How to lose weight nursing mother without harm to the child?


Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in the life of any woman. Nine months of magical waiting for the birth of a baby have a very strong impact on the woman's body. Many future mothers, being in an interesting position, try to eat for two. It is not at all surprising that after being discharged from the maternity hospital, they return from there with a whole “bunch” of extra kilos. Ahead of them waiting for a painful struggle with excess weight and the choice of a diet that will help.

Should I get rid of excess weight during GW?

With periodic overeating and permissible errors in nutrition, a woman can gain from 10 to 25 kg of extra pounds during the entire pregnancy. There are usually several reasons.

Future mother eats for herself and for the baby. A child, while in the tummy, can “demand” chocolate, chips, Russian salad and even pork shashlik (according to mom). A pregnant woman does not even realize that it is just her own desires, caused by hormonal imbalances.

In need of the supply of nutrients necessary for the full development of the body, the baby "asks" not specific foods, but specific amino acids and proteins. They are required for the qualitative construction of all future organs of the baby. If a pregnant woman wants pork kebab - this signals that in her body, most likely, there is not enough polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is more useful in this case to eat not pork, but a handful of almonds or walnuts. You can add a little more vegetable oil to your menu. Many fill them with salads.

Experts recommend that expectant mothers be sure to monitor weight gain throughout pregnancy. Norm - not more than 6 kilograms.

If the hated kilograms appeared and have not gone away after giving birth, you should choose for yourself the best way to lose weight, which will help restore the lost shape. Many mothers ask themselves: is it possible to start losing weight while breastfeeding? The answer is simple: of course you can. However, there is only one way to do this: a proper balanced diet.

Lactation is a great time to instill eating habits broken during pregnancy. Mom's milk is the only nutritious product that the baby receives before the introduction of complementary foods. If the mother breaks the diet and eat harmful foods, the child may have a whole bunch of different diseases: from atopic dermatitis to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Special features

In order to properly lose weight without harm to their own health (and for the baby), a nursing mother must strictly adhere to the rules of healthy eating.

If a sufficient amount of protein does not enter the body of a nursing woman, muscle tissue will be used to replenish its reserves. Fat at the same time remain in place. A big mistake is that women at this time significantly reduce the caloric content of their daily diet. They naively believe that in this way will be able to lose weight. This belief is erroneous.

For the body, reducing calories is stress. Adipose tissue - a reliable reserve reserve. He spends it at the very least, "giving away" the first muscle and removing water.

Reducing caloric intake of nursing mother is strictly prohibited! Lactation is a physiologically energy-intensive process.This is necessary so that the baby gets all the necessary nutrients from mom's milk. If breast milk is poor in composition, the baby begins to lag behind in development and does not grow.

Moms who want to lose weight during breastfeeding should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Do not limit the calorie intake. Your daily rate is 3000 kcal per day. Scientists have proved that it is with such a caloric ration that breast milk will be sufficiently full for feeding a baby.
  2. Eat squirrels at every meal. An excellent option could be a bird (with the exception of ducks and geese). They have too much fat. You can eat lean fish, lean beef. It is better to refuse pork for a while. It contains too much saturated fat, which does not contribute to weight loss.
  3. Try to reduce carbohydrate intake. Lactating mothers fit cereal cereals. Rarely can you afford pasta from durum wheat (but not more than 1 time per week). Choose low-fat sauces for them. You can make a mushroom or vegetable. Try to eat carbohydrates in the morning. Until the evening they will have time to burn, not leaving extra pounds.
  4. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables. Diversify your menu with various salads from fresh vegetables and greens. It can also be an excellent snack before the main meal. Place on zucchini, cabbage or cucumbers. They have enough fiber, which will help to remove all the excess from the body. Regular consumption of vegetables will contribute to the development of healthy microflora in the intestines of a child.
  5. Eat fresh dairy products daily. Give your preference products with a low percentage of fat. You can add to your diet kefir, yogurt, bifidok or ryazhenka. A great source of protein will be cottage cheese. Choose it no more than 5% fat. If your baby has an individual intolerance to milk, it is better to limit the consumption of fermented milk products for the entire period of breastfeeding. When lactase deficiency shown dairy-free diet.

How to quickly restore the form?

To quickly restore the lost shape after childbirth, remember a few basic rules:

  • Nursing moms need fats! They are necessary for the excellent functioning of the nervous system. With a lack of fat, mommy can quickly become overworked, she has mood swings. Begin to grow bad hair and nails. Women usually perceive this as a lack of calcium and try to eat more dairy products, but do not notice the effect. In this case, you should include more nuts in the diet, season salads with olive or vegetable oil. A good option is salmon. Confectionery, cakes, pastries should be excluded. They will contribute to weight gain, and not at all vegetable oil, which you fill your vegetable salad.
  • Lactating mother eats only the right sweets. These include jams and preserves made at home. They should put less sugar than usual. You can also use dried fruit. Eat them instead of dessert with tea after the main meal. Regular consumption of dried fruits will help to maintain a good mood and enrich the body with all the minerals necessary for female beauty!
  • Nursing mother eats only natural products. No chemistry! All chemical additives that are present in various industrially prepared products can cause allergic reactions in a child. Products with chemical additives often contain flavor enhancers. With frequent use, they are able to stimulate the appetite, slowing down the feeling of fullness. Having a high calorie content, they easily cause the accumulation of unwanted pounds.
  • Nursing mother eats tasty and varied. Any monotonous diet ultimately leads to a lack of essential body nutrients.Every day, high-quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be fed into the body of a nursing mother. Such a combination is necessary for a good and high-quality composition of breast milk. Nutrient deficiencies have a detrimental effect on the child’s body. He does not have enough energy for growth and full development.

