Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of cystitis in children


There is no such child who has not got cystitis at least once in his life. For some, this very unpleasant disease is a frequent visitor. The painful pain when urinating gives the children great suffering. But the advice of Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky, a popular pediatrician and author of books on children's health, will help save children from this.

About the disease

Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and the mucous membrane of the bladder, which sometimes extends to the urinary tract. Most often at the beginning of the inflammatory process "guilty" intestinal bacteria. According to medical statistics, cystitis is 5-6 times more common in girls than in boys. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the urinary canal: in girls it is shorter, so the bacteria have time to go to the bladder much more efficiently and with less loss.

Cystitis in children is acute and chronic.

It becomes chronic if the correct treatment has not been provided to the child in the acute stage. It is difficult to miss and not notice cystitis - the child will definitely report on his unpleasant feelings.

Difficulties with the diagnosis is only in infants. They are sick with cystitis as many older children, but they can’t say anything, and moms will write off constant crying for anything: teeth that are cut, infantile colic, hunger, cold or heat, a bad mood of a baby . Meanwhile, the true cause of this behavior will remain unknown, and acute cystitis will quickly develop into chronic.


Manifestations of cystitis are quite characteristic and specific. In children of any age they are the same:

  • severe cutting pain when urinating, especially after the end of the process;
  • the frequency of urination increases, and the amount of urine decreases;
  • the color of urine is turbid, sometimes it is possible to see blood impurities in it;
  • sometimes observed by fever;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • appearance of cutting pain in the lower abdomen in the center.

Mothers of infants should be especially careful with babies: the only symptom for which they can suspect cystitis in babies is an increase in crying immediately after urination.

The reasons

The most common cause of childhood cystitis is hypothermia. Moreover, if a child walks around the house or even on the street barefoot, he has almost no chance of getting cystitis, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But everything changes when the crumb tries to sit on the floor on the floor, on the ground, on a cold stone. The vessels of this part of the body are not narrowed, as it happens at the feet, the loss of heat becomes rapid.

Another cause of the disease - violation of the rules hygiene, as a result of which it becomes possible for intestinal bacteria to enter the urinary tract. The development of diseases contributes to weakened immunity, kidney disease and drug allergy, in which cystitis occurs as a reaction to taking certain medications.


Treat cystitis is a must, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Attempting to wait until everything goes away is a bad tactic. It is even worse to start treating bladder inflammation with the help of folk remedies. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate.

At the first signs of cystitis, Komarovsky advises you to consult a doctor, who will ask you to pass urine for analysis.

Bacterial seeding will allow you to understand which microbe or fungus caused the damage to the bladder. After that, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotics, effective precisely against this particular pathogen.

Diuretic preparations are also likely to be prescribed, because the more often the child will defecate, the more pathogens will leave his body along with the urine. In connection with the appointment of diuretics, it is reasonable to give the child a warm drink as much as possible: compotes, fruit drinks, broth of parsley, tea will work well. The liquid should not be cold and hot: only when its temperature approaches body temperature, the liquid begins to be absorbed and absorbed much faster.

At the time of treatment should be abandoned spicy, salty, pickled foods, spices, sour berries and fruits, carbonated drinks.

At home, mothers can carry out local procedures for a child - put him in a warm bath to relieve pain. The temperature of the water should not exceed 36-37 degrees. If you overheat the inflamed bladder, the pathological process will only worsen.

In acute cystitis, which occurs with fever, it is desirable for the child to provide bed rest.


Do not sit on the cold, do not supercool (it is irrelevant to walking barefoot).

Teach a child to wash properly, and babies properly wash. This is especially important for little girls - they must be washed under the running water from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa. Boys should not be flushed with soap, opening the foreskin spontaneously - a chemical burn can cause not only cystitis, but also diseases that are much more serious.

It is necessary to increase children's immunity. This should not be done with different tablets and syrups produced by pharmacists, but hardening, proper nutrition rich in vitamins, regular walks.

More information about the treatment of cystitis in children, you will learn from the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


