Gymnastics for children 7-8 years old: types and effective exercises


The physical development of the child must go from birth. Parents should always monitor the activity of the baby, no matter how old he is. At the age of 7-8, the child begins schooling, and it is especially important for him to move in order to unload the spine. An important task of gymnastics for a child is the formation of a healthy body with a strong immunity, which will be the foundation for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Special features

Physical activity can include a large number of components, which not everyone knows. Most often, children are offered a charge that accompanies them at home, in kindergarten and partly at school, but it cannot be limited to it. School-age children are already quite strong and enduring to cope with the more serious tasks of physical education. If parents can not give a full amount of loads, then morning exercises will be quite a feasible task for everyone.

Gymnastics at home should not be just any physical activity. Parents should choose only feasible and necessary options, on the basis of which and make a set of exercises. Such classes provide tangible benefits:

  • fight against possible obesity;
  • preventive measures associated with the work of the heart;
  • development of the musculoskeletal system of the child;
  • assistance in eliminating nerve peaks and relaxing the student;
  • bringing the body to the optimum working condition;
  • psychological comfort after exercise, mood enhancement;
  • assistance in the awakening of the whole body and preparation for the working day;
  • inclusion of exchange mechanisms.

In order for the child to enjoy doing morning exercises every day, it is worth spending it together, because joint activities motivate the child, and the time spent next to the parents gives a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. If it is possible to conduct additional classes with the student in addition to charging, this will only be beneficial. For those who can not afford it due to work or other nuances, it is necessary to find a sports section for your child.

Gymnastics training rules

For those who can independently study at home with the child and select for him all the necessary physical exercises, you need to know the basic rules that will help make the activity not only useful, but also interesting. Not every child is ready to wake up early in the morning and run to do exercises just because it is necessary and useful. Parents often forget that it is necessary to motivate a crumb not with a shout, but with a deed, or rather, with your own example.

Those moms and dads who start every morning with even a light set of exercises will very soon find next to them a support group in the form of their own children, who will also want to be beautiful, fit and cheerful from the very morning. You should not do exercises or gymnastics with a child, using all the same exercises that were designed for an adult. The baby will soon get tired of monotonous repetition of the same movement, so one of the rules is to focus on the child. All exercises should be fun, matched with accompanying music.

If you manage to create a good mood during training, then you will no longer need to force the child, he himself will be happy to do it.

An additional method that will help to interest young athletes can be affiliate gymnastics, where the exercises will be selected so that they should be done with a partner. Ideal in this case would be exactly the parent who will direct and support the baby in the process. The use of active exercises, jumps and dance elements should be alternated with slower and more calm movements. Affiliate gymnastics in this case is ideal, as it allows you to choose a set of exercises for both the child and for the adult, helping in the development of certain qualities.

During the exercise, it is worth monitoring the child’s well-being and periodically checking his pulse, especially if this is one of the first exercises.

In this case, the pulse is the norm, which does not rise above 110 beats per minute, if the mark reaches 120, it is worth changing the intensity, or even completely exclude some kind of activity if the child is not physically ready for it.

If we talk about the most important rules, then they should include the following:

  • morning exercises should be held at the same time during the week;
  • the training room must be prepared and well ventilated;
  • the form for training the child should be not only comfortable, but also made of natural materials;
  • training takes place an hour and a half after eating, and morning exercises can be done before breakfast;
  • a set of exercises designed for a child should include exercises aimed at developing flexibility and coordination, completely eliminating strength training;
  • It is important to pay attention to the child's breathing during exercise, you need to inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth;
  • after class the child should not be tired;
  • any long-term training is carried out with a warm-up and a hitch;
  • Working with a child involves constant praise and encouragement during and after the training.

Variants of tasks for children 7-8 years

Gymnastics for children 7 years and older is to properly develop all the skills of the child and build a healthy body. Taking into account the age characteristics of younger students, their preferences allows you to select the most interesting and necessary options for physical activity. Gymnastic exercises that can be performed at this age include:

  • a set of exercises for the back muscles;
  • exercise exercises;
  • basic exercises for the body;
  • complex, which allows you to recover your breath and finish the workout.