Weight loss for moms at home sometimes becomes a difficult task. Many women can not choose a diet that would help to quickly lose kilograms. Often they choose fast methods that promise rapid weight loss.

It is important to remember that the period of breastfeeding is no less important period for the development and growth of the baby. It is at this time that the child begins to grow rapidly, develops. He can get all the substances necessary for vital processes only from mother's milk.

When choosing the right method, remember that experts believe that the combination of a healthy diet and moderate physical exertion is the key to successful weight loss. Active walks with a stroller in the fresh air will be an excellent easy way of aerobic exercise for moms with babies.

Hypoallergenic Diet

During lactation, everything that mom eats is transmitted through milk to the baby. It should be well understood that products that are safe for an adult organism can cause strong allergic reactions in a baby's body.

One of the options for a hypoallergenic diet during lactation can be viewed in the video issue.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends moms during breastfeeding follow hypoallergenic diet. This will prevent the development of allergies in the child.

And in the next issue, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all about breastfeeding.

Forbidden products include:

  • All brightly colored berries. This may be forest strawberries, cherries, red grapes.
  • All fruits that grow outside the region of residence. This, for example, kiwi or mango. Bananas and dates should be limited. The safest experts believe fruits grown in the country of residence. In Russia, it is garden apples or pears. It is better to give preference to green fruit. They almost can not cause allergic reactions.
  • Do not abuse vegetables yellow and red (for example, tomatoes, carrots or pumpkin). They are quite useful, as they contain a large amount of vitamin A. However, they can cause diathesis or an allergic reaction in a child.
  • Limit your legumes and eggplants in your diet. They can cause colic and indigestion in the baby.

To reduce the risk of developing allergic rashes in your child during lactation, carefully plan your daily menu. During snacks, it is not allowed to use chocolate bars or candy. This will only complicate the process of losing weight and can cause severe allergies in the child. Replace sweets and pastries with homemade jam or pear jam with wholegrain bread. Any dairy product is also perfect as a snack. This may be yogurt or kefir with a low percentage of fat.

The basis of nutrition for nursing mothers on a hypoallergenic diet is high-quality lean meat products, non-allergenic vegetables and cereals. From meat products prefer turkey, chicken or lean fish. Beef eat no more than once a week. Seafood during breastfeeding is undesirable, as they can significantly increase the risk of developing atopic dermatitis in a child.

Eat a wholegrain cereal or grain porridge for breakfast. This will charge the body with energy without harming the baby. Try to put in the porridge no more than 1 teaspoon of butter. This is quite enough to meet the daily need for saturated fats.

Mothers who give birth to premature babies in their diet should pay great attention to protein foods. They will help the child grow up quickly, catching up with peers who were born on time. Try to include in each meal 1-2 types of different proteins (for example, meat cutlet with boiled green beans for a side dish). It will be a wonderful dinner with a double serving of protein.

Diet for colic and diathesis

The appearance of colic is a very frequent occurrence during breastfeeding. At least once in a lifetime, every mother of the infant has been confronted with this problem.

The appearance of colic in a child is provoked by various factors. However, the most common cause is a disorder in the diet of a nursing mother. It is worth remembering that all the products that can cause soreness in the tummy of the baby, the mother passes the baby through breast milk.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell about the nutrition of the nursing mother and colic in the child.

What products are best limited to prevent colic?

Often, baby’s colic and discomfort can be caused by legumes, cabbage, black bread, large quantities of fruits or vegetables. The body of the child is very sensitive to any effects of such products.

It should also completely eliminate the use of sausages, frankfurters and other meat delicacies. They may contain a large number of artificial additives and dyes, which also easily provoke colic in a baby.

When the baby has red itchy spots on the skin after feeding, pay attention to what you had the day before on the menu. You may have eaten a slice of orange or a tomato salad. For the occurrence of an allergic reaction is enough to eat quite a bit. This amount is enough to cause diathesis in the baby.

If you have noticed that after some eaten product, an itchy rash appeared in the baby, immediately eliminate this food from your diet. The child should be given enterosorbent. Suitable activated carbon, "Smecta" or "Enterosgel».

Be sure to show the child to the doctor. You may need additional testing for allergic pathology.

To restore the form lost during pregnancy, be patient. Quick results (loss of 10-15 kilograms per month) should not be expected. Such a weight loss can only harm the mother and baby. Proper healthy eating will help restore the body after pregnancy and return to excellent shape.

How to lose weight nursing mother without harm to the child, you can see in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


