What to do if a child has a rash on a background of high fever?


A rash that appears after a fever or in the midst of an illness usually causes confusion and fright to parents. The question is what happened to the child and how to act as an adult. We will tell about it in our article.

A few words about the rash

With various skin rashes, children's skin can react to a wide range of external and internal stimuli.

The skin of babies is 2.5 times thinner than the skin of adults, it contains a significant amount of moisture. Anything can affect the health of the skin of young children - dry air, allergenic food, medicines, viruses and bacteria. Local immunity, as well as general immunity, in children is poorly developed.

During high temperatures, the body undergoes overheating, hyperthermia, sweat production increases, the purpose of which is to cool the skin, and a rash may appear due to this.

Rash accompanied by a large number of viral and bacterial infections, which also occur with fever and fever.

Consider the main reasons for which the child's body may appear rash on the background of temperature.

The reasons

Causes can be divided into two large groups - infectious and non-infectious.


Prickly heat

The most innocuous cause is pottery. Sweat, which is produced in large quantities in a state of fever, leads to local irritation of tender baby skin.

The ducts of the sweat glands in children have an anatomical age feature - they are narrow, the discharge of sweat is difficult, the sweat glands can become inflamed because of this. So there is a rash.

You can distinguish such rashes from others. by strong redness around the elements of the rash, erythema can be quite extensive and capture the entire area of ​​skin folds. Localized rash - skin folds, groin area, buttocks, armpits, folds under the chin, the skin on the head, in the hairy part of it.

Such a phenomenon should not cause much concern. Under the influence of fresh air and clean water, the rash quickly disappears. The child should be rinsed with warm, but not hot water, process diaper rash «BepantenomOr prysypkoy (if the rash is moist), change the baby in clean and dry clothes made from natural fabrics.

Do not wear it too warm. At temperatures above 38.0 degrees, it is better to undress the child altogether in panties.


When the baby gets sick, the parents start giving antipyretic drugs. It is on them that an allergic reaction can develop. The likelihood of an allergic rash rises, if temperature medications are given in the form of a sweet syrup. If parents begin to use other medications, the risk of an allergic reaction increases several times.


An allergic rash may appear as red spots with tubercles, peeling and crusts, most often on the cheeks, chest and neck. Allergic rash is usually palpable because it itching and itching. Individual elements can merge, creating a large area of ​​destruction.

If such a rash appeared in a child under one year old, be sure to call a pediatrician.

He will appoint antihistamine by age, as well as be able to recommend an ointment with antihistamine action.If the allergy is extensive, then the doctor may prescribe an ointment based on glucocorticosteroid hormones.


If during a fever or after a fever a rash appears on the body, face, and extremities, this can be a sign of an infectious disease.


A rash in this infectious disease has a characteristic look and style of "behavior." It appears against the background of a temperature of 37.5-38.0 degrees, bubbles with serous fluid are formed from the hillocks in a matter of hours.

When these vesicles burst, a yellowish crust appears in their place, which is quite itchy, and new elements appear alongside.

Rash may be observed all over the body. In addition to it, symptoms typical of a viral infection are characteristic of chickenpox: headache, respiratory manifestations in the form of a runny nose and cough, feeling of aches in muscles and joints. Some children may experience abdominal pain and even diarrhea.

To treat chickenpox or not is a rhetorical question, since there are no drugs that could somehow affect the speed of recovery. But there are drugs which help reduce the symptoms of the disease.

For starters, parents should be call a doctor at homeSince chickenpox, like most other infections with skin rashes, is very contagious.

With a mild form of the disease, the doctor will recommend bed rest, heavy drinking and a light diet. To reduce the temperature with chickenpox give "Paracetamol", rash after opening the vesicles are treated Zelenka or "Acyclovir».


It is also a very contagious viral infectious disease, in which a young child first develops a fever and then a rash. The temperature can reach levels of 39.0 degrees and higher. tearing appears.

The rash looks quite characteristic - this small red rashwhich appears 3-4 days after the onset of acute illness. First, the rash appears on the mucous membranes - in the mouth, on the inner surface of the cheeks, in the sky, after which it quickly spreads throughout the body. There may be a slight itch.

Most often, measles affects children from 1 to 5 years. Kids under one year old rarely become infected with this disease; they are protected by antibodies received from the mother, the so-called innate immunity.

Treatment of measles is not much different from the treatment of other viral infections. The child is given bed rest, rich warm drinks, and a diet.


Antiviral drugs, although prescribed everywhere by district pediatricians, have no effect on the course of the disease. Therefore, therapy is symptomatic: from fever - antipyretics, with skin itch - antihistamines. The rash does not need special treatment.



In this disease, the temperature also rises first (up to 38.0 degrees), a sore throat appears, lymph nodes increase, and only on the 3rd day can the first rash appear on the skin.


The rash itself is small, oval, pink. Its individual elements do not merge with each other. The first rash appears on the face and neck, but within a couple of hours the rash already covers the whole body.

After three days, the rash begins to fade and gradually disappear. Temperature can hold on all this time.

