Charging for children 4-6 years


The development of the child's body is extremely important and requires some knowledge, so it is important to understand the basics of what can help your baby grow healthy. Physical activity is an indispensable component of the normal life of the child from the moment when he fully masters the skill of independent walking. Every year the activity rate of the child increases and by 4-6 years it is not enough just to play outdoors and at home, you need to do exercises with the children.

Special features

Exercise for children of different ages carry a different orientation. If kids in 2-3 years are more inclined to play forms of charging, then in 4 years the level of independence increases significantly, which makes it possible to introduce elements of gymnastics and OFP. Charging for children 5-6 years is of great importance, as it helps the kid to prepare the body for the upcoming day, which at this age is extremely saturated with various events.

Classes with a child at this age are of great importance, because morning exercises help not only to awaken the body, but also to properly develop it, preventing the occurrence of disorders. With the help of specialized exercises for children 4-6 years old, you can influence the work of the respiratory system, correctly developing it. In addition, the obvious effect will be noticeable in the work of the cardiovascular system.

In order to provide the child with all the necessary skills, it is important to do morning exercises every day and, if possible, to load the preschooler with additional physical exercises.

Gymnastic exercises at this age are aimed at developing coordination capabilities, working on agility and reaction speed, which is especially important for boys. Girls, above all, need to focus on stretching, conducting for this complex stretching and choosing the appropriate exercises for this. If opportunities permit, it is better to purchase all the necessary sports equipment that will help both the child and improve the health of all family members.

Jumping on a trampoline will be the favorite entertainment of the child. With their help, you can also learn simple, but necessary and useful exercises. Since children at the age of 4-6 are still not sufficiently developed physically, it is not recommended to give them strength exercises, the optimal age will be junior and middle school age.

Lessons with a baby can already be sporty, however, you should not forget that you are still a child, and he needs alternation of workload and rest, exercises and outdoor games. Fun music and interesting choices of activities will delight the kid and make workouts easy, interesting and useful.

Rules of conducting

So that children from 4 to 6 years old can do morning exercises with pleasure and health benefits, it is important to build the process correctly.

  • It is necessary to monitor the rhythm and pace of training, so that it is feasible for the baby. From high speed, he quickly gets tired and loses the desire to engage in, from too slow bored and also will not want to continue.
  • We need regular training, which will teach the child to discipline. At this age, the number of lessons can reach 4 or 5 lessons per week. In the case of illness or illness, you do not need to perform additional physical exercise, they will only worsen the child’s condition.
  • For training, the room must be fully prepared, and this means not only the availability of equipment and music, clean air is most important, therefore the first thing to do is to ventilate the room.
  • In the process of training, it is important to have time to work out all the major muscle groups. It is worth starting with simpler exercises and assess the quality of their child’s performance. With a good mastery, you can move on to more complex elements, and in case of difficulties, you should choose a similar option that is more suitable for the child.
  • It is necessary to monitor the duration of the workout. For young children from 3 years old, do not delay charging for more than 10 minutes, and in 4-5 years, you can extend it to 15 minutes; upon reaching 6 years old, a child can easily withstand a daily course of 20 minutes.

The charging complex should consist of warm-up, basic exercises and a hitch. When playing sports and conducting recreational physical education, it is warm-up that plays a fundamental role. If you do not warm up the body and do not prepare it for work, then the probability of getting injured increases several times. In addition, the effectiveness of training is significantly reduced, because instead of productive work, the child for some time enters the workflow and cannot fully cope with the task.

Parternal gymnastics for this age period is an integral part, because after outdoor games and active exercises, the child needs to rest and take a set of calmer activities aimed at the work of other muscles. Since children are preparing for school age at this time, it is worth laying the foundation for posture so that in the future there will be no problems with this, therefore exercises for strengthening the back will be one of the basic ones for six years.

If there are any deviations or recommendations of the doctors or pediatrician, then instead of the usual charging, it is worth using exercise therapy, where the complex is developed taking into account the specific problem and is aimed at solving it. If a child has back problems, then it is worth adding to the complex exercises on the rings, which will help get rid of a specific pathology. When clubfoot it is recommended to use a complex of training with objects: gymnastic stick, hoop, specialized mats.

When selecting exercises, you need to make sure that the chosen complex does not harm the child, and with regular exercise will help to cope with existing problems. It is extremely important to consult on all issues with experienced trainers, rehabilitation therapists and doctors, so that the child gets what he needs.

Set of exercises

In order to enjoy the child’s enjoyment and benefits, it must be properly composed. In the warm-up, you can include such exercises.

  • "Duck step"when the child's legs should be bent at the knees, and hands can be put on the belt or lean on the knees. In a small room, you can go both ways in the room, and in a large one only in one direction.
  • Simultaneous movement on the arms and legs. To carry out the exercise you need to rely on your arms and legs, while raising the pelvis up. Having formed a body like a mountain, you need to move with the child so that the hands start moving, and the legs are complete, and then go back when the legs go first, and the hands catch up.
  • "Spider" - exercise, when the baby leans on the floor with his hands and feet, while the pelvis is directed towards the floor, but does not touch it, it is necessary to move forward and backward in this position, as a complication, you can use the ball for older children.

Once the warm-up has been completed, you can go to the main set of exercises, which should include a certain set of exercises, repeated daily. For children of this age it can be such exercises.

  • Rotary movement of the pelvis sideways, back and forth, the description of the semicircle and the full circle.
  • "Kitty", One of the favorite exercises of children of this age is to bend back and raise the head when the cat is kind, and bending the back into a hump and lowering the head when the cat is angry. 4-8 times for this exercise will be enough.
  • "Table", is to maintain balance, when from the main position (arms are flat, and legs bent at the knees on the floor) you need to simultaneously raise unlike limbs (left arm and right leg and vice versa). It is necessary to hold out in this position for about 3 seconds.
  • "Corner"where you need to create an angle from the body and legs, which is necessary from the main position (arms behind the body on the floor, legs flat, raised at an angle of 45 degrees) to raise your arms to the legs, creating the desired body position. The task is to hold the balance in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • "Birch", suitable for children 5-6 years old, in 4 years it is important to clearly instruct and support the child. Main position: lying on the floor, on the back, pull your legs up to the face, bend at the knee joints, support your back with your hands and lean your elbows on the floor, while raising your legs to the ceiling. Hold this position to 5 seconds, then return to the main position.

All exercises should develop some kind of muscle group of the child. When making a complex, it is important to emphasize the opposites so that after the work of one muscle group another is involved, and the child can rest to continue charging in an active state.

In the next video, you will find 6 options for morning exercises for children 4-5 years old from the “School of Early Development”.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


