The child has elevated lymphocytes in the blood.


Any changes in a child’s blood test cause the parents anxiety, especially if the number of leukocytes changes, because it is known that such cells are representatives of the immune system. If a mother sees an excess of lymphocytes in the analysis form or hears the word “lymphocytosis” from a doctor, she wants to know what it is, from which such blood cells are elevated and whether high levels of lymphocytes are dangerous for a child.

When lymphocyte levels are elevated

Lymphocytes are the group of leukocytes, the main function of which in the child’s body is participation in immune responses. TThese cells protect children from viruses and other adverse effects. They are produced in the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes and some other organs, then go into the bloodstream or stored in lymphoid tissue, and when their “life” ends, they are destroyed in the spleen tissues.
The level of lymphocytes is determined using a clinical blood test, displaying in leukogram (leukocyte formula) as a percentage of all leukocytes. Although lymphocytes are a group of cells (secrete B-lymphocytes, several types of T-lymphocytes and other subpopulations), a complete blood count does not define different types of such white blood cells separately.
Lymphocytes are a group of blood cells responsible for the body’s immunity.

Newly-born babies do not have a lot of lymphocytes, because their immune systems are not yet fully functional. But after a few days after birth, the number of lymphocytes begins to increase and, up to 4 years of age, exceeds the number of other types of white blood cells.

At about 4-5 years old, the level of lymphocytes and neutrophils becomes the same, after which the number of neutrophils begins to prevail.

The upper limit of normal lymphocytes in children is considered:

Newborn baby


From the 5th day of life


From 10 days to a year


In children 1-5 years


In children over 5 years


In children over 10 years old


If the result of the analysis showed an increased number of lymphocytes in excess of the indicated numbers, it is called lymphocytosis. It is relative if the number of lymphocytes does not exceed the norm, but only seems overestimated due to a decrease in the level of other leukocytes. At the same time, the total number of leukocytes may remain normal or be elevated.

Also found absolute lymphocytosiscaused by an excessive amount of lymphocytes in the peripheral bloodstream due to their active formation in the bone marrow and other places or insufficient destruction in the spleen.

Absolute lymphocytosis under the microscope

Causes of Lymphocytosis

Most often, lymphocytosis is a sign of the disease, because an increased number of such white blood cells is needed to fight an infectious agent or other negative impact on the children's body.

Diseases that cause lymphocytes to be inflated in children’s blood include:

  • SARS.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Measles.
  • Infection caused by adenovirus.
  • Chicken pox.
  • Rubella.
  • Flu.
  • Herpes infection.
  • Toxoplasmosis.
  • HIV infection.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Enterovirus infection.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Infection with parasites or protozoa.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Leukemia, which can be both acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • Malignant thymoma.
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • Smith disease is a rare infectious disease with lymphocytosis.
  • Franklin disease.This is another rare pathology, in which lymphoid tissue grows and the production of immunoglobulins increases.

However, a high percentage of lymphocytes is not always associated with a viral infection or tumor process. If the lymphocytosis is relative, the reason for such a blood test result is factors that reduce the number of other types of white blood cells, for example, neutropenia due to vitamin B12 deficiency or the use of certain drugs that suppress neutrophils.

With chickenpox, the level of lymphocytes in the baby’s blood is too high

Also non-infectious causes of lymphocytosis include:

  • Arsenic or lead poisoning, as well as carbon disulfide or tetrachloroethane.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Removing the spleen, causing blood cells to not be disposed of in the right amount.
  • The action of some drugs - drugs against epilepsy, hormonal drugs, antibiotics, narcotic analgesics and others.

Separately, it should be noted that after recovery, the level of lymphocytes does not immediately return to normal levels. In most children, for several weeks, and sometimes months, after the illness has ended, the lymphocytes will be determined in an increased amount, but their level will gradually decrease.

Opinion Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician considers the definition of a leukogram in a sick child as an important analysis, which allows one to find out what kind of infection a young patient has. In his practice, Komarovsky repeatedly encountered lymphocytosis and confirms that The most common cause of an increase in the percentage of such blood cells in children is viral infection.
We advise you to look at the recording of the program of Dr. Komarovsky, which details the topic of the clinical analysis of the blood of babies:


If lymphocytosis is provoked by a viral infection, the child's general condition worsens, weakness, fever, and shortness of breath appear. The child eats worse, possible sleep disorders, as well as the appearance of a rash. In infants, the symptoms may be unexpressed and limited only by capricious behavior, crying and fever.
An increase in lymph nodes is found in some children with lymphocytosis. The spleen or liver can also increase, because with an increase in the number of blood cells, the load on these organs increases.
Infectious disease crumbs are often accompanied by lymphocytosis.

What to do

Having identified in the child an excess of the level of lymphocytes, one should consult a baby to a doctor. The doctor will assess the general condition of the small patient and his age, take into account the existing complaints, recent diseases, drug use, and other blood test indicators. For example, the presence of an active viral disease pediatrician will prompt certain symptoms, leukocytosis and increased ESR.

If a child has increased not only lymphocytes, but also monocytes, this will lead the doctor to the idea of ​​a chronic viral infection. Also, with a prolonged infectious process, children are sent for analysis, which determines activated B-cells. If the activated lymphocytes in a child’s blood test exceed the normal value, this may be a sign of an autoimmune process.

How to determine the type of infection using indicators of the level of lymphocytes, see the video program E. Komarovsky:

Pronounced leukocytosis with a high percentage of lymphocytes will be the reason for a more detailed examination of the immune system of the child. In order to find out whether a child has reactive lymphocytosis (this is the name for an increase in lymphocytes due to a viral infection) or a tumor (it is also called malignant), the level of T and B lymphocytes is determined separately. If necessary, a bone marrow examination is scheduled.


After learning why the child has lymphocytosis, the doctor will prescribe a suitable therapy. In many cases, such a change in the cellular composition of the blood simply indicates active resistance of the child’s immune system to an infectious disease.. And therefore, no drugs that reduce the number of lymphocytes are required.

The child is provided with the correct sleep pattern, adequate rest, walks in the fresh air, good nutrition. It contributes to the rapid recovery and normalization of well-being, supports the baby’s immunity and helps to normalize the number of lymphocytes in its blood.

According to the indications, among the medicaments used antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and other drugs, and if a complication in the form of a bacterial infection joins, it is necessary to give the child and antibiotics.
In case of leukocytosis, it is important to contact a pediatrician to rule out or start treatment for a serious pathology.
If lymphocytosis is a sign of a tumor process, the doctor’s tactics will be determined by the form of the neoplasm, its prevalence and activity. These children are recommended bed rest and limited contact with other people. Most often, they are prescribed chemotherapy, and in some cases, bone marrow transplantation.


To prevent an increase in lymphocytes in the blood of a child, parents should focus on strengthening the immune system of a daughter or son:

  • Provide your child with a balanced diet.
  • Encourage moderate exercise and sports.
  • To dress the child for the weather, not allowing hypothermia.
  • Do not allow the child to have bad habits.
  • Annually check the blood for timely detection of diseases.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