With rubella, the child must be isolated from other children and especially from pregnant women. Otherwise, the baby’s help is quite standard - vitamins, bed rest, drinking and airing the room. The rash does not need treatment.


Roseola children or sudden rash

If, after three days of high (up to 39.0 and above degrees), the child's temperature improved, the fever subsided, and 10-12 hours after that, the body, head, face became covered with a pinkish rash, then it is most likely a roseola, three days fever or the so-called "sixth disease."

It is caused by the herpesvirus of the sixth type, and at first even experienced pediatricians take the disease for ordinary acute respiratory viral infections, and when a rash appears, they are allergic to antipyretic drugs.


That is why the diagnosis of "sudden childhood rash" so rarely appears in the medical records of young patients. The danger of the disease is not, the rash usually disappears without a trace within 5-6 days without any treatment.

In the acute stage, when the child has a high fever, it is important to monitor the temperature, give antipyretics, to give the baby some water to prevent dehydration. In case of febrile seizures, an ambulance should be called.

Scarlet fever

This disease is not of viral, but of bacterial origin. Negative changes in the body are caused by microbes. Streptococcus group A.

Scarlet fever
Streptococcus group A

The illness begins with signs of a general strong indisposition. They are caused by exotoxin, which is produced by microbes in the child’s body. Then the body temperature rises to 39.0 degrees, a severe headache, a feeling of nausea appear, some children begin to vomit.

In the throat and tonsils appears yellowish bloom, the tongue becomes crimson. After about 24 hours, a rash appears. Small points, namely the rash looks like, covering the face, and then the chest and arms. The rash appears on the back, under the armpits, in the inguinal folds, under the knees.

If you hold it with your fingernail, then a white light band remains for a few seconds, after which the elements of the rash on it become visible again. The rash is not only in the nasolabial triangle.

Rash may be accompanied by itching. They exist on the skin of the child for about a week, after which they lighten and disappear.

Scarlet fever

Treatment can take place both at home and in the hospital - it depends on the severity of the disease.

Child assigned antibiotics, and antihistamine drugs from itching antipyretic means and chelators in the initial stage to relieve symptoms of intoxication. In any case, the treatment scarlet fever should start with a house call. It is not necessary to go to the clinic, because the disease is very contagious.

Meningococcal infection

This disease also has a bacterial origin, caused by meningococcus. Against the background of high temperature, chills, sore throat, runny nose, a child may have red vascular spots on the skin. The sooner these stars appear from the onset of the disease, the more unfavorable is the prognosis.

The first elements of the rash appear on the legs, on the buttocks and the lower segment of the abdomen. The vascular pattern can spread further, cover the whole body, including the face, points may even appear on the eyeballs. In fact, the rash is a small point hemorrhages in the skin.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcal infection can be very dangerous and even fatal, so when detecting the characteristic vascular "stars" on the skin of a baby who has been warm for 1-2 days, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Most often, the treatment is carried out in a hospital. with the use of antibacterial drugs, the infusion of saline and salt mineral and vitamin solutions to relieve strong intoxication.

Infectious mononucleosis

The disease can begin abruptly, from a high temperature, and can develop slowly, after several days of low-grade fever (37.0-37.8 degrees).

A child has enlarged lymph nodes, all classic symptoms of a viral infection appear: runny nose, cough, sore throat. Tonsils are enlargedcovered with bloom a rash may appear 3-4 days after the onset of the disease.

Throat with infectious mononucleosis
Infectious mononucleosis

The rash has a form of tubercles, almost not prone to merge.The place of dislocation can be any, even on the heels and palms, mononucleosis rashes may well be, it is precisely by this sign that the disease is sometimes confused with diseases caused by the Coxsackie virus.

Coxsackie virus

In itself, infectious mononucleosis is not as dangerous how are its complications, which can cause swelling and disruption of the brain with severe consequences for the child. Therefore, a medical consultation is mandatory.

A child with a severe form of the disease is hospitalized, mild forms of the disease imply the possibility of home treatment.

The child is prescribed a strict bed rest, plentiful warm drink, the intake of digestible food, antipyretic drugs.

On the recommendation of a physician, some nootropic drugs that improve blood supply to the brain can be prescribed. The rash does not need special treatment, it disappears as it recovers.

What not to do:

  • You cannot try to diagnose the child yourself and start treatment without a doctor. Improper therapy can lead to serious consequences for the health and life of the child.
  • You can not allow the child to communicate with other children, if the rash appeared on the background or after the temperature - about 90% of the likelihood that he has an infectious disease, and it is contagious.
  • You can not lubricate the rash on the skin, regardless of the diagnosis, alcohol and alcohol-containing compounds, as well as iodine. Alcohol strongly dries baby skin, and iodine causes local burns, which only worsens the condition and well-being of the baby.
  • You can not smear the rash, regardless of the reason for which it appeared, baby cream and other ointments on a fat basis. These funds violate the "breath" of the skin, heat transfer.
  • You can not pierce or manually remove the elements of the rash.

In the video below, Dr. Komarovsky tells all about the child's rash.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


