Nasal spray "Otrivin children"


In the treatment of rhinitis often use vasoconstrictor sprays, among which Otrivin is very popular. Especially for children, it is released in a lower dosage and on the box of such Otrivin there is a mark for “children”. At what age and when is it prescribed to young patients, how is it often used for a cold and with what similar means is it replaced?

Release form

The drug is a dosed nasal spray. It is produced in small bottles made of polyethylene, which have a dispensing pump device, closed with a protective cap.

The volume of the drug in one package - 10 ml. The solution inside the vial is colorless and transparent, and there is no smell.


The concentration of the active ingredient in children Otrivina is 0.05%. This means that in every milliliter of the solution there is 0.5 mg of xylometazoline in the form of hydrochloride.

Additionally, the medication contains sodium chloride, 70% sorbitol, 50% benzalkonium chloride and pure water. The spray also contains edetate disodium, hypromellose, hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

Operating principle

Otrivin belongs to vasoconstrictor drugs, and its effect on blood vessels is associated with alpha-adrenomimetic action. Once on the nasal mucosa, the solution acts on alpha-type adrenoreceptors, which leads to vasoconstriction.

The effect of spray application begins to develop. after 2 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. The drug quickly eliminates swelling and reduces the severity of redness.

Through the use of Otrivin, mucus hypersecretion is suppressed, and the drainage of the nasal passages is improved. All these effects lead to the elimination of nasal congestion and improvement of nasal breathing.

Thanks to the hypromellose and sorbitol in the composition of the spray, the medicine additionally moisturizes the mucous membrane, as well as prevents dryness and irritation (symptoms that often appear during treatment with xylometazoline).


The drug is prescribed to children:

  • with acute respiratory viral infections, if one of the symptoms of the disease is a runny nose;
  • in acute rhinitis, provoked by allergens;
  • with sinusitis;
  • with eustachitis or otitis media;
  • with pollinosis.

In addition, the spray helps to prepare the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx for diagnostic procedures or surgical treatment in this area.

From what age is prescribed?

Treatment with children's Otrivinom is prohibited until the age of 2 years. If the child is already turned 2 years old the drug can be used, but for patients younger than six years, the doctor’s supervision is mandatory.

This medication is usually not prescribed to children over the age of 12, since its dosage is not sufficient for treating adolescents (Otrivin should be used for adults already).


Otrivin children do not apply:

  • with tachycardia or increased blood pressure;
  • with glaucoma;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the solution;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • with atrophic or dry rhinitis.

The drug is prohibited for patients who in the past had surgery on the meninges.

Special care in treating Otrivina require children with pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus and hypersensitivity to adrenomimetics.

Side effects

Otrivinom treatment for children can lead to the appearance of:

  • sneezing;
  • tingling or burning sensation in the nose;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • allergic reaction;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • palpitations

Very rare side effects of the drug are visual impairment, angioedema, tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, vomiting, and other problems. When they appear, the use of Otrivin is immediately stopped and goes to the doctor.

Instructions for use

A child under 6 years old (2-5 years old) is injected into each nostril of Otrivin with one touch.

Six-year-old patients and older (up to 11 years), the doctor may prescribe as one, and immediately two injections into each of the nasal passages.

The frequency of use of the drug in children from 2 to 5 years is 1-3 times a day, and patients 6-11 years old are assigned two or three times use. Last injection is advised to do at night. More often than three times a day, Otrivin is not prescribed for children.

The duration of treatment is determined individually, but it is not recommended to use such a drug for longer than 10 days, as it threatens with the development of medical rhinitis or may cause atrophic changes in the mucous membrane.


If a child accidentally drinks the drug or medication in his nose in an excessive dose, it will cause excessive sweating, lower body temperature, bradycardia, severe dizziness, and other negative symptoms. Such situations require immediate medical attention.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug can not be combined with some antidepressants, sympathomimetics and medicines from the group of MAO inhibitors.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy spray in a pharmacy without a prescription. On average, one bottle of child Otrivin costs 150 rubles. Store the drug at home is advised at room temperature, putting the packaging in a place inaccessible to small children. Spray shelf life is 3 years.


About the treatment of children's Otrivinom found a lot of good reviews. One of the main advantages of the spray is called a very quick onset of action. According to moms, the drug literally takes a few minutes of swelling and allows the child to breathe normally with his nose.

The benefits of drugs include possibility of long-term storage, convenient bottle and reasonable price. Otrivin’s disadvantages for children are its side effects, such as a burning sensation after injection.

Other Types of Otrivina Spray

In addition to Otrivin Children's, you can find other sprays in pharmacies, in the name of which there is the word "Otrivin":

  • Otrivin Moisturizing formula. On the packaging of this medication is marked "adults", but it can be used in children from 12 years. This age limit is associated with an increased concentration of xylometazoline - 0.1%.
  • Otrivin Menthol. This 0.1% spray is also intended for the treatment of adults and can be used from 12 years of age. Its difference from the previous type of medicine is the presence of menthol and eucalyptol in the composition.

Such ingredients not only give the solution a special smell, but also have a cooling effect.

  • Otrivin Baby. The basis of this drug is natural sea salt, and the solution itself is isotonic. The drug is allowed from the age of three months and is used for both nasal hygiene and rhinitis treatment. Its application moisturizes and cleanses the mucous membrane.
  • Otrivin Sea. This spray contains seawater and is demanded for cleaning or moistening the nasopharynx. In children, it can be used from 3 months.
  • Otrivin Sea Forte. This medicine is also based on sea water, but its solution is hypertonic, due to which the spray effectively eliminates the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Children it is prescribed from 6 years.


Another medicine can be substituted for otrivina for children, the main ingredient of which is xylometazoline. This could be Tezin, Galazolin, Xylometazoline, Snoop, Rhinostop, Xylen, Rinonorm or another drug.In addition, in case of a cold, the doctor may also prescribe medicines with a different composition, for example, Aqua-Maris, Nazivin, Marimer, Nazol and others.

For information on how to treat a runny nose in children, see the next issue of Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