To attract children to sports or just gymnastics at home, it is important to conduct training exercises. It can be all sorts of games and fun tasks that will form a positive attitude and at the same time prepare the body for physical work. The younger the children, the more important the role of such activities. By the age of 9, their number can already be minimized, especially if the children have been involved in more than one year.

Sports exercises should be based solely on the level of the physical abilities of the child, it is impossible to give unbearable loads for the sake of quick results, this will lead to negative consequences in the development of the organism. It is especially important to choose the right complex for children with any disabilities. For scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or other changes, special attention should be directed to the problem area in order to correct it and make the child healthy. This will help parquet gymnastics. For kids who begin physical activity after fractures, operations or similar situations, it is not necessary to give the usual set of exercises. For them, exercise therapy is provided, on the basis of which they can go into a common group and train with other children.

If we talk about the most simple exercises that can be done with children of this age, then they include:

For back muscles

  1. Starting position: kneeling, body vertical. Challenge: raising hands up and bending back.
  2. The basic position is the same, but we put our hands on the floor, swing each leg back and up, keeping your knee straight and your back level.
  3. The basic position is the same, the problem: alternately arching the back with the head down and bending the back, with the head up.

To smack

  1. The main position: legs together, put hands on shoulders. Task: simultaneous raising of hands up with returning to the initial position.
  2. The basic position of the legs is the same, arms up. Objective: to bend forward, while relegating hands back and up.
  3. The main leg is the same, arms crossed below. Task: squeezing the hands into a fist, raise them up and stretch well.

For the muscles of the body

  1. Stand: legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands placed on the belt. Task: lean alternately left and right.
  2. The basic position of the legs is the same, arms to the side. Task: tilt your hand to the opposite leg ("Mill").
  3. Stand: legs together, arms down. Challenge: tilt forward and downward with your fingers touching the floor.

    On recovery

    1. Steps at an accelerated pace with high knees, which gradually go into a slow mode with the restoration of breathing.
    2. Stand: legs apart, arms lowered. Task: lifting the socks with the arms raised up, while you need to inhale and return to the starting position, making the exhalation.
    3. Stand: legs apart, arms lowered. Task: lifting socks with raising hands up, inhaling and bending down with hands lowering to the floor, exhaling.

    Conducting these exercises will help the child to be active, healthy and in a good mood.

    As you improve, you need to increase the number of repetitions in the exercises and add new ones that are feasible for children of this age.


    In order for a child to enjoy doing it, he must want it, so you need to find the motivation.

    • It is best to conduct classes for the whole family, it helps to rally everyone and make each family member more healthy.
    • It is important to choose the incentive for a particular child, if the girl is interested in a taut figure to wear the most fashionable things, then the boy will be pleased to develop his body to be proud of the muscles. If the baby is experiencing problems with excess weight, it is important to encourage him to deal with the problem, and not to offend and blame the child.
    • It is important to show the child an idol, whom he can imitate, so that he sees in practice the benefits of physical exercises, from which body and spirit become strong.
    • If there are several children in the house, then the older one can be motivated to do exercises or gymnastics in order to be able to protect the sister or brother with a strong body and fast legs.
    • Talk about health, beauty of the body and sports will contribute to the interest of the child to this problem, because you should not forget to conduct this kind of preventive conversations.
    • To increase interest in exercises or training at home, you can come up with a set of exercises with a ball, hoop, gymnastic stick, skipping rope or jumping on a trampoline, you can enter them into the training process.

    Knowledge of the features of your child and the desire to grow from it a full-fledged and healthy person will allow any parent to interest the child in exercises or gymnastics. Conducting joint training will help to strengthen the relationship of the child with adults, learn to trust each other, listen and understand each participant of the sporting event.

    Exercises for children 7-8 years, see below.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


