulation of which the vessels in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx narrow. This effect begins after a few minutes after the substance enters the nasal cavity and lasts up to 12 hours.

The drug helps to get rid of the swelling, which facilitates the breathing of the child through the nose, and also opens the mouths of both the Eustachian tubes and the sinuses, preventing the development of otitis and sinusitis.


The reason to appoint a child "Sialor Rino" is a cold, the appearance of which is caused by various reasons. The drug is in demand:

  • with acute respiratory infections provoked by viral infection;
  • when reacting to allergens in food, air, and so on;
  • with vasomotor rhinitis;
  • with otitis media or with eustachitis;
  • with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • before performing various diagnostic or therapeutic procedures in the nasal cavity.


Treatment with Sialor Rino is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to oxymetazoline or any of the auxiliary components of the solution. In addition, the tool is contraindicated in atrophic rhinitis and angle-closure glaucoma.

The drug is also not used after operations on the membranes of the brain and after removal of the pituitary gland.

If a child has been diagnosed with heart disease, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, porphyria, diabetes mellitus or pheochromocytoma, the doctor should decide on the use of Sialorino Rino individually.

Side effects

Some patients may have a local negative reaction to drops in the form of dryness of the mucous membrane, frequent sneezing, burning sensation, increased secretion or a feeling of nasal congestion.

Sometimes the drug provokes systemic effects, for example, disrupts sleep, causes itching, tachycardia, headache, insomnia, and other problems.

If you experience any negative symptoms, you must cancel the drug and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

The scheme of use of “Sialor Rino” provides for the introduction of medication into the nasal cavity twice or three times a day, and the dosage depends on the age of the baby:

  • a baby who is not yet 4 weeks old in each nasal passage injected in one drop of 0.01% drug;
  • The toddler, whose age ranges from five weeks to 12 months, a remedy with this concentration is also used in 1 drop, but sometimes the doctor prescribes two drops in each nostril at once;
  • a child older than 6 years old a 0.025% solution is shown, which drips into each of the nasal passages with 1 or 2 drops;
  • a child who is already six years oldThe 0.05% remedy is sprayed by pressing the spray nozzle 1–2 times, or 1–2 drops are used in the form of drops in each nasal passage.

The duration of use of "Sialor Rino" is determined by the doctor, but should not exceed seven days.

Overdose and drug interactions

If the dose of Sialorin Rino is too high, nausea, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, CNS depression and other negative reactions may appear. If these symptoms occur, an immediate medical examination is required.

The drug is not combined with monoamine oxidase inhibitors and should not be used with them either simultaneously or for 2 weeks after treatment with these agents. The solution also noted the ability to slow down the absorption of local anesthetics, so that these drugs act longer.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy any of the “Sialor Rino” options in a pharmacy, you do not need to take a prescription from a doctor, but an examination by a specialist in childhood is obligatory. One package of drops, containing 5 tubes, costs about 120 rubles.

You can store the medicine at home at room temperature by placing the box out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the solution in sealed ampoules is 3 years. The contents of the opened bufus must be used within 14 days from the moment of first use.


On the treatment of rhinitis, "Sialorom Rino" found a lot of positive feedback. The drug is called effective and affordable. His dosage form, according to moms, is very convenient, because sealed bufusy can be stored for a long time until the next disease, and the solution in them is not contaminated, which often happens with drops, which are sold in large quantities in one bottle. In addition, "Sialor Rino" is convenient to use with several family members, not transferring viruses and bacteria to each other.

The disadvantages include the risk of side effects and addiction.


    If you need to replace "Sialor Rino" in the treatment of rhinitis, you can use another tool containing oxymetazoline. For drugs with this active ingredient include "Nazivin", "Noksprey", "Afrin"," Nazol "," Nesopin "and other medicines. Among them there are drops, and drugs in the form of a spray, so you can easily choose the appropriate analogue for a child of any age.

    In addition, instead of "Sialor Rino" can be used other vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, "Otrivin", "Snoop», «Sanorin"Or" Tizin ".

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about nose drops in the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


