Rash on baby's back


The appearance of rashes on the baby's back causes severe discomfort in the child. Quite often, this manifestation indicates the presence of serious violations of the state of health of the child’s body.

The reasons

A rash on a child’s back can result from a huge variety of different causal factors.

A healthy baby has a pale pink color, no rash on them. If parents notice the appearance of a skin rash in a baby, then they It is necessary to show the child to the doctor. The doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

A rash on the skin of the back can appear at any age. The reasons that cause its appearance in newborn babies may differ significantly from those that contribute to the development of skin rashes in adolescent children.

Quite often, various allergic diseases lead to the development of a rash on the back and neck in children. They are found in babies who have an individual predisposition to the effects of different allergens.

Atopic dermatitis manifested by the appearance of skin rash on the back, shoulders and abdomen. This condition occurs as a result of exposure to allergens of plant, animal or chemical origin. The rash is preceded by severe itching and excessive dryness of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis in young children, it is often the result of the use of poor-quality children's cosmetics used for daily hygiene procedures.

In the smallest patients, a red or white eruption on the back leads to pottery This condition is caused by the excessive wrapping of the child in warm clothing.

The imperfect work of the thermoregulatory system of the child’s body contributes to the rapid overheating after a rather short period of time. The symptoms are most pronounced in babies of the first months of life.

Specific childhood infections are, perhaps, quite frequent causes of the appearance of various variants of skin rash in babies.

Prickly heat

Chickenpox accompanied by the development of rashes, which are localized on the skin of the back, as well as on other parts of the body in a sick child. An incubation period precedes the appearance of skin eruptions during which the baby is not bothered with anything. Chickenpox occurs in schoolchildren much harder than in children who attend kindergarten.

Rubella - This is one of the infectious pathologies, which also often develops in children. Babies who do not have prior vaccinations are at increased risk.

Toddlers attending children's educational institutions have a higher chance of infection. The classic manifestation of rubella - the appearance of a bright rash, which is localized on the back, as well as in many other parts of the body.

Bacterial infections quite often cause the appearance on the skin of a sick baby signs vesiculopustosis. These skin rashes look like numerous bubbles, inside of which there is pus.

The course of the disease is usually severe. In some cases, purulent formations can be opened, and the pus present in them flows out to form ulcers on the skin. To eliminate the adverse symptoms in this case requires the use of antibiotics.


The appearance of rash leads to the impact of not only bacteria. Fungal flora it is also quite often the root cause of a specific rash on the skin. It can be localized on various parts of the child’s torso, including on the back.

Such elements as scaly neoplasms that can itch appear, thus bringing pronounced discomfort to the child. To eliminate the adverse symptoms, long-term administration of antifungal and immunostimulatory drugs is required.


Diseases of the internal organs are the "dumb" cause of the appearance on the child's skin characteristic rash. The appearance of formations on the skin is quite common with endocrine pathologies. In the high-risk group, babies with diabetes or severe metabolic disorders.

Changes in the reproductive organs also lead to the appearance of various acne or even pustules on the child’s skin. This is most common. during puberty.

Scientists believe that the development of such purulent elements on the back in adolescents leads increased testosterone levels. According to statistics, such skin rashes are more common in boys.

The explanation for this is the physiologically baseline high level of testosterone in the male body.

Measles infection It is also a very common cause, which leads to the appearance of various skin rashes on a healthy and clean baby’s skin.

Most often, this infectious disease ill children of preschool age. In the high-risk group, previously not sick crumbs, as well as toddlers, who for some reason do not have vaccination.


Sudden rash - This is a viral pathology that causes various rashes on the skin of a child. Scientists have found that the cause of this pathology is the effect on the body herpes viruses 6 subtype. Primary localization of the rash with this infection is on the chest and back. Sudden rash, according to statistics, often occurs in children with signs of immunodeficiency.

Scarlet fever it can also cause a characteristic rash on the child’s skin. In some cases, a rash with this infection may appear on the baby and on the back. Usually the disease is quite difficult with severe symptoms of intoxication.

Sudden rash
Scarlet fever

What does it look like?

Rashes on the back can be very different in appearance. Most infectious pathologies appear with a red rash. Usually, skin elements are very itchy and significantly impair the child's well-being. In some cases, there is a colorless rash, but this condition is recorded in children relatively less.

White or reddish skin elements that have arisen on the back and neck, may be a manifestation of the sore. Usually, this condition is caused by a violation of thermoregulation and is manifested in the smallest children.

Wearing warm clothes in a rather hot season contributes to the violation of the heat exchange of the skin, which leads to the development of excessive sweating in the baby. Ultimately, this causes the appearance of fairly large rashes, which are localized on the back and chest of the baby.

Fungal eruption manifest by multiple formations, which can be of various sizes. In some cases, these elements merge with each other, forming areas with very unusual shapes and outlines.

In babies, various types of skin lesions develop. depriving. After cleansing from such elements of the skin, white areas remain on it, which do not tan well when exposed to sunlight. Skin rashes of fungal etiology usually cause severe itching in a child, which brings great distress to the baby.

Schoolchildren can form on the skin purulent vesicles. Usually this condition is recorded in children from 10 to 15 years. The size of these lesions usually do not exceed a few millimeters.

Careless contact may result in outflow of pus from such a vesicle and penetration of a secondary bacterial infection into the cavity. In this case, the course of the disease is significantly worsened.

Purulent vesicles

What to do when a rash appears on your back?

When any rash appears on the skin of the child, parents should definitely show the baby to the doctor. Do not delay with this! Many infectious pathologies develop rapidly. It is important to note that pediatric dermatologist will conduct treatment of specific skin diseases.

For diagnosis the obligatory carrying out of the whole complex of advanced diagnostics is required. All babies, regardless of age, are given a complete blood and urine test.

The appearance of characteristic deviations in these tests will indicate the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the children's organism. According to the testimony also carried out bacteriological studies. They allow you to identify specific infectious agents directly on the skin.

For the prevention of the appearance on the skin of various rashes very It is important to follow all basic hygienic principles. Regular toilet skin should be carried out daily with the use of cosmetics and hygiene products approved for use in children.

Strengthening immunity is also an important task of maintaining the health of the baby’s skin. All children with chronic diseases of internal organs must undergo timely medical examination.

A rash in childhood is usually not dangerous, most often caused by allergies or infectious diseases. On what kind of rash is a real threat to the life of the child and when you need to quickly seek medical help, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


